Original Edition - Chapter 59: The Council Part IV

Thomas and Miranda both got up together and left without a word. My wolf watched them closely as they left, her lip twitching with a need to show them her teeth. To show them whose fangs would be tearing their skin apart for lying; for lying about something that put our pack and the rest of the ones here in danger.

Jaxon flickered a raised brow to me as I sat by myself. I let out a long sigh as he got up from his seat and casually walked over to me. He held my gaze and I held his, a challenge, I wasn't submitting to this male.

He chuckled as he came to where Ethan was sitting and took his seat. My wolf snapped at his, but he just laid back lazily as if it was welcomed. I raised a brow at him while he looked around the room carefully before leaning closer to me. "Your alpha may be good at lying to some but not to me," he whispered softly through the murmurs of people talking during the break.

My brows raised as my beast perked up. I leaned back and eyed him to see what game he was playing at, but he looked serious; more concerned than anything. "And you bring this to me because?"

He breathily chuckled and flickered his eyes to Lander then back to me. "Lander had some words with me earlier, we've had similar incidents, only one." My beast and I were both listening now, this was happening at other packs. Shit. Jaxon eyed me a little deviously then leaned closer to me. My wolf snarled lowly but the alpha male cared not. "I bring it you because it seems like you and your mate are ones I should be talking to luna."

I felt my eyes slightly widen as he pulled away. "That's not my place."

"But it will be," he replied quickly and I couldn't argue because I knew it was true. "And if we're being honest with each other because we're friends. We are friends are we not Charlotte?" I raised my brow and let out a low rumble. He chuckled some more before he flickered his eyes back to me. "Anyways, friend, I would much rather work with you and Ethan, mostly now because I know I would get to see you."

I let out a low warning growl as my beast pushed closer. He raised his brows in surprise while I felt Claire turned around towards me; her beast started to press forward with mine next to the arrogant male. "I would watch your tone Jaxon."

"Afraid I'll hurt Ethan's feelings?"

"No," I chuckled a little darkly. "I'm afraid there will be not much of you left for Ethan after I let my beast have a go at you."

He rumbled a bit but now it was my turn to laugh. I half smirked at him before I pushed my feelings aside so we could talk about business. "Well tell me then Jaxon, is it just you or do others think the same?"

Jaxon's eyes turned more serious. He looked around the room again and nodded. "Not many," he whispered. "But yes, a few. More the ones whose borders touch yours, listen, Charlotte, games aside I tell you this because I am sure you know how dangerous it is. If I noticed then I am sure the other seasoned males did too. You and Ethan need to watch your hides."

I nodded as my heart started to flutter a little. It seemed that Ethan and I were walking on eggshells made of time bombs. "And where does that put you Jaxon?"

He cocked his head and looked at Ethan's seat then back to me. "I only work with the alpha of the territory Charlotte," he said with a sly wink.

I nodded with understanding before I quickly stood. "If you will excuse me," I said quickly before walking out of the room.

I walked quickly down the hall to spot Levi or Lander, I had to tell them now. This information changed things for us, well, it could change things. I looked over the living room when I saw Lander in a corner. He caught my eye then left the man he was talking to with a smile before hurriedly walking over to me.

"Char?" he asked with a hint of concern.

"I need to talk to you," I whispered.

Lander nodded then looked around. He took my hand then pulled me quickly into a closet located alongside the hall. He closed the door and listened against it for a moment before looking back at me. "Alright girl."

"Jaxon knows," I whispered out carefully.

Lander raised his brows. "What?"

"He knows Lander. He knows that Thomas was lying and that there is tension between Ethan and Thomas. He also said that they had an incident like ours."

"Shit," Lander hissed. "He needs to keep his damn mouth shut."

I nodded. "I think he will, he seems like he favors Ethan more, well me more. Anyways point is, he told me a few of our neighbors have an eye on us too."

Lander let out a tired breath before looking back at me. "Where's Ethan?"

I shrugged. "Said he went to get some air."

Lander nodded before he growled a little. "I can't believe that piece of shit just lied to everyone. He's lucky that Claire was right behind me."

