
Yoongi's POV

I grabbed Jimin's hand and started pulling him over to the park, I had planned everything and I wanted this to be perfect for Jimin.

The park was very close to the cinema so we got there pretty quickly, I started walked by his side our hands still intertwined, I looked over at Jimin, I still couldn't get over how gorgeous he was, he turned to look at me and I smiled brightly before leaving a small peck on his nose, he giggled and looked away as I couldn't help to laugh also, he really was the most adorable person I have ever met,

'I have somewhere I want to take you'

I said to him as he nodded his head softly, we started walking down a pathway, I knew exactly where I was taking him, to the waterfall.

We continued to walk down the path our hands swinging together as we walked, after a couple minutes of silent walking, Jimin spoke up,

'Where are we going?'

He asked as I shook my head and smiled at him cheekily,

'You aren't finding out until we get there'

I said, I heard him whine not to long after,

'But Yoongi hyung'

He said as he faced me, puppy dog eyes visible as I chuckled and looked away, if I continued to look at him I would give in,

'Only a couple more minutes and you'll find out'

I said as I started walking again, pulling him with me, I heard him sigh and I couldn't help but the laugh even more, he was really impatient.

The continued to walk, the whole time Jimin's eyes were on me but I shook it off, he was just trying to get to tell him, once we were at the little part of forest we had to go through to get to the waterfall, I turned to Jimin,

'We just have to go through here first, follow me'

I said as he nodded, I started leading the way through the tree, pulling him behind me, we reached the entrance and the sound of the water splashing and birds chirping were loud.

Once I got out, I pulled Jimin out of the tree also so he could see the waterfall, his mouth immediately dropped, I couldn't help but to smile at his reaction.

I lead him over to I blanket and picnic basket that I had put here earlier, the real reason why I was late, I pulled him down so we were sitting beside each other,

'This is beautiful hyung'

Jimin said, a huge grin visible on his face,

'Only the best for my Jiminie'

I said to him and leaned forward before passionately kissing him, he quickly responded and wrapped his arms around my neck, I ran a hand through his pink hair before breaking the kiss,

'I got us food to eat'

I said to him as I handed him the picnic basket, he opened it, the basket was filled with everything from Kimchi to chocolate covered strawberries as he looked inside he smiled even brighter,

'This looks amazing, did you make it?'

He asked as I nodded,

'I spent all last night and this morning cooking everything'

I said as Jimin engulfed me into a hug, I quickly hugged him back tightly before pulling back,

'Now do you want to eat?'

I asked as he quickly nodded his head, I pulled everything out along with to plates and chopsticks before sitting it in front of us,


I said to him sweetly as we started to eat the food,

'This is so good'

Jimin said with a strawberry on his nose, I chuckled and leaned forward licking it off before returning back to my seat, Jimin was now bright red as he looked away from me and at the food, continuing to eat.

After about half a hour we finally finished eating and all the plates were completely empty, my stomach felt so bloated but I didn't really mind,

'I'm glad you liked it'

I said as I smiled at him and me smiled back,

'Thank you so much hyung'

I nodded as he laid down, his head on my lap, I looked down at him and laughed and smiled back at me,

'You really are the most adorable person ever'

I said as a small blush rises to his cheeks,

'We-well you are the most g-gorgeous person e-ever'

He said as I awed at his cuteness, I started to run my hands through his hair as we sat there peacefully watching the waterfall, after a bit Jimin spoke up,

'I have to tell you something hyung'

He said as I looked down at him kind of confused as he just grinned,

'I love you hyung'

He said to me as my cheeks flushed,

'I love you too my Jiminie'

I leaned down and kissed him once more, Jimin was really the most perfect person ever, I really want to spend the rest of my life with him.

The end.

That's the end of 'the dare', I hope anyone that read the story enjoyed it, it was my first ever story I wrote and I didn't know if it would turn out good, I will have a new story out very soon ❤️
