
Jimin's POV

I let Yoongi pull me up to my room, my face still bright red, I can't believe she actually said that.

Once we reached the bedroom, Yoongi crashed down onto my bed and sighed,

'What should we do?'

He said as I shrugged and sat down beside him,

'Do you want to watch a movie or something?'

I said as he nodded his head and smiled at me, I got up grabbed my laptop before sitting back down and unlocked it, going onto Netflix,

'You can choose something'

I said as I handed the laptop to him,

'I'm going to make some popcorn'

I stood up and walked downstairs heading to the kitchen where my mum was,

'I'm just going to heat up some popcorn '

I said as she nodded, I went into the cupboard and grabbed out a packet of popcorn and put it into the microwave, Yes I was that lazy.

I pressed start and waited for it to finished as my mum spoke up,

'I'm glad you're with Yoongi, he's a good guy'

I heard my mum say as I turned around to face her and smiled,

'He really is'

The popcorn finished and the microwave started buzzing causing me to jump in shock as my mum just laughed at me.

I turned around and took it out before moving it into a bowl and putting some butter on it that immediately melted.

I picked up the bowl and started heading back upstairs, after saying a small 'Bye' to my mum.

When I reached my room, I headed inside and started walking over to Yoongi, he quickly looked up,

'Have you found a movie?'

I asked him as he grinned,

'I'm ready so come here he sat'

I quickly walked over and sat down beside him putting the popcorn in between us and he whined,

'Now I can't hug you'

He said pouting as I just giggled and moved the popcorn to the side, scooting closer to him as he wrapped an arm around my waist, I rested my head in his shoulder,

'So what did you choose?'

I asked him,

'The notebook'

Yoongi announced causing me to giggle as I watched him get all excited about,

'You sure love the notebook'

I said as he nodded his head quickly,

'As much as you wouldn't expect it, I love romance movies'

I giggled slightly,

'Well this could be good, I've never watched the notebook before'

I said as I rested forward and pressed play on the movie.

By the time the movie finished I was in tears as Yoongi was hugging me tightly,

'Y-you d-d-didn't day I-it would be s-sad'

I chocked out between tears, Yoongi pulled me even closer to him and hugged me tightly, after a couple minutes I calmed down and sighed,

'Sorry for being so emotional, movies get to me'

I said awkwardly as I looked up at him, Yoongi just laughed at me,

'It's not funny'

I whined as he just laughed harder,

'You're so mean'

I huffed as Yoongi ruffled my hair,

'You're so cute my Jiminie'

He said as I giggled slightly looking away, my mood happy again, I looked back at him and smiled, I was still amazed by his beauty, I lost focus as I studied his face, I must of been staring for a while because Yoongi spoke up,

'I know I'm hot but instead of staring at me do something, I am yours'

I blushed at his comment but complied anyway, I kissed him on the lips passionately but pulled back after a few seconds before it got to deep, Yoongi whined,

'We should head downstairs dinner will be ready soon'

I said as I looked at the time 6:38pm, i tried to get up but Yoongi pulled me back down,

'Yoongi hyung'

I sighed as I tried again but it was no use, Yoongi was way strong then me,

'Let's head downstairs'

He finally complied and we both stood up, I grabbed his hand and pulled him downstairs to were my mum was placing everything on the table,

'You sure it's ok for me to stay?'

He said and I giggled,

'Yoongi its fine'

I said as I turned to my mum,

'Do you need me to help with anything?'

I asked as she shook her head,

'Just sit down'

I nodded and pulled Yoongi to the dining table before sitting down with him.