I let out a long breath and nodded. "I know it pissed Ethan off. too"

"Oh, we know," Lander chuckled. He let out a hot breath and tugged at his hair. "Alright, let me talk to Levi. Be careful around Jaxon Char, he's an unmated arrogant male. We don't need any fights between him and Ethan. I'll get Levi to talk to Jaxon about the rogues."

"You don't think Ethan would win?" I asked curiously.

Lander chuckled and shook his head. "I think Ethan would be getting two packs instead of one and that's one more headache that I don't want."

I felt a smile tug on my lips as my wolf rumbled in agreement. Our male was strong, stronger than he realized. I would love to sit back and watch him beat Jaxon around after I had a turn with him of course.

Lander walked to the door and opened it slightly before looking out. He sighed and nodded to me then opened it wide enough so I could walk through it. I smoothed my hair a bit then walked with Lander back to the meeting room. "Don't tell Ethan yet, let Levi and I do it later," he whispered to me. I nodded and followed him into the room that was filled with males lazily standing around, chatting and bullshitting with each other.

Ethan was back. He was sitting in his seat, drinking his coffee while he seemed to be staring at something. I wondered for a second who he was mind linking with.

As I walked closer the hair on his neck raised and his blood buzzed some more. I could feel his beast calling out to mine and it was hard not to return the call. Mine whined out in my mind, she wanted our mate and I did too, but I reminded her again that we needed to hold out. We were strong, stronger than this. She agreed begrudgingly before she laid down in my mind.

His faced tilted slightly up as I got closer; nostrils flaring as his beast let out a subtle rumble. I felt a smile tug on my lips as I walked behind him before I sat back down in my seat where his immediately found my waist.

"Are you alright?" I whisper to him.

He buzzed a bit more then titled his head down to me. "No, no I'm not."

I looked at into his eyes that seemed to be swirling with realization. I felt my beast start to yip a when a familiar scent hit me. A scent that was mixed and smelled of pheromones that made the pull tug harder.

I snapped my head around to see Evangeline and Liam standing at the door, looking around for the rest of their pack. Claire's eyes found her son's first. She jumped in her seat and ran to them, hugging Liam tightly before nuzzling Evangeline's cheek as she hugged her.

They both had sleepy eyes, bruised lips, messy hair, and flushed skin; but they looked happy, happy with matching moon-shaped scars on their necks.

Ethan let out a long sigh as I got up quickly and ran up the stairs. Evangeline snapped her head to mine then threw herself in my arms. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, it was just so sudden."

I nuzzled her cheek as Lander walked up to hug Liam. "Don't be, I'm so happy for you. Well, not happy that you're leaving me, but happy for you."

She bit her lip and squealed a little as she hugged me again. I winked at Liam who gave me a warm smile. I hugged him too and was so thankful that he wasn't plagued by the bond between us. "I'm sorry Char, I didn't know. I'm sorry I was such a dick."

"It's alright Liam, just take care of her alright?" He nodded at me before his eyes widened a bit.

Evangeline walked around me to hug Ethan who kissed her hair while she whispered some things to him. He sighed and nodded to her then flickered his eyes to her neck before looking back at Liam. Liam walked up to Ethan and offered him his hand, an olive branch which Ethan reluctantly took. "Welcome to the family," he said tiredly.

"Ethan?" Evangeline asked as she stepped beside me. "Can Char switch with Liam today? Please?"

Liam looked back at his mate a little disapprovingly, not because he disapproved of me but because he disapproved of being away from her; but she gave him some puppy eyes that immediately broke his resolve as he nodded. Evangeline squealed again as she turned to walk with me to our seats.

Lander shook his head and hugged her tightly. "Welcome to the family girly."

"Thank you," she replied politely as he winked playfully at her.

We started walking down the steps to sit behind Claire and Remi when Levi turned around. He gave Evangeline an approving nod. "Means you get to start training with that mate of your's little Lina."

"Lina?" I asked as Evangeline nodded happily to him while we sat down.

"He used to call me that when I was little," she replied softly. I felt my heart swell for her, she looked so damn happy.

"Evangeline," Remi said teasingly as he turned around to us. "Well, congratulations."

Evangeline smiled a little as Remi looked over to Liam who was surprisingly sitting next to Ethan, chatting with him about something that made Ethan chuckle. "Bro," Remi called out. Liam turned and looked over at Remi as Claire bit back a smile. "Congratulations on properly smelling like you had sex all night, oh wait..."

