
Jimin's POV

30 minutes and a lot heavy breaths later we finally finished the game, it ended up being 2-1 our side, meaning we had won, I high fived Jungkook,

'Good job'

I said smiled and he grinned,

'You didn't do so bad yourself'

He said as we walked over to the others, who looked equally as exhausted,

'Good game Hyungs, it's a shame you couldn't keep up with us'

Jungkook said cheekily as he smirked at the others who just laughed it off, he walked into the change rooms and I quickly stole a stall not really wanting to change in front of everyone.

I finished getting changed and headed outside, when I walked out Hoseok and Taehyung were already there, I smiled at them sweetly and walked over to them, I was just opening my mouth to say something and break the silence as Jungkook and Namjoon walked out.

They quickly joined us as the bell went off,

'What do you guys have next?'

I asked everyone as Namjoon replied first,

'Taehyung, Jungkook and I have English'

He said as I nodded and Hobi spoke up also,

'I have art with Yoongi'

I smiled at him as he said that,

'I have maths with Jin so I'll see everyone at break?'

I said as they all nodded,

'See you then hyungs'

Taehyung and Jungkook said as they dragged Namjoon along with them to English, I giggled at their goofiness and turned to Hoseok,

'I'll see you at break?'

I asked as he nodded,


He said as he waved at me and we parted ways, him heading to the art block, me to the maths block. I started heading down the hall going in the direction of the maths rooms, I quickly arrived and walked in finding Jin already sitting down, I sat down next to him,

'Hey Hyung'

I said as I smiled at him and he smiled back, I pulled out my stuff as the bell went of signalling the start of the class with the teacher walking in, I always hated our maths teacher, he never taught us anything and was really rude to everyone.

He walked in and grabbed his white book marker, I sighed this meant we was writing notes as he started writing them down, I copied down what he was writing in my book, after a couple minutes I finished and turned around to Jin who was also done,

'Namjoon hyung won't let go of what happened this morning'

I said to him quietly sighing, if the teacher saw us talking he would probably give us detention, I watched as Jin just laughed,

'When you guys left all he talked about was how cute you guys were'

Jin said as I looked at him in shock and he nodded his head realising I didn't believe him,

'Namjoon really likes you, he cares a lot about Yoongi and he is happy to see that Yoongi has someone so nice'

He spoke up as I grinned at him, that was really sweet of him,

'Then I won't disappoint him'

I said as I watched Jin smile also,

'I know you won't'

We both giggled and turned out attention back to the teacher before he could say anything but for the whole lesson all I could think about was Yoongi, I really wanted to see him again, I only had to wait another 50 minutes.
