Chapter 279 Turning the soil, delivering books, and rain

Seeing the end, there were a few books with big red covers on the far left, and the excitement suddenly calmed down.

Yes, don't get excited, don't get excited, she advised herself, and the joy on her face couldn't be concealed,

"Well, just show it to me like this,"

Having known each other for such a long time, Cheng Chao also knew that Jian Dan was a person who was afraid of trouble,

"Is this something I can read?"

Jian Dan had already screened these books, and there were none of those that could be found to have problems, such as those of feudalism and revisionism, and even those with occasional foreign letters in the middle, she threw them out, focusing on a purely domestic product.

Jian Dan dared to take out these books and was not afraid to read them, and according to Cheng Chao's words, if the situation in the capital was the same, then this side would soon be in chaos.

Jian Dan felt that she should prepare the things she needed as soon as possible and be prepared to stay in the village.

After all, if she investigated it in depth, her identity would not be checked. Although she had the commendation for her bravery, she could not guarantee that she would not encounter someone who did not play by the rules.

Besides, there was Jian Xin who could not stand the investigation even more.

Seeing her expression, Cheng Chao guessed her thoughts belatedly.

"Are you worried about Xinxin's identity?"

"Yes, although it's a new identity and has changed a lot, the timing is too coincidental. Something happened there, and there are more children here. I am an educated youth who lost both parents and is left alone. It is not difficult for those who are interested to guess that the two must be related.

Moreover, I was just making up my father's friend, but I don't know if there is any such friend of my father's in my family.

In addition, my father is a martyr, which can't change that my grandfather and my grandfather are indeed capitalists. They donated, but it's really hard to explain if they accuse them randomly.

It's okay now, but who knows if someone will hold on to this in the future?

I thought that the two of us would not run to the commune and the county town, but quietly hide in the village, try not to show up, and don't attract attention."

They naturally checked the simple information early, and even Jian Xin, no, Sheng Shi, and Sheng Zhiyuan, their affairs were not secrets.

It is impossible to say whether there is a problem or not, but in this environment, this identity is indeed not as glorious as three generations of poverty. While responding, he was thinking whether it could be manipulated.

"You are right.

But you are indeed the child of a martyr. No matter what, this identity is also upright. If you don't take the initiative to cause trouble, there is no need to be afraid of them.

As for Xinxin,"

He remembered that Jian Wenxiu seemed to have said something about his identity. It should be arranged. He will go back and ask, but he is not sure, so he will not tell Jian Jian now.

"Xinxin, don't worry. Uncle Jian has the same surname as you. If it doesn't work, let Uncle Jian come forward. Everything will be justified."

Jian Jian didn't care. He said that he was his uncle. He said he would investigate for such a long time, but he didn't show up. Besides, he brought the child back by himself. There is nothing wrong with taking care of the child by himself.


Cheng Chao took all the books away. Jian Jian thought about finding time to buy all the things she needed. She didn't plan to go out in the short term. She would be a farmer in Liujiatun at ease.

According to the location of the villages around the commune, Liujiatun is really the farthest and most remote one, and also the poorest one. Generally speaking, even if you want to make a profit, you will not come to this poor and remote place.

But who can say for sure?

A few days later, the land was turned over, and it happened to rain at the right time. It rained for almost a whole day.

Spring rain is as precious as oil, and it is almost the same.

The next day, the rain stopped and the sky cleared.

But it just rained, the ground was muddy, and you couldn't step into the ground, so you couldn't plant seeds for the time being, so you had a few more days of rest.

The day before work, many people went to the commune. On this day of rest, they were exhausted again. Most of them rested at home, or cleaned up their homes and vegetable gardens.

The weather was good, and the ground was almost dried by noon. Jiandan opened the doors and windows for ventilation, and took down the sheets and mattresses to wash them.

Usually, we wash in the base space, but it was warm this day, and we couldn't keep it out of the sun. When the children were not at home, we washed inside and hung them outside. When the children were at home, we simply did it manually.

After washing, Jian Xin also helped to wring out the water. Regardless of the effect, she was soaked in water, and she felt very involved.

After washing, it was almost noon, so Jian Xin simply cooked two bowls of hot soup noodles, put a fried egg and a few slices of beef, and some green vegetables on them. The sisters were sweating from eating.

After dinner, the little girl acted coquettishly and didn't want to take a nap.

Jian Xin was funny,

"What are you going to do if you don't sleep? You can walk on the avenue, but it's all muddy. Aren't you afraid of getting mud on your body?"

Especially in front of her house, no one else would walk by, and you had to rely on yourself to step on footprints.

The little girl twisted her body,

"Don't be afraid, I'll walk to the side,"

Jian Dan glanced at the picture book that still had a corner exposed, and understood,

"Okay, go ahead, go ahead, walk slowly, don't fall."

Once the child leaves, he will basically not come back until dark. Jian Dan originally wanted to lie down for a while. It was not easy to turn the soil these days. She was strong, but her arms and legs were also sore, so she wanted to take a good rest.

Watching the child enter the village, Jian Dan closed the door, turned around, and accidentally glanced at the mountain. Suddenly, a new idea came to her. The child was not at home, so why not go up the mountain?

Isn't it said that there are more mushrooms after the rain?

Besides, since the child came, she has counted the number of times she has gone up the mountain by herself, so she just took it as a relaxation.

Look at the sky, it's only noon now, and with her speed, it's enough to come back before dark.

Do it when you want to do it, without any delay, go to the woodshed to get the backpack, lock the door, and go!

Once the road was dry, the children in the village could not sit still and ran all over the road, even at the foot of the mountain.

Jiandan carried a backpack and bypassed the children, climbing up the mountain road. After a morning of sun exposure, the mountain road had dried up a lot, at least it would not slip when walking normally.

The water droplets on the grass tips were also evaporated. As long as you don't step on it, your trouser legs and shoes will basically not get wet, but the edges of your shoes will inevitably get wet.

Jiandan's goal is not the periphery. It just rained, and the villagers will definitely come up to look for mushrooms tomorrow. She didn't want to compete with them for this piece of land.

Soon she arrived at the place where the fish was grilled before, and Jiandan looked around and walked straight in.

Recently, she almost always stopped here when she went up the mountain. She hadn't been in this deep mountain for some time. Suddenly, she felt like she was going home. It's just that there is little sunlight here and the ground is still wet. If it weren't for the dense grass here and the mud below, she would have stepped into the mud a long time ago.
