Chapter 245 Two-family gathering

Jian Jian was stunned.

"Ah? Xinxin? What did you say?"

"Come to my house today, let's have a get-together. I guess the Youth League will have to make arrangements in a few days. We've all celebrated the New Year separately this year, so it wouldn't be a good idea if we didn't get together."

"Today? Sure, we don't have much to do anyway."

"Today, the villagers are basically at home today, and we're outsiders, so there's no such thing as not visiting on the first day of the New Year.

Starting tomorrow on the second day of the New Year, the villagers will be moving around, with all the aunts and uncles, With your popularity, I guess your family is busy too, so I'd better go first."

Seeing that the cleaning was almost done, Jiandan agreed straightforwardly,

"Okay, noon or evening?"

"Noon, eat slowly, no rush, chat or something."

"That's great, we'll go when Xinxin wakes up, what dishes do you need to bring?"

Now that they are close, they are not so polite, and Lin Dongfang is not shy,

"What do you want to eat? Cooking? Or how about a pot?

During the days of the Little New Year, I prepared some beef, Zhu Zhu has been talking about wanting you to eat together."

Jian Dan's eyes lit up,

"That's fine, hey, now that you mention it, I suddenly remembered that I seem to have some mutton at home, and I don't know how to cook it yet, so I'll take it over."

Lin Dongfang chopped the wooden shovel into the ground, showing an excited look,

"That's great, to be honest, mutton is the most authentic for this hot pot, I've been looking for it for several days but couldn't make it.

You can just take this one, I'll take care of the rest."

Jian Dan was also very happy "I took it seriously, didn't I?"

After finishing the business, they talked about some gossip,

"When I came here yesterday, Zhuzhu said that she didn't want to be an aunt and asked Xinxin to call her sister. Your little rascal refused and insisted on coming back to ask you."

Thinking of the child, Jiandan laughed,

"I won't get involved in your lawsuit. It's your ability to make her call you what you want. Don't ask me."

Mingzhu was not there, and Lin Dongfang didn't say he would help clean the yard. They didn't care, so they wouldn't give others a handle.

Putting the wooden shovel outside the door, stamping his feet, Jiandan opened the door and entered the house.

Jian Xin was turning over in a daze, half awake, and looked over here when she heard the sound.


Jian took off her cotton jacket, rubbed her hands, and let the cold air out of her body, but did not approach.

"Are you awake? Do you want to go out and see what has become of the big snowman you built for me?"

"Big snowman?"

"Yes, it's snowing heavily, and those big snowmen have changed!"

Put your hand under the quilt for a while, then take out the clothes that were covered underneath and put them on the child.

Jian Xin was dazed, stretching her arms and legs. After putting on her clothes, she woke up and stood on the kang. She looked out the window and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's snowing heavily!" Jian Jian folded the quilt, "Yes, it's snowing heavily. I'll go cook dumplings, you wash your face first." Speaking of dumplings, Jian Xin remembered the memories of last night and went back to search under the pillow, "Coins, where are my coins?" She was so beautiful that she ate both coins last night and put them under her pillow when she slept. "Sister, two coins!" "Yes, yes, Xin Xin is really amazing. She ate both coins. Have you figured out what you want?" The little girl hesitated, obviously very entangled. Jian Jian couldn't help but smile with her head down, "How about you put it away first, and then tell me what you want when you remember it?" "Yes!" The breakfast on the first day of the new year is usually dumplings. Jiandan didn't pack too much because he was afraid that if the child had eaten several meals in a row, it would be convenient to pack it for the next meal.

"By the way, Sister Zhuzhu wants us to go to her house for dinner today. What delicious food should we bring?"

The little girl looked up and said straightforwardly,


After a pause, she looked at the fruit plate on the table and added,

"Can we bring fruit?"

The child was young, but she also understood that some delicious food could only be eaten by herself and her sister at home, and this fruit was one of them.

Jiandan took a glance and found that strawberries could not be brought.


"Let's change it and bring oranges, okay? Bring a few oranges and let Sister Zhuzhu try them?"

She went to the county town a few years ago, and everyone in the village knew that the oranges bought there were more credible.

The strawberries could not be seen in the light for a short time.

Jian Xin was a child who listened to advice, as long as there was food.

After dinner, Jiandan swiped the things he took over.

The mutton was something Jian Dan had encountered in the mountains before. She had collected a bunch of them, but they were not cleaned up yet and were still covered in hair.

Or, take a small one and let Lin Dongfang clean it up?

Take a few oranges. There are still some green vegetables in the east room. The leeks have all been cut away. There is still some coriander. Well, that's fine.

As for cabbage, sweet potatoes, etc., she has them at home, so she won't take them.

As for other standard hot pot items like meatballs, they can't be exposed to the light, so forget about it.

For the sheep alone, she had to carry a backpack. It didn't matter how big it was, but it couldn't be exposed to the light.

After cleaning up yesterday's leftovers and turning off the fire, the two of them walked out carrying their things.

Jian Dan carried a backpack with the smallest sheep on it, and Jian Xin was not empty-handed either. She carried her small backpack, which was specially made by Liu Guangming after she arrived. It couldn't hold much, but the size was just right for her.

There were seven or eight oranges at the bottom, and a handful of fresh coriander and spinach on top, with a small mat on top, after all, it was still warm.

However, when Jian Xin went out, she first paid attention to her baby snowman.

She jumped around in a big circle,

"It's snowing on the snowman too!"

"Is it beautiful?"

"It's beautiful, let Brother Huzi come and see it tomorrow."

The roads in front of the two houses have been cleaned up, so there's no need to worry about slipping, so Jian Xin didn't worry about it and let her run by herself.

"Sister Zhuzhu, Xinxin is here!"

The baby voice came through the door. In winter, the windows and doors were tightly closed. If Lin Dongfang hadn't been in the yard, he probably wouldn't have heard it. He quickly put down the firewood and came over. The moment he opened the door, he pinched the child under the armpit and lifted him up.

Jian Xin was startled at first, but soon she giggled with excitement.

After watching them play for a few times, Jiandan hurriedly stopped them,

"Play later, take down the backpack first, it will be broken in a while."

The backpack was in Lin Dongfang's hands before he put the child down. He held the child in one hand and the backpack in the other,

"Go inside and warm up first, Zhuzhu is also in the house."

After entering the door, Jiandan took off his own backpack and handed it to Lin Dongfang,

"I'll take the child in, this is for you, go and pack it up."

Taking the small backpack and the child, Jiandan walked straight in. Lin Dongfang looked at the backpack and was stunned.

Is this, a little mutton?

How can we see that the unit of measurement of "a little" can be used?

This elder sister's cognition is not at the same level as his, right?
