Chapter 265 Accident?

Although the control is not so strict now, there are two guns in the village, which are the treasures of the town. Even when going up the mountain to hunt, they are reluctant to bring them. However, Jian Jian knows that the weapons left in the village are definitely not weapons from regular channels. Most of them are homemade guns during war.

However, Jian Jian frowned. She was sure that the crisp sound she heard just now was not obvious, but she was sure that it was not the crisp sound that could be made by the gun, but almost the same as the sound of regular weapons.

Now there are several possibilities.

One is that it is indeed a regular army, and it is legal to appear here to perform the task in compliance with the law.

However, Jian Jian is still very confident in her perception. She is very sure that there are only two people around her and the other party within a few dozen meters. Even Li Yan and the others are far behind her, at least more than a hundred meters away.

The weapon is loaded, which means that the enemy is in front of her, but there are no other people nearby, and this environment is not suitable for sniping, surrounded by woods.

Obviously, this possibility is not true.

If this point is ruled out, it is almost impossible to be one of our own.

Who could it be?

Jiandan's mind flashed through scenes of tunnel warfare, and she was so nervous that she wanted to go over.

It was surprising that before she could move, Li Yan's voice came from behind, calling her,

"Jiandan, Dandan, where did you go? Did you hear me?"

Jiandan's heart was instantly lifted. If she got any closer, the people inside would hear her.

She reached into her pocket, took out a glass ball, and threw it in the direction of the sound without pausing for a moment.

There was silence over there for a moment, as if someone moved, and then Mingzhu's voice was heard. The voice was very soft. If it weren't for the high alertness and strong perception, it would definitely not be heard.

"She is the one you don't have to worry about the least. It's better to worry about ourselves than worry about her. Do you feel it? I always feel that something is not right around here."

After saying this, Li Yan and Lin Zhaodi dared not speak. After a pause, Tan Yajun spoke softly,

"It seems that it is too quiet. Even the usual chirping of insects and birds can't be heard."

Tan Yajun has been in the countryside for several years, and she thinks about things more comprehensively. After all, Mingzhu grew up in such an environment since she was a child, not to mention the influence she has received. She has learned a lot just by following Lin Dongfang.

This situation was obviously a bit abnormal, so she immediately made a gentle gesture, signaling several people to retreat,

"Go quickly, don't make any noise! ​​The farther the better!"

They didn't feel anything just now, but after hearing her words, several people also felt creepy, and felt that the silence was even more frightening. They didn't need Mingzhu to urge them anymore, they just walked away, gently lifted their feet and landed slowly, that's how obedient they were.

Tan Yajun, who was left behind, leaned over and asked,

"Will something really happen? It's not easy, your Lin Dongfang and the child are still on the mountain, and there's also Li Guang."

Mingzhu was also a little scared at this moment, always feeling a chill behind her, and feeling uncomfortable all over.

However, the two people in front were already scared out of their wits, and if she continued to tremble, they would probably be even more confused in a while. If something really happened, they might all run out.

With trembling lips, he tried to calm himself down and whispered to comfort Tan Yajun, which was also comforting himself.

"No, Lin Dongfang is very smart. If there is something wrong on the mountain, he will find it early. He must have taken the child and Li Guang to hide."

Tan Yajun looked at her pale face and bloodless lips, and her heart softened. Mingzhu was younger than herself. She reached out to hold her hand, and it was cold.

She shook it hard,

"Yes, Lin Dongfang is very smart, and Li Guang is also smart. They must have hidden.

You did the right thing. With our bodies, staying here will hinder them. Leaving early will help them."

Several people staggered down the mountain. When they reached the foot of the mountain, they all collapsed on the ground, and their clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

Coincidentally, a person was coming in from the village entrance. He glanced over here unintentionally. Seeing their unpresentable appearance, he wanted to go straight over, but then he looked at them for a few seconds and then strode over.

Mingzhu was slowing down her pounding heart. When she heard the footsteps, she looked up like a startled bird and looked at the tall figure standing in front of her. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's you!"

Cheng Chao often came here before the New Year. Mingzhu and Lin Dongfang had seen him before and knew that he was someone they could trust.

Then he raised his head and said anxiously and methodically,

"You are here to find Jian Dan, right? Go to the mountain quickly. There may be something wrong on the mountain. Jian Dan is still on the mountain, and so is Xin Xin. There are four people in total. Lin Dongfang and the new educated youth Li Guang are with Xin Xin. Ah, and the four dogs are also with Xin Xin and the others.

Jian Dan should not be with them. They may be in danger."

The person who came was Cheng Chao. He finally had a day off. He was carrying the package sent by Jian Wenxiu. He was thinking about coming to see Jian Dan and the child. Isn't this a bolt from the blue?

His face darkened immediately.

"How did you find out? Do you know the details?"

Mingzhu took a breath and spoke more fluently.

"We walked up and found it very quiet. There was no sound of insects or birds. We felt something was wrong.

At that time, Li Yan had already called Jiandan, and then I picked up a glass ball that rolled down from above. I am sure that it was thrown down by Jiandan. The ball was rolling. It should mean that we should leave. We were afraid that something would happen and we would cause trouble for them there, so we hurried down."

The glass ball in his hand was exactly the same as the one sold by the supply and marketing cooperative. Cheng Chao had a gloomy face and did not speak for a long time.

Mingzhu was anxious and did not care about being frightened by his dark face.

"Don't you believe us? I swear, what I said is true, really, you go quickly, I am afraid that Jiandan is in danger."

Cheng Chao and Tan Yajun had the same idea before. Once they entered the mountain, the one who would worry about Jiandan would not be Jiandan, but that was also when everything went well.

Now it seems that there is an obvious accident on the mountain. He is also anxious and points to the package.

"Help me deliver it to Jiandan's yard."

Mingzhu immediately agreed.


Watching Cheng Chao disappearing in the mountain road at a brisk pace, Mingzhu felt weak all over and didn't get up for a long time, but she relaxed a little.

Even this person has come, Jiandan should be okay, right?

Cheng Chao's physical strength is naturally incomparable to those of them. It took them less than a third of the time to find the location according to the direction pointed by Mingzhu.

She quickly surveyed the scene and then gently moved in the direction suspected to be Jiandan.
