
3rd POV 

It's night at the dorms, Izuku is done with his room's decoration and he is thirsty. He went down to the common room and found his old bullies on the couch, doing who knows what. It's actually Izumi keep bothering Katsuki and the latter is seconds away from blowing her face off.

Izuku ignored them and went straight to the kitchen, taking a glass of water and suddenly felt hungry. He thought on what he could make as he rummages around the fridge. Then he found the perfect ingredients to make his favorite food, Katsudon! 

He knew that it's late, but he is hungry so who cares right? Izuku started to cook and then suddenly the class came down to see his cooking. They are amazed, Izuku's coffee is the best and now he could cook? 


Izuku said teasingly and the class nodded, their saliva almost dripping down their mouth as they watched the ex-vigilante cook. 

"Wait for a bit, they will be done soon." They scramble around the dining area, taking their seats as they waited. 

For sure, not long after that the meal was served. They tasted the meal and was impressed, it is one hell great Katsudon! 

"When did you learn to cook, Izuku?" Uraraka asked him, still impressed. 

"If you are being neglected your whole life, then you will learn to survive the hard way."

His nonchalant reply made the class to stop eating and stare at the boy, he had gave small hints about his not-so-good past and to say that they are angry will be an understatement. Hitoshi only patted the boy's back softly, knowing that the boy doesn't like being pitied. 

"Anyone want coffee and chill?" Izuku broke the silence and changed the topic. He stood up and make his way to the counter again, the dishes are dumped into the sink and he washed them.


"Izuku's coffee is the best!" 

"Of course!"

That made the mood lighter, not for the duo though. Katsuki thought it's time and stood up, harshly yanking Izumi's arm around his and slowly make way to the kitchen. Izumi was caught off guard and fell face first on the couch, making the guys and girls snicker at her pathetic attempt.

"Oi nerd"

"What now Bakugou"

The loss of nickname made Katsuki flinch, where is Kacchan?

"What happened to Kacchan?" 

"The nickname died ever since I ran, Bakugou. Now what do you want?" 

Izuku's back faced the Pomeranian, his long hair was left untied and he is wearing a simple hoodie and shorts. Katsuki gulped down his saliva when he saw the smooth thighs of his old friend, but then composed himself. 

"Where did you go this past 3 years? I am worried for you." The shorter boy snorted at his awkward attempt. 

"Worried? Why? I thought you hated me?" His reply was so bitter and it made Katsuki's heart hurt once again. 

"I- I didn't! I never did! I just-" 

"You just what, Katsuki? Are you implying that you bullied me because you are worried for me? Don't get me laugh Katsuki, I just wanted to hear a simple word from you and then we can start over again" Izuku turned to leave but then a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist. 

"I'm sorry."

"Come again?"

"I am sorry for bullying you, I know there is no solid reason for me to bully you but trust me! My stupid past self is just too scared to admit it and ended up lashing on you. I am so sorry Izuku..." 

Izuku could feel his shoulders are getting damp, so he turned to face the taller blonde and cupped his face, Katsuki's tears are still on his cheeks so he wiped them off. He then pulled him into a hug again and patted his back, slightly tip toeing to keep matching with his height. 

"It's okay now, I forgive you okay? Thank you for apologizing. Let's have a new start, how does that sounds?" 

Katsuki nodded his head against Izuku's shoulders, making it ticklish to the latter. He pulled away from the hug and extended his hands out;

"Hello, my name is Izuku! I hope we can be friends." Izuku smiled softly. Katsuki took his hands into his bigger ones, returning the gesture;

"Bakugou Katsuki, but call me Kacchan. We can be friends." 

With that they mended their friendship, Katsuki is lucky that the boy in front of him is too kind to even hate someone, so now they have started a new. 

The classmates that are hiding took a lot of photos, they never thought that the blonde aggressive Pomeranian would be tamed and Izumi stormed up to her room, sulking. They then ran to the common room again after a glare was sent to them, leaving the pair alone. 

Izuku finish up his drinks and brought them to the common room, Katsuki helping him. They set the drinks on the table and Katsuki immediately pulled the angel on his lap, he missed his friend so he wanted to make it up as much as possible. 

Izuku didn't mind it and Iida gave him a blanket to cover up his thighs, it is cold so the latter thought he would need it. One more reason is because it is kinda.... distracting and the boy's attention is on the angel's milky thighs. 