I died laughing while Evangeline sunk down in her seat as mortification washed over her while Liam just growled at him. Ethan shook his head while Remi and I just kept laughing. It was funny as hell, I had to give him that.

I sighed as the room started to fill back up. Evangeline was talking to Claire with smiling green eyes; I couldn't help but look at her mark. My beast whined, it made me long for our mate. I sighed and leaned back in my seat while the pull started to throb a dully.

"Char," Liam said from next to me.

I turned and took my binder along with one for Evangeline from him as he passed them over the row behind him to me. I set them in their place then turned to see him hand me my coffee. I smiled and took it happily from him while he winked at me. "Guess this makes you my sister now?"

"Let's just stick with in-laws it makes it less weird."

He chuckled a little and nodded in agreement. I set my cup down then looked back up to say something but he had already turned back around and was flipping through his binder, but Ethan's eyes caught mine. Ethan's eyes that stilled me in my place. It was only for a moment, but in that moment I felt like the room stopped. It stopped until Thomas knocked the gavel again, calling everyone to order.

"I don't know how you've done it," Evangeline whispered through our link. I turned to her as she looked over at her brother then back to me sympathetically. I shrugged a little as she nuzzled my cheek again. "He's coming around, Charlotte."

I nodded. "Alright now tell me everything, how did this happen?"

She smiled like a kid with the biggest lollipop in the word and flushed madly while the men talking in the room started to turn into dull white noise. "Well, I was walking back from the house to my cabin. I was so tired, Miranda had me running errands like a crazy person and I just wasn't feeling well all day, which I thought was from a lack of sleep or just all the stress."

"Liam looked sick too yesterday."

She nodded knowingly. "Yes, I um, well I was walking down the path when I felt someone behind me. Then there was this scent and the next thing I knew I was fighting to keep my wolf from breaking out of my damn skin, I could not breath at all it was insane.

"Then I turned around and he was standing there staring at me in shock. I think we there for what felt like hours before he walked over to me and introduced himself."

"And?" I prodded more firmly.

She bit her lip and blushed. "Well, I mean, we didn't really talk. I ended up letting him chase me back to my cabin and uh well, you know..." I bit back a laugh which made Remi turn his head to me curiously. Evangeline sighed as her cheeks blushed some more. "I don't know Char but I couldn't stop. I mean, he's my mate. He's made for me. I've waited for him my whole life and I just couldn't stop."

I nudged her again with a smile as she stared off dreamily. "I get it, no need to explain."

"He's just so amazing Char." She sighed and looked over at Liam; the hair on the back of his neck stood as her eyes landed on him. He stopped talking with Ethan, but only for a second, to tilt his head towards us with a small smirk tugging at his lips. Evangeline looked down quickly and bit her bottom lip. "He just, he's perfect. I mean besides, well, besides doing the obvious most of the night, we talked about everything. He's just so kind and funny and oh my god he has the best ass!"

"Oh my God Evangeline, TMI!"

She shrugged innocently before looking back at me softly. "He told me about you Char, about the bond. I just want you to know I'm not mad at all. Neither of you knew, and he said you fought it hard."

Her words soothed me. She rubbed her cheek against mine again then looked back at me. "I know it upset Ethan. It's understandable, but he doesn't understand. Liam said the moment he met me it was like the bond was non-existent."

I nodded. "When I saw him at the pack line I felt nothing. I only feel anything for Ethan. It was like it was erased from me."

"I told Liam about everything, well he already knows a lot, but I filled him in on the other. He does care for you like a sister Char. I know when I talked to him about Ethan he just pissed off for you. He said he would talk to him later."

I groaned. "It's getting harder Evangeline."

"Well, if it's hard for you then it's hard for him. But–" she started as she looked over at me mischievously. "That doesn't mean we can speed things up. He needs to pull it together, and I mean, why not spur him on a little more?"

I cocked my brow at her as she chuckled evilly to herself. I shook my head and leaned it on her shoulder. She sighed and played with my hair while the rest of the meeting continued. The dullest meeting in the world. Most of the time they just talked about bullshit things that didn't really matter. The only good part of sitting there what when Thomas released us all for lunch.

