
3rd POV 

At last, Izumi was forced to clean the dorms up. Shota got a report from a birdie that she is not doing her chores like she is supposed to, and he threatened her to be expelled if she still insisted on acting like a brat.


One week had passed since then, and everyone had kept their eyes on Izuku to keep him from passing out again. He is allowed to cook, but Katsuki needs to help him as much as he can. The chores had been split up evenly so that Izuku wouldn't have a reason to do them.

Right now, they are in class, and Shota is talking about the internship. Izumi was back to class, which made the class groaned that she was back, but they practically ignored her nevertheless. Shota showed the internship requests, and Izuku had the highest amount from the pros.

"What?! Izuku got the most requests?" The class gawked at the amount, even Izuku's shocked. He didn't even join the sports festival, so why?

"As expected, our angel." Eijirou teased the boy and nudged him lightly.

"But I didn't join the sports event?" Izuku asked, still confused.

"The pros are interested in you, and even Hawks submitted his request." Shota said, making the class gawked even more.

"The current number one hero? Hawks? It's amazing Izuku!" Denki exclaimed while he hugged the boy, suffocating the poor angel.

"Stop! You are going to kill him!" Katsuki said, pulling the two away to give the boy some oxygen.

"Sorry, Izu~." Denki apologized, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"It's okay, Denki," Izuku said, ruffling the taller's hair.

Shota placed the requests on Izuku's table, stacking them as Izuku stared at the documents. Even if he stood on the chair, he couldn't reach the top, so he flew his way up. Even though his mind already has someone that he wanted to intern with.

When he was still reading the documents, his phone suddenly rang. The sudden sound coming from his pocket results in Izuku startling himself in the process and nearly causing him to fall down. He carefully looks around his surrounding; Shota is asleep, and Iida is distracted, so he picks up the phone and hears a familiar voice, making him smile slightly.


"Hello to you too Tomura." Now, the class hearing their conversation while Izuku flew back down to his seat.

"I told you to call me Tenko, didn't I?" The other line whined, making the students to be surprised at how childish the villain really is.

"Yes, yes, Tenko, now why did you call? Miss me already~?"

"You don't even come visit me anymore! Of course, I missed my gaming partner... When are you coming? Did someone bother you? Let me beat their ass up." Izuku heard shuffling on the other line and Kurogiri trying to calm the young master down.

"I will come soon, and you don't have to beat anyone up because the bitch had gotten her ass beat by Uncle, so you don't need to worry." Izuku chuckled.

"Good. I am not in the mood to kill someone." The class sweatdropped. Shigaraki seemed to be protective of Izuku. But they are curious about their relationship, isn't he supposed to be a villain?

"Tenko. What did I say about killing someone?" Izuku's tone is scary, which made the class who are eavesdropping shivered.

"To not kill anyone." Tenko murmured.

"Exactly. Anyway, I will see you soon. Just get the game ready and we can hang out."

"Yep! You better come fast! No one is playing with me, and I am bored."

"Okay, okay, you baby." Izuku teased.

"I'm not a baby!"

"You act like one."

"I am older than you!"


The call lasted for a few more minutes, and Izuku hung up, noticing the silent class as he raised his brows. He placed the documents on the floor, separating them, and then someone spoke up;

"How are you close with the villain?" Jirou asked

"Tomura? I would say he is a baby trapped in an adult's body more than a scary villain to me." Izuku shrugged.

"Are you saying that you are a villain now, bitch?" Izumi scoffed.

"At least he didn't bully others like you. He had a rough past, and the wrong person just had to save him." Izuku retorted, silently muttering under his breath, "Symbol of peace my ass." Izuku retorted.

The class are left speechless; Izuku is friends with a villain, and they look like they are good friends. The thought sets down a heavy feeling in the guts, but as long as the villain didn't hurt the angel, then they're fine. Izuku seemed to know what he was doing, so he let him be.

"Let me guess, you are going to save him from whoever is manipulating him to be a villain now?" Katsuki said, arms crossed.

"Absolutely! 100 points for you, Kacchan!" Izuku clapped happily.

"No offense, but Izu, isn't that too dangerous?" Denki said, slightly worrying about his crush.

"I will still help him. He doesn't deserve it." Izuku said, gaze soft.

"We trust you, Izuku. Be a hero to him, and help him." Shoto said, slightly patting his back.

Izuku beamed, and he had to talk to Shota about a specific topic. He found out something about the villain, and he hoped his uncle would help him with this. He is sure that he will be happy to hear about the news.

"So who are you going to intern with, Izu?" Hitoshi asked, slightly curious.

"Hawks, obviously." Izuku replied, eyeing Shoto, who had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he returned the gesture.

"I see where you are going Izuku, I like your idea~" Mina caught on, joining the two of them.

"Exactly Mina~ They are so awkward my heart hurts from watching." Shoto sighed dramatically.

"I know right!" Izuku exclaimed, frustrated. The class was still confused about what they were doing, but they just shrugged their weird behaviour off, knowing they were probably being goofy like usual, that's all.

And then Auntie Nemuri slammed the door open, shocking Shota, who was sleeping on the floor. Hizashi immediately went to Shota, who seemed like wanting the floor to swallow him right now and then.

"Izuku!" Hizashi exclaimed while Auntie Nem waved him as he waved back.

"Hello, what are you two doing here?" Izuku asked.