They have a movie marathon and Katsuki ended up sleeping, he always had a early sleeping schedule and the crying must have worn him out. After the movie ended, his friends requested a kiss on the cheek and he gladly complied, he thought that it is nothing but a friendly gesture. The boys blushed and the girls just face palmed, can they be more gay than this? 

Katsuki latched onto him the whole time when Izuku dragged him upstairs, Izuku is tired so he didn't think of using his quirk. The boys just watched in envy and got smacked in the head by the girls, telling them to get their shit together. 


The next day is a chaos, Izuku is screaming at everyone to wake up with a pan, with Iida's help as he prepared breakfast. The class groaned but then they shut up when the class angel shot them a glare so they ate breakfast, preparing for school. 

Izuku skipped his way to school after greeting Eri and Alice at the cafe, helping them to open the cafe. Touya is also helping, he had visited his mother yesterday and he is in a good mood, plus that his crush had been replying to his texts, thanks to Izuku. 

When he arrived, everyone is already in their seats and he realized he is last one there, he smiled sheepishly to his uncle and said that he is helping his family to open up the cafe. Shota nodded and told him to sit down. 

"As you all know, tomorrow will be the sports festival. I am hoping all of you are prepared and Izuku? Can you meet me outside for a while?" 

"Sure!" Izuku skipped his way out and avoided the feet that are stuck up, attempting to make him fall down and flipped a middle finger to his twin, making her scowl. 

"What do you want to talk about, uncle?" The students who passed by had stared at the oblivious boy, staring at his beauty as Shota sighed. 

"You do know that you will win in the sports festival right? Nezu said to exclude you out but I still wanted your opinion." 

"It's fine! I'm too lazy to attend a lousy festival anyway, so can I sit with Auntie Nem?"

"Of course." Shota smiled, and they both entered the classroom again, shocking the students with his smile so he quickly hide it, going straight to his sleeping bag and slept. 

"What did you talked about Izu?" Shoto asked. 

"Uncle said that I won't be attending because he said something like uncle Nezu thinks I will win so yeah." 

"You are the most powerful vigilante after all, so it is understandable." Denki praised. 

Izumi is fuming at this, she should be the one that is the best, she stood up and stomp her way to Izuku. The group was alerted but Izuku only told them to sit down, saying that he will handle this and shot Katsuki a look to calm down.

"You are being too cocky Deku! How are you so sure that you will win against me? I am the strongest here!" 

The class watched at the scene unfold, Izuku simply ignored her and talked to Hitoshi, making her angry even more.

"Don't you dare ignore me you bitch!" Izumi reached out to grab his hair when her hands suddenly can't move. 

Izuku used his quirk against her, he slowly turned to face her and a glare was obvious on his face. The glare had sent a cold chill down her spine, his wings appeared on his back and it is turning grey, signaling that he angry. 

"Sit your ass back down or this won't be pretty."

"Y-You think you will get away from this? I will tell dad about this and you will be expelled!"

Izuku laughed, the class widened their eyes. Izuku fucking laughed in this situation, he could get expelled but he looked so calm!

"Honey, did you forget that this class have CCTVs? Nezu is watching your every single move and heard everything, even if you run to your papa and begged, you can't escape." They can hear Nezu's sadistic laughter and they shivered. 

At last, Izumi stomp her way to her seat in humiliation, digging her head down her arms as she heard the class laughed. Katsuki made his way to Izuku and calmed him down, along with the 4 boys around him. His wings turned into white again and they disappeared, his shirt is torn so Eijirou gave him his blazer to cover it up. 

Do not mess with Izuku's temper. 

Katsuki is having a reflection towards his actions, he asked one of the classmates what 'swan dive of the roof' means and he is very shocked when he know the meaning. He had known that the sentence meant something bad but he never thought that Izumi would tell him to suicide bait her own brother! 

He swore that he will beat that bitch up for lying and manipulating him these whole years, he even apologized again for that and as usual, the angel forgave him and understood. He truly didn't deserve the boy yet here he is. 

The class went like usual, Katsuki is being more clingy and Izuku just let him while talking to his friends. They had asked him to train them later, which the angel had agreed easily. The 5 boys are having these romantic feelings to the angel, yet he didn't know it and they hoped it would stay that way. 

a/n: I'm sorry if the chapter is a bit rushed, also a bit cringy in another words :/ 

Hope you enjoy the chapter! Make sure to eat something, drink enough water and get some rest! Have a nice day :) 