As he did Evangeline jumped up and pulled me quickly with her up the stairs where Liam was already waiting. He walked over to her, looking at her like she was the pieces of thread holding his soul together, and wrapped her up in his arms; nuzzling his mark and drawing a soft purr from her lips that made the pull throb a little harder.

Evangeline flushed and bit her lip which made Liam let out an approving rumble. I smiled at them before I flickered my eyes to Miranda who was watching them with a mix of shock and horror that she was trying her best to mask.

I smirked a little as I walked Evangeline walk up to Miranda who gave her a tight smile. "Evangeline, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here with my mate of course," she replied as Liam wrapped an arm around her waist.

Miranda looked up at him quickly then back to Evangeline. "Well congratulations," she said before nodding politely and walking quickly back up the stairs.

Remi nudged me with a smug grin. "That was totally worth having to walk in that house with Evan this morning."

"You had to go with Evan?"

Remi nodded. "He had some things for the hunt there tonight and he didn't want to go by himself in case they were there. Males, when they are in the middle of such activities, get super protective of their mates. He just didn't want Liam to try and rip his head off."

I flushed while Remi rolled his eyes and looked up at Ethan who was watching me closely. I sighed and nudged Remi again. "Come on, let's get some lunch."

We ate lunch quickly as everyone was in the same mind of trying to get the day over with. The sooner we got back, the sooner we could start again and end this dull bullshit. The only highlight was when Derek spoke. I liked listening to news from the vampire world, which wasn't anything special. A few new coven leaders, some deaths, but otherwise it was just funny to see him so professional.

Eventually, though I grew more and more bored, as did Evangeline. There's only so much tic-tac-toe you can play until you realize that you need to get the hell out from wherever you are.

"Want to go? Liam's bored as hell and I want a nap," she whispered beside me.

I eyed her suspiciously. "A nap?"

She flushed and smiled innocently. "You'll understand one day, believe me."

I sighed and looked back at Ethan. Liam would lean to him every now and then and whisper something to him. I couldn't help but let my eyes trail the edges of his lips. His plump lips that were like a drug to me.

They started to twitch the longer I stared, making me flush some more. I looked back at Evangeline and nodded. "You sure it's alright?"

"Yes, Liam already asked Levi."

I closed my binder quietly and started to stand with her as subtly as I could. We tried not to let our heels click as we stepped out of our row and crept up the stairs. Once I got to the top of the stairs I looked back at Ethan who turned to looked at me a little longingly. I could see his beast whining; it only made the pull throb.

"Levi said it was alright. I want a nap before the party tonight."

His lip twitched. "Is that an invitation?"

I narrowed my eyes slightly as my wolf grinned wickedly in the back of my mind. Our male was not going to get us to give in that easily. We made it this far, we weren't about to quit that easily.

I cocked my head and raised a brow. "What did I say last time white hot?"

His eyes swirled dangerously as he held my gaze. I just shrugged innocently as waves of the energy from his blood starts to rock into me. Evangeline just shook her head then pulled me out the door with Liam behind us.

While I was happy for them, I was very happy to not be in the same cabin as them. The whole way back I thought they were going to jump each other right where we were walking, which both made me want to vomit and run out my own pent up tension. Damn the pull.

Elliot was lounging back at the cabin with Evan who were both more than happy to watch movies with me for the rest of the afternoon. That is until Derek walked in with a very grumbly Evangeline. Apparently, he had 'disrupted' her 'nap' because he was starting our long torture of getting us ready for the party with Claire and Elliot.

While I didn't totally hate all the curlers, hairspray, tugging, and 'highlighter' he dusted on my cheeks, I did love watching how miserable Evangeline looked. The whole time she looked like she was in a daydream, probably thinking about Liam who I assumed was equally as pissed to be away from Evangeline. I smiled a little. The match was a good one, one that I couldn't have wished better for.

Derek pulled out a long gown while Claire shook out her curls. He had my hair curled a little more and Elliot ran all this goupy stuff through my hair that made them a little more defined. I eyed the black fabric that smelled like expensive perfume; Evie did have a hell of a wardrobe.

