Original Edition - Chapter 61: Levi Lessons



My beast rumbled as we watched the young alpha male walk away with our pup. He wanted blood for her blood spilled but he knew that she already did enough. Dammit, we knew why she did it. Her beast was starting to feel the pull of a luna over the pack; a pull that could get her killed.

I looked over at Thomas and his twat of a daughter and rumbled at them. "You best remember that girl."

Thomas' eyes widened at me a little as Miranda frantically licked at her pups nonexistent wounds, pathetic. The only time my girl would let me lick at her wounds is when I made her, that damn girl was too used to the feeling of blood dripping down her skin; I think she had actually grown to like it by now. Probably my fault, although it does make my beast and I more than proud to know that our daughter is more than capable of putting a quality Thorne beating on some of these pussy ass pups if she really wanted too.

"Brother." Lander looked over me then back at Ethan's figure disappearing into the forest. "What do you want to do?"

"Think we get Liam and have chat with my son-in-law," I replied a darkly. My beast had been thirsting to lay into Ethan's ass and now was time to do it. Boy needed to be reminded who he was and what he was made of.

Liam trotted up to me with Evangeline close to him. I smiled at the little red head. My beast rumbled in approval, she was a good girl with a real good heart. She would be good for Liam and the pack, we had no doubt of that. She needed some work, though, we could see the luna in her. I smiled inwardly, I'd have that girl chopping wood here pretty soon. I wondered if she was going to throw as much of a fit or be as entertaining as my Charlie girl was, probably not, but then again she was Chris' girl.

I looked up at Liam who looked over at the dead cat then back to me. "Charlie got torn up fighting a mountain lion off Amber." Evangeline snarled then shot some mad green eyes over to the she-wolf and her family that were quickly evading the scene. Liam rumbled and let out a hot breath. "She'll be fine. Ethan got to her in time and ripped its damn head off, but I need you to come with me."

Liam eyed me curiously as Evan walked up with blood covering his arms up to his elbows. "Ryder's going to finish carving it up for them with Remi."

"Good." I nodded and looked at Ladner who cracked his neck in anticipation of our 'talk' with Ethan. "Alright then, Lander, Liam, and Evan you're with me. Evangeline, you find Claire and Derek. Go get Charlie and bring her home after the doctor fixes her up. When you get there find Billy and tell him to bring that shit over."

"What are we going to do uncle?" Evan asked curiously.

I snickered as my beast licked its lips. "Oh Ev, we're going to have a chat with your brother."

Evan's lips twitched into a devilish smile that matched Liam's. Liam raised his brows and nodded. "Well, let's get to it then. We got an ass beating waiting for us."

Evan chuckled darkly and pounded his fist against Liam's which made me roll my eyes. Damn males. Although I am going to enjoy watching Liam beat on Ethan for a little.

"Alright, let's go," I barked out before lunging into my fur.

We ran hard with the other males behind us. I needed to check on her first, on my Charlie girl. Seeing her like that made me want to drag her tiny ass back to Tikanni where I knew she would be safe, but I knew I couldn't. This was her place. This was where she was needed, where she belonged. Her pack to look after with Ethan. Who knew that girl would end up being a damn luna?

We made good time to the pack doctor's where Derek was waiting outside. I slipped on a pair of sweat pants and nodded to him. "Can you and Elliot help the girls get her home?"

"Of course, Elliot went back to the house to get her bed ready so it's a little more comfortable for her," He replied quickly.

"Good, we'll see y'all in a bit."

"Where are you going?" he asked but I knew he knew the answer.

"Talk with my son in law of course." I paused at the door and scratched at my scruff. "We'll be back later, Billy's coming over. Lock down that cabin, understand?" Derek nodded firmly as I kept walking into the pack doctor's cabin. "You boys go on ahead. Ev, take them to those back rings that Billy likes," I called over my shoulder.

Evan nodded then ran off with the others in tow while I chuckled darkly. I was itching for an ass beating like it was Christmas morning. My beast snapped his jaws in the air, he was ready–more than ready. He was tired of seeing this male, that we both knew had Chris' strong ass blood in his veins, let some shit head dick him around.

The doctor's clinic smelled like antiseptic and dial soap. I scrunched my nose a little. It was too damn clean in here. The doctor was working quickly on my Charlie girl while Ethan held her hand. I rolled my eyes. That damn male.

The doctor looked up and me and gave me a kind smile. "She'll be fine alpha. She's going to be sore and needs to stay off her back, but I would say in a day or so that she'll be good."

