Chapter 347 Could it be that she has set her sights on Cheng An?

Cheng An's face was full of disgust.

"Our teacher is also a family member. Her uncle is the company commander under my father. Last time, she went to the hospital for a physical examination and visited Brother Chen. Chen Xiulian happened to see her and she slandered her everywhere, saying that the teacher had feelings for her brother and wanted to seduce her brother.

She also pushed the teacher and went to the school to make trouble. As a result, the teacher fell ill and said that she had to stay in bed for several months.

There are only two teachers in our school. Our teacher is in charge of three grades. The other teacher is also going to have a baby and can't take care of it at all. Because of her interference, the new teacher who was originally scheduled dared not go.

The school said that since the autumn harvest is coming soon, let's all have a holiday and go to school after the autumn harvest is over."

"Wow!" Jian Dan shouted exaggeratedly,

"She is really amazing. She let you have a holiday in advance with her own efforts."


"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this unhappy person."

Several elderly people sat next to them one after another. Jian Dan didn't pay attention to them. She didn't know them either. She lowered her head and talked to Cheng An and the others in a low voice.

Suddenly, there was a cough next to him. Jian Dan also looked up. He didn't expect that the target would be himself.

"Cheng An, is this person your relative?"

Jian Dan sat up straight, met the other person's gaze, and greeted him openly.


Jian Dan was seventeen years old this year. She was young and her face was white, which made people envious and jealous. At least the jealousy in the eyes of the female comrade who spoke was not concealed.

Two pigtails, white shirt and army green pants, this dress was very fashionable at this time, especially there were no patches on the clothes. It stands to reason that this external image is good.

Of course, it would be better if the chin was not upturned.

Jian Dan took a look and retracted his gaze.

Cheng An greeted politely,

"Comrade Yu, hello, this is my sister."

He turned back to introduce Jian Dan,

"Sister, this is the sister of the wife of the head of the Third Brigade, Han, Comrade Yu."

One is the sister, and the other is the sister of the wife of the head of the Third Brigade, Han?

Yu Hongyan's hands tightened. The distinction between close and distant was too clear. She was clearly trying to please this boy, so why was he still rejecting her?

She forced a smile,

"Cheng An, why are you so reserved? Didn't I tell you to just call me Sister Yu?

I haven't seen this comrade before. Are you here to visit your house?"

Cheng An thought that he was done with the greeting. Just when he was about to talk to Jian Dan, he was interrupted. He frowned when he heard the words,

"Comrade Yu, are you interested in other people's family affairs?"

This was very straightforward. You are too nosy. Yu Hongyan froze.

"Cheng, Cheng An, how can you say that? We are so familiar with each other. Am I not afraid that you will be deceived?"

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, but it's really not necessary. With my parents to check, I believe I won't encounter such people and things."

"You, your parents, have already, met the parents?"

Jian Dan frowned. What is this? What does it mean to meet the parents?

Cheng An no longer paid attention to him and turned to talk to Jian Dan. Yu Hongyan sat there blankly for a while, watching Jian Dan's smile and intimate communication with Cheng An. Finally, her eyes hurt, so she stood up and left.

"Xiao Anzi, come here, Grandma Wang is asking you, do you know why she asks you these inexplicable questions?"

This old lady who was obviously much more familiar, Cheng An obediently moved from Jian Dan's side to the other side, and his attitude was also much closer,

"Grandma Wang, I don't know her well, I don't know why she said this, my own sister, don't I know whether she is good or not, really."

The old lady's eyes were bright, and she looked at Jian Dan, and her smile was also kind, and Jian Dan also smiled,

"Is this your sister? Is she the one who killed the snake and saved Xiao Huzi and others a few days ago?"

Cheng An's little face immediately raised a smile,

"Yes, yes, Grandma Wang, Xiao Huzi is fine right?"

"It's okay, it's all thanks to you. Xiaohu said he was scared, you told them not to panic, and Xiaorui dragged him so far, and a little sister ignored her own safety to kill the snake and waited until the adults came.

Is it this little girl?"

Jian Dan can't pretend to be dumb,

"Hello grandma, just call me Jian Dan."

The old lady's big hand reached out,

"Child, thank you so much, if it weren't for you, these children would be in danger."

The old lady next to him also said,

"Yes, yes, my Da Niu went back and told him that Xiaorui went back to pull him and fell down, saying that his hand was bleeding.

We I was just saying I was going to thank you, but Cheng Zhuo said you were recovering from an injury, so we couldn't disturb you, so we thought we'd wait two days.

Is your injury better?"

"Much better, much better, I'm really fine, you're flattering me, but it wasn't me, we're in the army, anyone else would have seen it, they wouldn't have stood idly by.

You don't have to be so polite, even if I take a step back, my second uncle is here, he treats this place as his home, isn't this equivalent to my own home?

I just came here, I'm not familiar with anyone, but everyone is my second uncle's comrade-in-arms, neighbor, friend, these children are also Xiao An's friends.

People say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, to be frank, over the years, your feelings The affection between us may be deeper than that between us and our own family. I can't just ignore it, right? "

The two old ladies nodded repeatedly,

"She is a sensible child, worthy of being from the Cheng family."

"Child, Xiao An, we are so old, but her eyes are bright, Xiao An, Comrade Yu just now, do you know why he asked you so many questions?"

No matter how smart she is, Cheng An is just a ten-year-old child, and she has not been exposed to many things,

"Why? We are not familiar with her, and I don't even know that Captain Han. She is not from our family compound, but has been living here. She always comes here to say these strange things. "

Jian Dan also thought, what can she gain from the second uncle's family? Is it another peach blossom disaster for the second uncle?

The two old ladies laughed,

"Haha, what do you know, little boy?"

"Not young, if it was in ancient times, wouldn't it be soon?"

"What soon? What are you going to do?"

Cheng An was confused, and a strange thought came to his mind as he listened. Could she be targeting Cheng An?

No way?

Aren't young people of this era said to be shy?

Isn't she so perverted? ?

She must be almost twenty years old, right?

How could she, she, she, do that to Cheng An, this little bean sprout?

The old ladies didn't know them either,

"Hey, it's useless to tell you so much, you're still young, you don't need to know so much.

Go back and learn from your parents, and your mother will know."

Cheng An scratched his head,

"What do you mean?"

"Haha, she's really a child, what else can it mean, she wants to marry into your Cheng family."
