
Jimin's POV

I continued to wait looking for Yoongi every couple minutes, after about 10 minutes I finally saw him, I caught his eyes and smiled brightly as he came closer, he was looking at me in shock but I couldn't look that different right?

He quickly reached our group and immediately went to me kissing me on the lips passionately, I kissed back as he put his arms on the waist pulling me closer, I wrapped my arms around his neck, once the kiss started to get heated I pulled back, I smiled brightly at Yoongi and blushed as he ran his eyes up and down my body,

'You look really hot'

Yoongi whispered in my ear as I felt myself blush deeper, he kept his arm around my waist keeping me close, I looked at his outfit he looked good, it was only some plain skinny jeans and black fitting shirt but he pulled it off well, I heard Namjoon fake cough as I directed my attention and away form Yoongi,

'You want to say hello to us too?'

He said to Yoongi who shrugged his shoulders causing everyone to laugh,

'Let's so find a movie to watch!'

I heard Taehyung exclaim as we all agreed and headed to the board to look at what was playing soon,

'What about this one?'

Jungkook said as he pointed to a horror movie, I was never a big fan of horror movies, they scared me too easily,

'What do you guys think about that one?'

Jin said as he pointed at what seemed to be a comedy,

'Why would we watch that?'

Jungkook said wanting to watch this movie, the two quickly broke out into a fight as they shot agreements at each other, it wasn't serious though so everyone just watched it instead of doing anything, laughing as Jin's face went red from yelling for some reason no one else in the cinema even payed attention to us.

I felt Yoongi's eyes on me as I looked over at him, he was checking me out again, I blushed,

'Hyung s-stop s-staring'

I said as I looked away embarrassed, I felt his hands on my face and he make me face him, he chuckled softly,

'I couldn't help it you look too attractive'

He said causing me to blush even more but I was unable to look away, he pecked me on the lips and grinned brightly, the gummy smile once again on show,

'Now let's stop our friends and their stupid fight, otherwise we'll never see a movie'

He said as I nodded in a agreement, he spoke up again this time loudly so everyone would hear him,

'What about we do a vote instead?'

He said as everyone nodded in agreement, well everyone except Jungkook and huffed but eventually nodded his head, he got closer to each other but not once did Yoongi let go of me,

'Ok, so who wants I watch the horror movie?'

He asked as Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook rose their hands, I would see Jin looking at Namjoon disapprovingly and giggled softly,

'Now who wants to watch the comedy?'

He asked as myself, him, Jin and Hoseok rose our hands and Jin jumped in the air excited, I sighed in relief also, I don't think I would be able to watch that horror movie.

We walked over to the ticket booth as Jungkook whined to Taehyung who was just laughing the whole time, we started lining up, Yoongi and I were last out of all of our friends so it would take a while,

'What do you want to eat?'

Yoongi asked me as he went to pull out his wallet, we were nearly at the front now with only Hoseok in front of us,

'Hyung I'm paying for myself'

I said as he shook his head,

'You can pay for the ticket if you want to but I'm paying for the food'

I sighed, I didn't want to feel like I was in debt to Yoongi,

'You won't owe me anything, you are my boyfriend I am meant do things like this'

He said as I eventually agreed,

'But I am paying for what we eat after this'

He nodded his head,

'If that's what you want, now let's order our food'

He said as he both walked up to the counter.
