
Yoongi's POV

As we started the work I was unable to focus too distracted by Jimin, he looked adorable when he was concentrating, the way he poked out his tongue as he drew.

'Yoongi hyung?'

I heard Jimin said as I snapped out of my trance,

'What is it?'

I asked him as I smiled sweetly,

'Are you nearly done your writing?'

He asked, I hadn't but I couldn't say that to him so instead I nodded my head,

'I'm nearly done just a little left to do'

As I directed my attention back to the textbook in front of me and starting to write from what I had done early today, I finished in a couple minutes and looked over at Jimin,

'I'm done, I just need to write it on the poster now'

I said as he turned around and smiled at me,

'Perfect I just finished my drawings'

He said as I looked over at the work he had done, it was so good, he had drawn a picture of a couple holding hands as they looked into each others eyes and a bold heading,

'This looks amazing Jiminie'

I said as he smiled even wider,

'Thanks hyung'

He said, I moved closer to him and got my pen out as I basically leaned over him and started to write the stuff I had written in my book, after a couple minutes I finished and pulled back.


I said as I admired our work, we were sure to get a good mark on his,

'Now let's do something more fun'

I said sat back down next to Jimin and faced him smiling, I watched as he nodded in agreement,

'What should we do?'

He asked as I replied quickly,

'Let's do 20 questions'

He nodded hesitantly as I smiled,

'Don't worry I won't ask anything inappropriate'

I watch as he smiled brightly at me,

'Do you want me to start?'

I asked as he nodded quickly,

'Have you ever dated anyone, if so how many?'

I asked him as I saw red arise to his cheeks,

'I-I have d-dated one p-person, a-a boy'

He said as I smiled at him,

'Ok you can ask me anything'

I said to him, it least now I knew I could have a chance with him, well maybe, he started to speak interrupting my thoughts,

'W-what is like y-your h-hobby?'

He asked me as I cooed at his cuteness and innocence,

'I play the piano, rap and compose/produce music'

I said as I saw Jimin's eyes light up,

'That's so awesome'

He said excitedly as I just grinned at him,

'Maybe I can show you sometime'

I said still smiling,

'That would be awesome'

I watched as Jimin spoke and couldn't help but to grin to the point were my cheeks was hurting, I studied his face still amazing by this beauty, that pink fluffy hair, his small delicate frame, his smile and most importantly his plump lips.

I felt myself lean forward subconsciously, wanting to feel Jimin's  plump lips on mine, when I saw him lean forward also I closed my eyes until my lips touched his, I kissed him softly as i feel butterfly erupt in my stomach.

I put my hands on his waist pulling him onto my lap as the kiss deepened, he ran his hands through my hair as we continued to make out, after a couple minutes though I had to break it, gasping for breath.

I looked at Jimin, his swollen lips and bright red face,

'You look hot'

I said as he blushed even deeper,


He said as I just grinned, he was still on my lap so I hugged him, he hugged back almost immediately and resting his chin of the crook my neck, we sat there silently for a couple minutes enjoying each other's attention.

I hope is was good enough but I really just wanted to kiss already 😂❤️