"It's time for you to pick your hero name, and your uncle here, sucks with it." Midnight said.

"I picked his hero name for him!" Hizashi said proudly.

"Alright, let's settle down and all of you can write down your hero name on the board that would be distributed later. I will be the judge to see if they fit." Nemuri said as Hizashi distributed the boards.

Izuku thought for a bit; he wanted to use his vigilante name because it is easier. And besides, he's lazy to think of a new name.

"Auntie Nem? Can I use my vigilante name?"

"I don't see the problem with it. Flash seemed cool too." Nemuri approved.

Izuku nodded and wrote down his name, waiting for the others to finish as Midnight called out the ones done. Izuku went up and showed his choice of name.

"The Angel Hero: Flash"

The class and Midnight approved since the name suits him. Both personality and appearance-wise, he sat back down, and Katsuki went next. Midnight facepalmed at his choice of name and told him to think again. Izuku perked up and approached the spiky blonde.

"Kacchan, what about Dynamite? Since you are like explosion and stuff, I think the name would suit you."

Katsuki agreed with his choice and walked up again. This time Nemuri approved at the name, and he happily thanked Izuku. At this point, everyone except Izumi has a hero name. Not that Nemuri is playing favourites, but her name is ridiculous and made everyone cringed.

At last, the bell rang and signalled the school ended. Everyone packed their things up, and they were excited about the internship. Izuku is happily walking with his friends until his parents decide that it's a good idea to ruin his day.

"Izuku." He stopped, the group stared at the hero duo warily, and Izuku's grip on Hitoshi's hand showed how much he didn't want to be here.

"What do you want." The angel replied-more as he mumbled. His other hand searched for comfort and found Shoto's hand, holding them tightly as he glared at the heroes.

"Don't be rude to your mother, Izuku" All Might glare at him.

"Didn't I told you that you lost the right to call me that? And how many times did I have to say to you? You abandoned me since 4, so you are not my parents anymore."

"How dare you! We gave you a place to live you ungrateful brat!" Inko exclaimed, making the students are watching the scene now.

"And I raised myself alone! You never cooked for me, cared for me, or even bothered to ask how my day went! I limped my way home from your precious daughter's beating everyday, but you don't even bat an eye to it! At least Kacchan felt guilty, but you? How shameless are you to claim that you did everything for me? I had to do everything myself, including earning my own money at the age of 9! Have you ever cared? NO! So do me a favor, and fuck off, or I will do it myself."

Izuku finished his rant and stormed through the two heroes. The group following close behind, and they bumped into the heroes purposely, making them stumble.

The students in the hallway who were watching had their phones out, recording everything. They now knew the hidden facade of the heroes, and their reputation had gone down once again. Everyone disapproved of their actions, and some of them even started to boycott them.


Back at Izuku.

He is in his room, angry tears running down his cheeks and his wings are out; they are now a dark shade of grey. His friends tried to calm him down, and Katsuki downstairs, making hot chocolate and getting some snacks.

Izuku finally broke down in Hitoshi's shoulders, his sobs sound heart wrenching as they tried to calm the angel down, trying not to cry themselves. His wings turned into a lighter shade of grey and eventually back to white as they disappeared again, leaving his back exposed.

Katsuki is back with hot chocolate in his hands with some of Izuku's favourite snacks. He texted Alice about the encounter with Izuku's parents, and the girl apologized for not be able to come because the cafe is busy at the moment, and she felt guilty. The explosive blonde then waved her off and told her to call him later, ending the text immediately.

"Hey, Izu? I brought you some hot chocolate..."

The said boy slowly turned himself to face Katsuki. His eyes and nose were red as he sniffed softly. Katsuki placed the mug on the table and wrapped the boy in a blanket since the temperature was cold and the crying boy was exposed. He certainly didn't want him to get a cold.

Denki opened his arms again, and Izuku instantly dived into his arms, sighing in content as Eijirou softly caressed his hair. Shoto took his laptop and turned the power on, finding some good movies to watch and placed them on a table. The rest of them got comfortable as they watched the movie.

Izuku was knocked out in the middle of the movie, snuggling into Denki more as he snored softly, earning some coos from the boy.

Everyone decided to let Denki sleep with him that night, Izuku didn't want to let go of him, and the boy was more than happy to stay. The rest of them wished the angel good night and left his room, cleaning up the mess before that. 

a/n: I'm alive, unfortunately... But I have a solid reason why I didn't update these days, and it's because of the tests are keeping me busy to study... 

AND I SWEAR IF THERE IS MORE CHEMISTRY CLASSES THIS WEEKEND I'M GONNA THROW UP! Sorry, but yeah, you probably know what happened during the weeks I disappeared. 


I decided to post today is because I will be having a whole week off next week before continuing my tests on Monday, and again, CHEMISTRY!  

Also, does anyone ever experience numbness on the thumb? I practically can't feel my thumb so I typed on my computer for this, and the pain is uncomfy ffs. Well, anyway, I just watched the first mha movie, and if I say that Izuku and Melissa looked good with each other, will it be weird? Idk, I just feel like they suited each other lol. 

So, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I have no promises when my next update will be, but maybe I will write them tomorrow if I had time. 

BEFORE I FORGET! Thank you so much for the votes and comments on my story, I appreciated them a lot. Although I didn't really replied to your comments, I loved reading them but I don't know how to reply since I am a fucking awkward person. If you can't tell. 

Love you all <3