I let out sigh of relief. The last thing that girl needed was more scars. "Alright, thank you doc, Ethan let's go." Ethan whipped his head around to me with eyes that were brewing with a challenge, and oh, I was almost giddy to accept it. He looked over at Charlie who nodded to him then back to me. "She'll be fine, boy, the girls and vamps got her. You and I need to have a talk."

Charlie drowsily grinned deviously as he stood up. "Have fun you two."

I rolled my eyes at her. She just smiled innocently at me while Ethan looked back at her a little painfully. I rolled my eyes again. "Ethan, she isn't going anywhere. Now move your ass."

Ethan rumbled a bit but I returned it. My beast wasn't having that shit. Damn arrogant ass alpha male. I started to walk out and I could feel him follow me. He was starting to feel more like Chris, hell, on that damn hunt every now and then if I didn't know any better than I would have thought it was Chris.

He was close, oh he was real close; but like my Charlie girl, he's one stubborn ass wolf. Stubborn ass wolves mean you gotta beat their ass a little harder until they pull their head out of it.

We walked quietly through the forest. I could feel then tension rolling off of him, I had to bite back a damn laugh. Damn, I was looking forward to this. I think I had been dreaming about this fight for dayy, no–weeks, as has my beast.

But at the end of the day, I loved the kid. I loved him and his two siblings. I remember him when he was so tiny that Chris could hold him in his hand, when he finally could walk which meant he just chased Eli and Lucas around the house which drove Eve crazy, and when he first learned to fight. He was always a fighter, the Ethan I used to know would always come back beating you back twice as hard.

But if there is one thing I loved, it is some tough ass love.

"Ethan, do you remember when your daddy first brought you over to my place?"

He sighed and nodded as a ghost smile tugged at his lips. "It was like Christmas. I had begged dad to go all the time."

"I know," I chuckled out. "Do you remember that first time I had you and Lucas have a go?"

Ethan nodded. "He was just like you, an asshole."

I laughed heartily. "I'll take that as a compliment." I looked over at him as he began to puff up a little more, his beast knew something was coming. "Put you in the dirt the first time."

"But not the second," he replied quickly.

I nodded in agreement. It was true. The one thing about Ethan was he was a sharp kid. He had my son on his ass just like he had his brother on his ass at some point. He learned quickly, he was always trying to outwork his brother and cousin. He would watch them like a hawk; even when they were beating him into the dirt, you could tell he was mentally taking notes because the next time it wasn't going to be his ass in the dirt.

"Do you remember what I said to you?"

Ethan tensed a little and looked over at me as we kept walking. He let out a hot breath and nodded. "Yes."

"Tell me, boy."

He breathed out a laugh and shook his head. "You told me 'Ethan, you like being in that damn dirt?' I was so pissed and I just remember I growled at you, which only made you laugh more. You told me that I better learn to like it because I was going to be real good friends with it."


He breathed out another laugh. "You told me that it doesn't matter how many times my ass hit the dirt, as long as I got back up. I think you said something like 'I don't care if you're missing a damn leg.'"

I nodded into my laugh. He was pissed as hell that day. "Sounds about right. Hell of a day, Lucas was pissed as hell when you beat him."

He hummed next to me as we turned onto a trail. I looked over at him and felt my beast stir. "You remember that? I bet you don't. You used to be able to lay a good beating on both of them." He looked over at me with eyes that slightly widened. It was like I found some secret he didn't want anyone to know. To damn bad. "Oh, I remember boy. I remember that first time you had Eli in the dirt. Your dad was so damn proud of you. Eli thought that was a one-time thing, he and Lucas both did, but you always surprised us. Kept their asses in line is what you did. Only around you boys' age that could, pissed Lucas the hell off. Lydia always got a good laugh out of it too.

"I know you didn't forget about that. I know you remember son. I know you remember how it felt, how you felt, how your blood burned so hot that your aunt Eve dropped the glass she was drinking out of in our kitchen. You always thought that your daddy was training you to be Eli's beta, to be second to him and always the first beta.

"Now, that's not necessarily false, but your daddy wasn't raising you like that and you know it. He couldn't Ethan. He had two strong young alpha males that were equal in strength to each other."

Ethan snapped his eyes to me as his beast stirred a little more. I smirked at him as some understanding was starting to set in. "Bet you never realized that. That you weren't really less of a wolf to Eli, you were always equal to him. You two would walk in a room and neither one of you could outshine the other. Compliment each other? Sure. But you were not a wolf who was going to sit there and let your brother or anyone else dick you around, you know that and I know your daddy raised you better than that."

