Chapter 381 What can't I show?

"What do you mean? Who offended you?"

Mingzhu rolled her eyes helplessly. Does she really not understand, or is she pretending not to understand?


Jian Dan felt puzzled.

"Why are you glaring at me? I didn't make you hide out."

He lowered his head to tease the child.

"Is it Xiao Zhou Zhou? Look at your mother. Your aunt is really wronged."

Mingzhu laughed angrily.

"Don't slander me here."

"Isn't it?"

She picked a clean little cloth from Xinxin's toys and stuffed it into the child, letting him chew it himself.

"You have Lin Dongfang to keep an eye on you. If you really don't welcome him, that person can't enter your house. Who dares to make trouble?

Who is it? Tell me so I can see it?"

Although she didn't understand why the word "see" was used at this time, Mingzhu probably knew Jian Dan's fun of watching the fun, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Do you really not understand, or do you do it on purpose?"

Jian Dan was confused. brain,

"Does it have anything to do with me? What do I understand? Besides, why would you go to your house if you're looking for me?"

"You, you," Mingzhu sat cross-legged and stared at Jian Dan seriously,

"Tell me the truth, what do you think?"

"What do you mean by what? You're talking nonsense. What do you want to say?"

Mingzhu stared at Jian Dan's eyes tightly, without a trace of evasion, nor any shyness or embarrassment. Her big eyes were full of confusion,

"Sister Zhuzhu, what do you want to say? Just say it directly. Are you embarrassed when it's just the two of us?"

"......Hey! Jian Dan, let me ask you, what do you think about the future?"

"What? The future?"

Jian Dan's eyes widened. Did she also know what was going to happen in the future?

"Sister Zhuzhu, you know too?"

Mingzhu was stunned,

"You know?"

This response made Jiandan excited immediately, patting the kang with his hands, smiling,

"When did you know, then what are your plans?"


Mingzhu was confused, this is your business, what am I going to do? How much do I plan to give as a gift?

"You know all that, why were you so sad yesterday? You should know that although the road is tortuous, the future is bright, right, Xiao Zhouzhou? Wait, when the time comes, your aunt will make a lot of money and buy you delicious food and a lot of toys, okay?"

The child grabbed the little puppet, "Ah~"

Hearing this, Mingzhu's weird feeling in her heart became more obvious,

"Don't talk nonsense, what kind of money can you make? You can't say this casually?"

"Well? Don't you know it?"

"What do I know?"

"You don't know?"

"What do you know or not? Are you deliberately changing the subject?"

"Wait a minute," the two finally realized that their topic didn't seem to be on the same line, and they were walking their own way.

"Let's go back to the beginning, Sister Zhuzhu, what did you want to say at first? You asked me what I thought, right?"

Mingzhu also began to review,

"Yes, I want to ask what kind of partner you want to find?"

"What? Partner?"

Jian Dan was shocked and almost bit her tongue,

"Sister Zhuzhu, are you kidding me? I'm only seventeen, and I'm going to be urged to get married?"

This shocked and resentful expression instantly amused Mingzhu,

"Don't be funny with me, I'm serious, what do you think? Don't tell me you didn't notice someone was interested in you,"

"Interested in me? Who's wrong with that?"

Mingzhu immediately reached out and patted her lightly, rebuke,

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can you say that about yourself? Is there something wrong with liking you?

Let me tell you, not only him, but also people in the village have asked about Lin Dongfang. You have been away for a while, and it is autumn harvest. After the autumn harvest, I know that there are several marriages in the village. You can see, if things go wrong, someone will come to your house."

Jian Dan was really shocked,

"I am so violent, and there are still people thinking about me?"

Ming Zhu looked as if she knew it,

"I said, you dared to kill wild boars in front of the villagers without any concealment when you first arrived. Do you do it on purpose, just to make them not think about you?"

Jian Dan, if you say so, then so.

"I didn't think that far ahead, but I did have the intention of frightening them.

You said that I was a little girl, and I had no relatives, so I looked like an easy target. The villagers were reasonable, but it was ok.

But you said, which village doesn't have a few unreasonable people who steal chickens and dogs? If someone really came to my house, I wouldn't be able to explain myself. It's better to scare them directly and make them afraid, so that they don't even dare to think about it.

Really, the effect is really good. Anyway, I have been safe for so long since I came here."

Mingzhu held back her laughter and her face turned red.

"No, I just want to guess. I heard that you feat.

You said you killed a wild boar in the middle of the night, and then killed six more in broad daylight, right?

I guess, it's not necessarily because they were scared by your great strength and skill,"

"Why is that?"

Mingzhu said softly,

"Because of your cruelty.

Other children are afraid of seeing pigs being killed, but you are better, you are getting braver and braver.

Just say, surrounded by so many wild boars, most of the others, even the big men, would try to escape.

Which girl in her teens can kill without changing her expression? I heard that several young soldiers were exhausted, but you are still like nothing happened.

Let alone other things, it's just this state of mind, Who dares to think about it?"

"What's going on now? Aren't you afraid that if you marry her, she will do something to their son?"

"Well, no, it's not them, it's their son,"

Jiandan widened his eyes,

"What do you mean, what can't I do?"

Mingzhu smiled and lay on her son's quilt, her shoulders shrugged, and she wiped her eyes when she got up,

"Maybe, they are afraid that you will do something to their son. After all, they are not as strong as you, and they can't beat you in a fight. If the couple has a conflict, it will be their son who is bullied. Most people don't dare to have such a daughter-in-law."

"I guess those old women may be entangled. You are capable and can fight wildly. Pig, if you marry her, the food will definitely be much better than now, at least you can eat meat.

But I am worried that my son will be bullied, and I don't even dare to act like a mother-in-law in front of you. Your temper is not something that can be easily controlled. You will fight if you disagree with me. Who wouldn't be afraid? "

Jian Dan was angry and gnashed his teeth for a long time.

"You still dare to think about it, which means you are not scared. Otherwise, you don't even dare to think about it."

Mingzhu hurriedly stopped him,

"What are you doing? They just tried to test Lin Dongfang, but didn't say it clearly. At that time, Lin Dongfang fought back. They didn't do anything bad. It's not that bad, right?"

"What do you think I'm going to do?"
