
Jimin's POV

I hugged Yoongi back, I felt safe in his arms, I looked up and him still kind of in shock and feeling confident I kisses his lips quickly again as red arose to my cheeks and I looked away embarrassed,

'You're so cute'

I heard Yoongi say making me blush even more, I felt his hand in my cheek as he pulled my face so I was facing him,

'Jiminie I need to ask you something'

He said kind of seriously as I nodded confused,

'Will you be mine?'

He asked as I squealed and hugged him tightly once more,

'Of course Yoongi hyung'

I said grinning at him brightly as he chuckled before hugging me back, I leaned in and kissed him passionately, wrapping my arms around him neck.

I felt him bite my lower lip and opened my mouth, we battled with our tongues for dominance but I give in after a while let him take control, I had been craving this for so long.

I felt him put a hand under my shirt, feeling my abs, he broke from the kiss and pulled off my shirt before looking at me in awe,

'You have abs?'

He said as I giggled softly, I watched as he traces them with his fingers before I gained the confidence and tugged at his shirt, he complied and I pulled it off, he had slightly defined abs that complemented his small figure, I snapped my eyes back to him and leaned in for another kiss, just as I was about to kiss him though I heard my Mum speak,

'Jimin does Yoongi want to stay for dinner?'

I sat down beside Yoongi, getting off his lap but my mum had seen, I looked at over at her at the door,

'Jimin I'm going to let this slide for now'

She said as she looked over at Yoongi and smiled,

'Are you staying for dinner Yoongi?'

She asked as he shook his head,

'As much as I would love to stay with my Jiminie I need to get home before my parents worry'

I looked over at Yoongi and frowned slightly,

'I'll take you out'

I said as he nodded his head as we both quickly put on our shirts. Once he was done I grabbed his hand and his bag and lead him down stairs to the door before handing him his bag,

'I'll see you at school?'

I said but it came out as I question, I watched as Yoongi grinned,

'Of course I'll see you at school Jiminie'

He said before leaning in and pecking my lips,

'Do you need a lift?'

I asked as he shook his head,

'I'll walk'

I nodded softly and smiled at him before he turned around and started walking off,

'Goodbye Jiminie'

He said,


Once he had left out of site I closed the door and turned to face my mum, I went to speak up when she hugged me, I hugged her back quickly and let go, looking at her confused,

'I'm glad you finally have someone that can treat you well'

She said as I smiled at her,

'So you aren't going to question me?'

I asked her kind of confused as she just smiled once more,

'I could tell from when you guys first walked in that you liked each other, anyway who am I to stop young love'

I smiled even wider at her,

'Thanks for excepting me, you are the best mum ever'

I said causing her to giggle,

'Damn right I am'

She said causing me to break out in laughter,

'Now let's have dinner'

I nodded my head and followed her to the kitchen.