We turned a little and walked through some trees. I felt Lander stir in my mind, he would get his turn soon. Ethan clenched his jaw a little. I knew that the past was hard to come to terms with, of all people I knew; but it was time for him to get his ass off the damn dirt.

"Your daddy raised you to be strong boy, to look after your family and your pack. This pack." We walked closer to the circles and I could see him tense up. I started walking towards one in the center and cracked my neck a little. "Now, I know, I know damn well how much what happened hurt you. I remember that day Ethan. I remember finding them, and finding you." He snarled a little as I started to walk the outside of the ring. I was prodding at an old wound that had festered over time; but the only way to heal it was to rip it open, drain the infection, and let it heal itself.

And we were going to rip it the hell open.

"I know how hard it has been to pick yourself up from that, don't think I don't. I am plagued by those demons just as much as you; but boy, even I knew when I had to pony up. But you? You're still having some kind of pity party and letting two wolves who we both know are hiding some bad shit around here run over you like you're a damn omega–" I paused a little while he snarled again at me. Oh, he was starting to warm up again. Heat up. I nodded to a corner where Evan walked out.

Liam and Lander both walked in from other corners and stood around the circle while Evan entered it. Ethan looked at them all then back at me as his beast started to snap his teeth as he came to realize what this was. I walked a little more then sat on a tree stump a little lazily, irritating him and his beat a little more. "Isn't that right Evan?"

"Damn right uncle," Evan snarled as he charged his brother. Evan swung hard and missed as Ethan blocked it, but Evan was a good beta for Ethan; he knew Ethan well, studied him, and his fist hit Ethan's cheek with a mad rage I knew he had been holding in.

Ethan charged at Evan again, swinging and hitting places that would hurt, but Evan took it. He took it then dealt it back just as hard, oh that boy could fight alright. Evan was like the rest of those damn Everette kids; he could take a hit, but you better believe he's going to give it back to you with a vengeance that hits twice as hard and twice as fast.

Evan backed away and wiped his mouth a little then snarled at his brother. "You've gone weak brother. You let them hold your balls in their hand while the harm our pack, our family, and your damn mate."

Ethan snarled at Evan and charged at him again. Evan wasn't so lucky this time because Ethan nailed his ribs so hard you could see the air leave Evan's lungs, but Evan was a tough kid. He charged Ethan again and socked him hard a few good times before pushing him away.

He laughed darkly and wiped the blood off of his mouth while Ethan snarled out at him. "You think I don't remember? Remember how you used to be? I remember damn well Ethan. I remember how you beat Eli around so good one day that mom had to lay him in a damn bath full of ice." Ethan snarled again but Evan just laughed some more, damn this kid reminded me of Lander. "I remember Ethan. I remember how you used to burn, how we used to burn. I remember the day you found them Ethan, the day I chased after you. Do you? Do you remember almost killing me and Ryder when we came for you?"

Ethan hit Evan in the ribs again but Evan just nailed his kidney and pushed his brother away. He shook his head and snarled at Ethan who was starting to burn; oh we were going to make that boy burn alright. "I remember that day. I remember all the days. The day when Charlotte came and for a second I thought we finally got you back, but then you have to pussy out on us. You let her get hurt, you let this pack get hurt, and right now we are all in danger because you won't grow a pair and do anything about it!"

Something snapped into him, because soon, Ethan was laying a furious beating into him. He was laying a furious beating until Lander pulled him off.

I nodded to Evan who growled at his brother as mine walked around Ethan with a wicked smile. If there was a wolf out there who knew how to put a real beating on someone, other than me, it was my damn brother.

My damn brother was one of the best men I knew, other than Chris. He kept me sane, healthy, and never quit on my stubborn ass even when he probably should have. My brother could also lay a hell of a beating on you when he wanted.

That's the one thing about Lander, he may be my beta, but our daddy didn't raise either of us like one. Lander and I always complimented each other and had each other's asses on the ground an equal amount of times. It's what makes him a good beta; his bite is just as fierce as his bark.

I smiled as I watched Evan then looked back at Ethan. They reminded me of Lander and I, hell, we beat their asses a little more we may have a hell of a pair right here.

"You know brother," Lander teased darkly. "Maybe I should of just let Liam mark her?"

