Chapter 272 Xinxin likes to eat mushrooms

"I don't expect her to do any work. I can feel more at ease if she is under my supervision, right?"

The old lady also understood her idea and nodded.

"I want her to play with the children, but I see that most children of her age are busy, feeding chickens and doing housework. It seems that they can do everything. My family doesn't have those kinds of work and doesn't need children. After thinking about it, I think she can only follow me. Maybe she can even help with some corn seeds, right, Xinxin?"

The little girl heard the last sentence, help?

She quickly agreed crisply,

"Yes, Xinxin can help."

The old lady laughed,


Don't tell me, little Xinxin is not very old, but she knows how to count and recognize words. She knows much more than Xiaohua. Xiaohua has been thinking about it these past two days. She doesn't know some words in the picture book, so she is waiting for this little girl to come and tell her."

"Xinxin told me when she went back that Xiaohua likes to read and study."


The old lady stopped what she was doing and sighed,

"You tell me, Guangming didn't take care of it at that time, and he hasn't been here for so many years. Just knowing a few words, we can't let the child be blind for the rest of his life.

Knowing a few words and numbers, he won't be sold out if something goes wrong.

This world is not peaceful, little girls don't have any other skills, maybe if they learn one more skill, they can protect themselves a little more. "

I agree with this point very much,

"It is definitely different if you study or not.

If the factory recruits people, will it prefer those who can read and write, or those who can't read and count, right?"

Old lady He slapped the kang,

"That's exactly what I mean. Look at those people in the village who don't know anything and just make trouble. They don't even know a single word. Some of them don't even know how to calculate their own work points when distributing grain. Just imagine, they are like this. When something happens, they cry, make a scene, and even hang themselves. They always think that they have made others cry away. If they are tired of crying, then they win.

Two years ago, Wei Min said that everyone should learn to read. If nothing else, just go to the commune or something. If you need to go to the toilet, you can't even tell the difference between men and women, right?

These people just won't do it no matter what. Wei Min is angry.

It would be fine if they didn't do it, but they also blocked the way and prevented the children from learning.

It was not only Wei Min, but also the second brother, the one you should call the second master, who gave the order, so that all the children in the village followed and learned a few words.

And it wasn't long before the disaster happened? This matter was put aside again. This time I think Wei Min didn't want to talk about it. He was disappointed that year. You see, the year was good last year, and it's this time this year, but he didn't mention it. I guess it's just like this. "

Having said so, looking at his granddaughter reading seriously, his expression was very gentle.

"Third grandma, don't worry about that. Last time, I brought back a lot of picture books. Let them look at them first.

After a long time, children always like to listen to stories. Seeing that the two little girls can tell stories, but they can't, how can they feel happy?"

The old lady's eyes lit up and she was overjoyed.

"That's right! Not to mention other children, even Hu Zi has been listening to Xiao Hua telling me stories for half a day these days. The day before yesterday, he came to Xiao Hua and insisted on asking what happened to the story."

Hearing this, Xiao Hua also raised her head.

"Well, he wanted to read it, but he didn't know it yet, and he asked me to read it to him and gave me all his delicious food."

Giving good things to your sister voluntarily and giving them for something, this kind of exchange or asking for help, still has a different meaning.

The old lady laughed so hard that she slapped her thigh.

"Look at you, look at you, it's only been a few days, and you can't help it.

Xiao Jian, your trick is really useful, it's a hundred times better than pressing it.

I was wondering, these few days, Hu Zi has been getting close to Xiao Hua as soon as he came back, and I was wondering what secrets the two brothers have?"

"Grandma, my brother can count ten numbers, I said if he can count twenty, I will tell him and teach him to recognize words."

Jian Jian was very surprised, this child would take the initiative to guide her brother to learn, she is really a good seedling to be a teacher, thinking about it, she said it,

"Third grandma, don't blame me, look, Xiao Hua's trick is so talented, does Hu Zi want to learn it himself? If you ask me, if Xiao Hua is a teacher, she must be A good teacher. "

Everyone likes to hear this, and the old lady is no exception. At this moment, the corners of her mouth have never closed.

"Xiaohua, you have been more obedient than Huzi since you were a child. You can figure out what you are taught. Unlike Huzi, he is a naughty boy. He can't listen to you after a few words and just runs outside. "

A picture book, two little heads are put together to read it very attentively, and they simply tell what happened today.

"Third grandma, I want to exchange some mushrooms. Xinxin likes to eat them. I am also thinking about mailing some to Kyoto. I can't always take her to the mountains to pick mushrooms. I want to exchange more and go back to dry them and store them. "

The old lady is in a good mood. Besides, this matter is not a big problem at all.

"Okay, I'll ask for you. I want hazel mushrooms. Or anything else?"

"Don't hazel mushrooms come in autumn? I'm not picky, anything else is fine, just pick the clean ones.

If you can exchange hazel mushrooms in autumn, exchange more. Xinxin likes that the most."

"Okay, I'll ask for you. Every family has this thing. It doesn't cost money. If they say they can exchange it, they will definitely be happy."

"Then please take the trouble to see what they want to exchange. If I have it, I will exchange it. If there is no suitable one, I can just exchange it for money."

"Okay, they also took this thing to the commune to ask, but no one would accept it. They all know that this thing is worthless. It's a good thing to be able to exchange it for something now. That's good. Don't be so extravagant and let people think you are a sucker and easy to bully."

Simple smile,

"Okay, I know "I'm here, aren't you? They don't dare to take me for not knowing how to count."

The old lady felt more comfortable and sat up straight.

"That's right, old lady, I've been in the village for half my life, I don't know what everyone is like.

They also know my temper, and generally don't dare to play tricks in front of me.

Don't worry, Third Aunt will definitely pick the best for you, and we won't accept the bad ones.

There may not be much in spring, but you can eat some by exchanging them. You wait for autumn. The hazel mushrooms on the mountain are harvested one after another, every year, and every family dries them. In winter, they are also a good dish. Even if there are no chickens, you can be willing to put some oil, and the fried mushrooms are also delicious.

This year I told them early and asked them to send them cleanly, and you two sisters just need to wait to eat them."
