
3rd POV

Izuku is on his patrol for the night, stopping some muggers and disgusting rapists during his patrol and now he is flying across the city, his massive white wings make little to no sounds as he glide through the air.

He had sent a message through a letter to each of their houses, they still don't know about his quirk and he didn't want to risk it. Izuku watched each one of them opened the letter and some of them did shed a few tears, making him felt sad from watching.

Hitoshi and Eijirou had gone through the UA entrance exam and passed, making the vigilante to feel happy for them. Plus that electric boy Denki that he save from an abusive household a few days ago, also passed.

They started school 2 days ago, Touya had lived with him ever since and he told Hitoshi about his vigilante work, along with Touya. Eijirou still didn't know his real identity but they would meet up every now and then, talking about school or heroes on the rooftop while enjoying the coffee Izuku had made for both of them.

The cafe had been doing great, Hitoshi brought his friends to the cafe and made friends with Izuku, making them instantly click. Katsuki and Izumi was there too however, making Touya and Hitoshi to glare at the two of them and made Izuku chuckle, they both are so protective and it's cute. 

Flash's thought was cut off when he felt a cloth wrapped around his ankles, making him turn around and saw his uncle, on top of the rising pro hero, Hawks. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you again! Now if you keep on pulling on that cloth, I will fall you know? You didn't want your favorite vigilante to die now, don't you?"

Eraserhead grumbled when he realized Flash was right, however he wanted to talk to the vigilante, not wanting to start a fight whatsoever. 

"Fine, but can we talk for a bit? I wanted to say something to you." 

"Yeah, it's totally fine. Let's just land first then we will talk." 

The two heroes are surprised the vigilante agreed so quickly, they thought Flash would start a fight but now that is unnecessary. 

They discovered that the vigilante had wings from the slight movements in the cameras. White wings to be exact, that's why they recognized the vigilante despite the latter being so secretive about his own identity. 

Even in the records have no one that have white wings, that made them question even more about his real identity. Little did they know, Izuku had deleted his quirk data so he is technically still quirkless in the system. 

The three of them landed on a random roof top and Flash waited for the heroes to talk, he folded his arms in front of his chest, the heroes looked at each other before they started. 

"So Flash, we had known that you helped a lot of people and you seemed young to be a vigilante, considering your height....." Hawks trailed off, but Flash caught them perfectly.

"Hey! I am not that short okay! I am just growing you chicken wings!" 

The heroes didn't expect the vigilante to be so..... childish. They thought Flash is a professional adult that is like, short but powerful, but the thought was proved wrong and the chimera was right once again. Shota was reminded of his nephew as he listened to them arguing, the tight feeling make way to his heart again but he pushed it down.

"You had wings too..." 

"And you are like chicken!" 

The two winged figure are arguing back and forth, causing the tired man to sigh, it is getting no where and they have a message to deliver to Flash. 

"Now stop, both of you. We have a message for the vigilante, did you forgot that Hawks?" Shota facepalmed, wanting to go home already. 

"Oh yeah, sorry." Hawks replied sheepishly, still glaring at Flash and being petty. 

"What message? Are you going to catch me?" Flash tilted his head, completely ignoring the chicken nugget beside him. 

"Nezu wanted to meet you, and if you would accept, we would want you to join our new rehab program. Maybe you could be a licensed hero and continue your hero work, the heroes wanted to meet you, so what do you say?" 

"I am honored, maybe I will think about it and tell you later. I am curious though, aren't you supposed to like, catch me and throw me into prison or something?" His tone sounded like he didn't care if he got caught, he would like to see his parent's reaction as he smirked.

"That, the thing is, the citizens had come to love you so if we were to catch and place you into prison, the situation won't be pretty. Plus it'd not like you have done anything bad exactly, except for illegal public quirk usage. And if I may ask, how old are you exactly?" 

"You will found out soon! I have to go, tell Kirishima and Kaminari a hi for me, I missed them. I'll see you two again, bye!" 

With that Flash flew away, not before giving a childish retort to the red winged hero, making Hawks stuck his tongue out and Eraserhead sighed because of how childish they both are. 

Shota had one thought in mind though, how did Flash knew his students? 

What Shota didn't know that, Flash had saved more people and most of them are in his class, making him a hot topic for class 1A. If he were to join class A, they would be more than thrilled to see the vigilante that once saved their lives. 


Flash worked his ass off the week and he finished the report on Endeavour's case. He done his research and had gotten the proof, there is no way he wouldn't win if the hero bring the case to court. 

He flew his way to the police station and dropped the thick report, containing a USB that had a video as a proof and he flew away. Not before he stick a cute note on his detective uncle's desk, and smiled softly. 

Now Shoto and Touya will be free from their dad's wrath, he couldn't wait for the man to smile happily when he found out his good for nothing father was thrown into prison. Shoto would be saved too, he had suffered so much that Izuku felt so bad for the boy. 

Tsukauchi make way to his desk again after getting his coffee, noticing a thick report and a USB placed neatly on his desk, a note was placed on top;

"Thank me later <3, 

your favorite vigilante, Flash." 

There are cute drawings on the sentences and made the detective to chuckle at the vigilante's antics. As much as the vigilante loved to cause problems, they had helped the heroes and police department so much and they are thankful for them. 

He flipped open the thick document and read the report thoroughly, surprised at the content inside, he had suspected the number 2 hero to be short tempered but isn't this a little bit too much? 

Before it is the number one and number five heroes, now it is the number 2 hero? How corrupted the heroes are? If these are to spread to public, the trust that the citizens have in the heroes will crumble down for sure. 

Tsukauchi is angry, he placed the report down and plugged the USB on his laptop, now the video is just making everything worse. The burning flame of trash didn't what's coming after him and the detective is excited to see what will happen, maybe this will be a lesson for everyone out there. (cough Yagi cough)

He dialed the number of his friends, except a certain blonde hero and informed them about the new case to investigate. All of them had quickly make their way to the police station, watching the videos and read through the reports. 

They immediately sprung into action. Shota bring Shoto to talk privately and the latter is shocked to see the footage of his father beating the crap out of him was on tape. The look on his face shown years of trauma, making the hero pity the boy. 

At last, he confirmed the case and they brought Rei to questioning too. Shoto is very thankful to the one that had done this, which the heroes had informed him it's the vigilante.

Shoto even told the heroes that his big brother, Touya is missing and they have no idea where he is. The heroes reassure him and said that they will find him soon but in fact, they too are not certain if they could find him. The case on Izuku had gone cold and they have a new case of a missing person. 

With that, Endeavour was sentenced minimum 10 years in prison with no convictions and his hero license are revoked forever. The flaming piece of trash had the audacity to protest and even dared to threatened his now ex-family, making the vigilante to snort. 

Did I mentioned he hacked into the security cameras? Yeah now I did.

Touya hugged the smaller tightly, tears flowed freely onto his cheeks as he thanked his friend repeatedly, Izuku only patted him softly and the older finally passed out from exhaustion. (the amount of -ly in this sentence rhymed)

The Todoroki family are now under Rei's custody, they changed their last name into Himura, Rei's maiden name and lived together happily. They are awaiting for their big brother to come back home and finally have a normal happy family. 

a/n: I am glad that you enjoy my story :3 

Also thank you for the reads, votes and comments! 

Remember to eat, drink water and get some rest! Love you all <3
