
Hello guys! I may or may not just published a new story when I didn't even complete the other one, I actually debated on publishing this one but I decided to just fuck it. 

So, I guess I hope you enjoy this story, even though it's quite crappy.. 

Remember! Eat something and drink water! 

Now back to the story:


3rd POV

"You can't be a hero!" 

"Useless Deku!" 

"Take a swan dive off the roof already!"

Izuku Yagi was seen getting beaten by none other than his own older twin sister and childhood bestfriend, Izumi Yagi and Katsuki Bakugou. His life had turned into the worst after the doctor's quirk appointment, his parents neglected him and he is being bullied. 

You see, Izuku here wanted to be a hero so bad even though he is quirkless, and his friends doesn't like that. They thought that he is useless and far too weak to be one, so they are pissed when they heard him saying that he will not give up on his dreams. 

Back to Izuku, Kacchan and Izumi are done with their beatings and insults, leaving the poor boy on the floor, dirty and full with bruises. He slowly picked himself off the ground and hissed from the pain, before making his way back home. 

Home is not that great either, his parents fully ignored him and acted as if he was never born to begin with. Because of that, Izuku learned to do things all by himself. That includes cooking, cleaning his injuries, doing his own laundries and he even got a part time job for money because his parents never bothered to even gave him pocket money to survive. 

But Izuku never gave up because during the doctor's appointment, the doctor had said something to him after his mother left with his sister, not bothering to even wait for him. 


"Your daughter have a Telekinesis quirk, the stronger version of your quirk, ma'am. However, your son is quirkless, I'm sorry." 

His mother didn't spare him a single glance and she keep on praising her daughter with a proud look on her face. His mother took Izumi out of the room after thanking the doctor, completely ignoring Izuku who are having tears sliding down to his face. 

The doctor shot him a sympathetic look, before she remembered something that she forgot to tell the mother before. 

"Hey Izuku? I forgot to tell you this but, don't ever give up okay? You still have the potential to develop a quirk but they will arrive a little bit late, so cheer up child." The doctor gave him a small gentle smile and Izuku looked up to him with crystal eyes, still brimming in tears. 

"R-Really doctor? I can be a hero?" 

"Absolutely! You will be the best hero out there, I believe in you!" 

"Thank you doctor!" Izuku smiled his one million dollar smile, making the doctor's heart clench and holding back a squeal. 

Izuku then bowed to the doctor and make his way home, realizing his mother had left and leave him alone. That doesn't matter because Izuku is a smart boy, he remembered the route home so he walked all the way there, his face having a small smile when he remembered the doctor's words. 

After he arrived home, his family ignored him as they are having a party for his sister, he quietly make way upstairs, not wanting to disturb their moment. 

Flashback ends

Today was no better, his parents didn't acknowledge his presence when he arrived home all bruised up and he make his way to his room, limping. 

~The next day~

The class had ended and it's time to go home, Izuku is the last to pack up his things when his bullies approached him, scowl obvious on their faces. 

"Do you still want to be a hero? Deku." 

Katsuki spat the nickname to the shorter boy, although his eyes hold a different emotion that Izuku can't make out, making him cower a little bit before replying;


That made the two of them even more angry, at least what Izuku thought they are. Izumi used her quirk to slam Izuku to the wall, Katsuki pinned the boy and used his quirk on the said boy's shoulders, burning them. Izuku didn't make any sound of distress, seeing that he had gotten used to this. 

"Remember my words Deku, give up on being a hero." Izumi said, malice dripping from her voice and her gaze hold disgust to her own brother, not feeling the tiniest guilt.

With that, they leave Izuku on the floor, wondering what did he do to receive this kind of treatment. He shrugged the thought off and he started to make way home, his body aching as he kept walking. 


"I want you to inherit my powers." 

Izuku was holding his mouth in his hands, holding back a gasp as he just saw All Might transformed into his skeleton form, revealing his father.

He was behind the walls, hearing the story of One For All and how his father wanted Izumi to take it. Izuku was angry-no, he was livid. His father was offering one of his bullies to inherit his quirk and become the next symbol of peace, Izuku scoffed at that. 

The short boy sped walk to his house, not wanting to hear any of his father's bullshit anymore and start to pack all his things including all of the money he earned from his part time job. All of his All Might posters were torn down, leaving his room a mess. 

He silently hoped that his uncles and aunties won't be too sad about his disappearance, although he is sure that they will be devastated but he promise that he will come back in the future. He just need some break from this toxic environment.

Izuku jumped down from his window, landing gracefully on the grass. He took off and ran, knowing a place he could crash before finding a place to stay. He decided that not all heroes are what he thought they are, he will show what a true hero is. 


"So you are telling me that you ran away from home?!" Alice, Izuku's manager asked him with a worried voice, surprised that the boy actually did ran away. 

Alice is one of the people who knew about his home condition, Izuku had told her when she accidentally found him with bruises on his body. She is the only person that accept him for work because he is very reliable, considering his age at that time. 

"Yeah, I can't deal with them anymore. So will you let me crash here for the night? I promise I will find a place later." Izuku plead. 

His manager sighed, there is no way she will let the boy to live alone or letting him sleep on the streets. Even if he is very smart, he is still a 12 year old kid! 

"Listen here, I will not and never let you live on your own so you will stay with me, although I am a bit worried about your parents though. What if they come search for you?" Izuku scoffed at that. 

"They will not even notice I am home or not so it's fine. Thanks by the way, I'll try to find a place later."

"Nope! You will stay here, you are not finding a place and live alone. It's too dangerous, plus I am too lonely living alone anyway. Having a company like you doesn't sound so bad." Izuku grinned, Alice is the only person that never judged him despite being quirkless, hence why he is so comfortable around her. 

They make their way to Alice's house, it's not that far from the cafe and it is nice for someone that lived alone. Alice bring Izuku to his room and the latter started to unpack his things, he opened his laptop and set up a bank account, before he plop himself on his bed. 

His room is different from before, no posters hanging on his walls and it have a warm feeling, making Izuku to feel tired and fell asleep. 


The Yagi household is not even aware of the boy's disappearance, they never noticed his presence when he is home so there is nothing really different then before. 

Inko is cooking dinner and the 3 of them sat together to eat. The fourth chair was left empty but they never questioned it. Tomorrow is Izumi's birthday and they are throwing a birthday party for her, inviting the heroes and her friends. 

They had made a big mistake yet they didn't notice, and they called themselves heroes. Iconic.


Katsuki is on his bed, thinking about the sentence he said to his smaller friend earlier, he keeps on wondering, why did he even bullied the boy? When did it started? He didn't even hate the boy for being quirkless. 

Izumi said that Izuku is weak, hence why he doesn't deserve to be friends with them, but Katsuki keep on getting these weird feelings around the broccoli boy, what is this feeling? But he knows that this feeling is not what they normally feel with 'friends', it's something more than that. 

He decided to apologize to Izuku tomorrow, since his family is throwing a party so he will be there right? He never liked to beat the boy up anyway, he thought as he slept, dreaming about a certain broccoli boy.