Ethan's veins cracked as he let out a low growl at Lander who laughed darkly at him. I nodded my head a little. "My girl's a damn alpha female. An alpha female boy, you know what that means?"

"Means that she's only giving her neck to an alpha male, and the fact that it's still bare says a lot, doesn't it brother?" Lander replied with a cool darkness that made my lips twitch into a smile.

Oh, that did it. Ethan charged my brother and knocked him to the ground. He was starting to look like Chris, feel like Chris as he rolled around in the dirt with Lander. Lander snarled at him and nailed him in his shoulder before he kicked Ethan off of him.

But that boy got up off the dirt. His beast was close now, real close. Liam was licking his lips, I'd let him get a little piece soon. Lander cocked his head at Ethan as he started to stalk him. "You know Jaxon felt a bond with her? Could have put a mark on her and it would have stuck. I guess it wouldn't matter, though, since you'd just probably lay there belly up and let him."

Ethan swung at lander then hit him square in the nose which surprised me. Lander stumbled back but Ethan moved around him like a damn dancer and hit him hard in the ribs before kicking his knees out.

This was the Ethan I remembered, the one that gracefully dangerous in the ring. He was fast, so damn fast you almost would have thought he was a ghost; and he was precise. Ethan wasn't just going to hit you, he was going to hit you were he knew it would hurt. 

Just like his damn dad...

I nodded to Liam. Liam snarled and grabbed Ethan by the shoulder and yanked him away from his dad. Ethan stumbled back and snarled at the young alpha while Lander walked over to me with a shit-eating grin and sat down.

"This isn't fair uncle," Liam called out to me.

"How's that boy?"

Liam scoffed a little and cocked his head at Ethan. "You know I'll tear apart another wolf who isn't an alpha," he said with a dark grin.

Ethan growled lowly to him. Ethan may be bigger, older, and more mature but Liam was getting to be a strong ass wolf. A wolf that you had to watch your ass around.

Liam chuckled much like Lander and looked over at Evan who was watching with a coy smile. "You put up more of a fight than him Ev."

Ethan charged Liam who was ready for him. The two young males landed blow after blow after blow on each other until they stepped away again; circling each other darkly as their beast's growled out for blood.

"Your daddy raised you better than this boy," I called out.

"You know he's right brother," Evan growled out. "I'm tired of watching this pack split because you don't have the balls to do anything."

"Maybe we should let Jaxon have her?" Liam asked as he marched back over to Ethan.

But Ethan, oh that boy wasn't having it. Liam pushed the right buttons that now Ethan was laying into him just like Chris could lay into me. I'd remember seeing Chris do it, that man could put the fear of God into his men's eyes with just the clench of his fists. He and I used to go round and round and round until Lander and David would have to tear us apart so we didn't end up actually killing each other. 

It was all in good fun though, ass beating fun that is... 

Liam was strong and quick, but Ethan was burning now–like he used to, pulling from a part of him that needed to come out; it was coming out. Lander smiled approvingly as Ethan laid into Liam like he was his own personal punching bag; Liam dished it back hard, but right now he wasn't a match for this alpha male that was finally coming into himself.

I cracked my neck and walked into the ring slowly. Ethan was too busy nailing Liam in the mouth to see me coming from behind him; I yanked him off Liam and tossed him in the dirt behind me, then turned to Ethan while Evan helped Liam out of the ring, he was going to have plenty of wounds for his little mate to lick later.

Ethan stared at with with a murderous expression that made me crack an amused smile. "You forgot who you are boy, who you're supposed to be. You've letting this piece of shit alpha keep you under his toe and run you around like a whiny bitch in heat."

Ethan stepped towards me but I snarled at him. He wiped the blood from his mouth and stared to stalk around me, matching my movements with his own. Damn, he was just like Chris. I chuckled because he probably didn't even realize it, it was so instinctual to him.

"You've let this pack crack boy. There's a rogue problem and you've sat on your ass, and then you have the audacity to think you're worth my girl's neck?" I scoffed as he snarled to me again. "My girl is only going to give her neck to the alpha male the moon promised her, and as of lately you've been looking fifty damn shades less than that."

He stepped closer and my beast scratched at me to be let out. I pushed him back, he would get his damn turn soon. "I know you know what you are boy, I know you remember how your daddy was raising you. So the question is, are you going to grow a pair or are you going to keep sucking on their tits? Because Ethan, if you don't step it the hell up, then I promise my daughter's neck is the last thing you need to worry about."

Ethan charged at me and I welcomed it. I welcomed it with pleasure.

I ducked around and missed him then turned and nailed him in the back; right where his kidney was. But he was quick. Quick like his daddy. He turned around and nailed me hard in the chin, which I won't lie, was a pleasant surprise.

I snarled at him and blocked a blow before nailing him in his ribs, but Ethan just hit me hard in my sternum before he sent another fist to my jaw. Damn that boy was just like Chris.

I stepped back and wiped the blood from my mouth. He felt like Chris. I could feel it in his veins. That damn boy could be Chris' twin right now. I chuckled and marched towards him.

Tossing and turning blow after blow we eventually pulled away as our shifts were itching at our skin. I cocked my head and laughed. "Alright, let's see if you still got it white hot."

I lunged at him as my beast came forward, meeting his mid-shift. We rolled around in the dirt; biting, and clawing, and scratching, and ripping at each other. Ethan took a chunk out of my shoulder and jumped away before he started to stalk me.

His damn wolf looked just like Chris.' The beast was snapping its jaws at me and pacing back and forth; pacing back and forth as his blood started to pull deeper like it was spooning the last bits of what was hidden out.

I charged at him and bit hard into his ribs, but rolled over just like Chris used to, and let his jaws snap up to my arm. My beast growled lowly as we hopped off of him, this young male was pushing harder. My beast approved but he still wanted to have some fun with the male and I was inclined to spoil him.

I ran towards him and cut at his hind leg with my teeth then whipped around and jumped on his back before he could respond. I sank my teeth deep into the space between his shoulder blades and let my beast relish in the blood running down our snout.

But Ethan was a smart kid, smart ass wolf. He used my small moment of bliss as an opportunity; He jumped backward, slamming me back first in the dirt. My beast growled out but he rolled off of me; He went for my neck but I was up quicker than he would have liked as he snapped his jaws into empty air.

I shifted back. I shifted back and walked around him. His skin started to ripple as his fur receded and skin took over; standing up staring at me with a look of fire and fury that looked like the alpha male Chris used to be.

I saw it in his eyes. Recognition and determination; and alpha male finally tapped into that blood, that energy inside of him. An alpha male that finally realized what the hell he was and accepted it. An alpha male that wanted to tear my hide apart.

I smirked and let my fangs come back through as he charged at me. I ducked out of the way then rammed into his side. I rammed into his side with my teeth out for his damn neck; A neck I didn't find as I hit the ground. I reached up to his neck with a clawed hand down to his chest where his heart rested with another.

But then I felt teeth on my neck. A feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. There were only three wolves in my lifetime that had been able to do that; Lander, Eve, and Chris. Damn male is just like his dad, and just as tough.

He growled lowly as his teeth grazed my neck while I turned my head to eye him. He pulled away and looked at me for a moment while I smirked. "There that alpha that Chris raised." Ethan breathed hard for a second then closed his eyes as it poured through him; the feeling of what he was and what he should be. He looked at me again as I started to chuckle. "Bout time that wolf came around, I was wondering if he was ever coming back."

Ethan let out a hot breath then moved away from me and sat back in the dirt. He was breathing hard and dripping in sweat and blood, as was I. I looked up to see Lander eye him approvingly while Evan and Liam both looked shocked.

I won't lie, I was a bit too, but in a way I was glad. I wasn't going to let a wolf who couldn't hold his own against me put a mark on my Charlie girl. My beast and I looked at Ethan, the young alpha who looked up at me then nodded; my beast growled in approval, approval of the male who was to mate our daughter.

"Ethan," I said calmly as I wiped some sweat off my brow. He looked up at me and let out another hot breath. "You know I love you boy, you and your brother and sister. I wouldn't do this unless I believe that you had it in you, or unless I was just really in the mood to beat someone's ass–"

"You're always in the mood for that," Liam grumbled which made Ethan's lips twitch into a smile.

He nodded some more and pushed his hair out of his face. "So what do I do? What do I do uncle?"

I smiled as Lander stood up. "Well, first we're going to show you a few things. We're going to make this right, and we're going to help you."

"Show me what?" he breathed out as his brow raised curiously.

"Things you weren't ready to see until now," Evan answered cooly. He walked over to his brother with a pair of sweatpants; he tossed another set in his hand to me which I slipped on quickly.

"She only kept them from you because she knew you weren't ready, you weren't where you are now," Lander added as he walked towards us with Liam in tow.

I nodded in agreement. "You ready now?"

Ethan's eyes swirled as his chest vibrated. "Show me." 