Claire pulled out another for Evangeline, low neck which contrasted to the high neck on mine. Derek eyed me knowingly as my curious eyes fluttered between the black and emerald greed dresses. "Low neck if you're mated and high if you are not. Think of it like a conservative thing. You don't show your neck unless you have something to show on it," he answered the question that had been churning in my brain.

I nodded while Claire handed me a pair of seamless black underwear to slip on. Next, she handed me some pasties which I eye curiously. "It's a low back, you'll see any straps."

I nodded a little then started to stick the annoying circles over my nipples which made Evangeline laugh while I rolled my eyes as Derek held the dress open for me. It was a snug fit; fitting in all the right places that both excited me and churned my belly nervously. Ethan and I would probably be miserable all night.

Derek zipped the side up when Elliot handed me some black strappy stilettos, which I wasn't a fan of. You can't really run well in stilettos, but I made a mental note to make sure that I ripped them off before the hunt. Well not really rip, I didnt want to ruin Evie's clothes, but I wasn't about to lose that thing because of some damn shoes.

Derek stepped back and eyed me approvingly before his face melted a little. "Babe, look at her," he cooed to Elliot.

Elliot turned as he finished tying his black bowtie. He had on a dark turquoise, almost midnight blue, suit. The jacket had bougie black velvet lining the wings which made him look insanely sophisticated. He looked over at me and smiled. "You look gorgeous Char."

I blushed slightly then turned to the full-length mirror. Dammit Evie did have good taste.

It was a black form-fitting gown that flared out like a mermaid bottom after the fabric hugged my hips. It was a high neck but a low back. Dangerously low. There was a slit running up the left side that reached a few dangerous inches above my knee. The gown had no creases or ruching, the way it hugged my curves spoke enough.

Evangeline whistled lowly as she eyed me. Derek had her curly red hair pinned into a low bun with a few loose strands falling around her face. "My brother is going to shit himself."

I groaned while Claire laughed as Elliot helped her into her deep red sleepless gown; a sweetheart neck hugging her breasts so they would tease the eye. I flickered my eyes back to Evangeline and smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself."

She looked gorgeous. Her gown was an emerald green, almost the same color as her eyes, and entirely made out of delicate lace. It was off the shoulder, with long sheer sleeves covering her arms and a bodice that hugged her tightly.

I sighed a little as I looked at her neck. Mine suddenly felt so empty. Elliot kissed my cheek and took my hand then kissed it. "You really do look gorgeous little one."

I sighed and nodded as he zipped out of the room. Derek shrugged as he tied his cabernet red bowtie that finished his deep navy suit with a crisp white button down that made him look like he walked off the damn runway. "He's got to get there early to get the music going."

I nodded as Evangeline linked her arm in mine. "Come on, let's go torture my brother."

I rolled my eyes as Claire kissed my cheek; her dark hair that was pinned to the side bouncing with soft curls as she walked with us. Lander eyed Claire up and down then let out a rumble of approval as he nuzzled her neck. He whispered something to her that made her flush slightly before looking up at Evangeline and I. "Well, alright, alright, alright; who's ready to party?"

Evangeline and I laughed as Levi walked out. He looked like the worlds more interesting man in a polished black suit with a white buttoned down that he left a bit open at the top. He walked to me with a smile and kissed my crown. "Are we ready?"

"Yes uncle," Liam answered as he walked straight through the door without an invitation. He eyed Evangeline whose cheeks reddened wildly, making both Claire and Lander chuckle as he nuzzled into her neck. They'll be lucky if they actually make it to the damn party.

"Where's Ethan?" I said looking around. "And Evan and Remi?"

"Remi and Ev are already out staking out the game for tonight and getting things together," Lander answered as he and Claire walked forward.

I looked around some more and Evangeline gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure he'll turn up Char."

I sighed and nodded as Levi took my hand and led me forward. "Piss on him, you're with me Charlie girl," he said while scooping me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he started marching with me in his arms towards the pack house.

He rolled his eyes. "You'll ruin those damn shoes and I won't hear the end of it from Derek."

I laughed heartily and rolled my eyes as the other's caught up to with; both Lander and Liam were carrying their mates which more than amused me. Apparently, we were getting taxied around tonight.

The buzz from the pack house stirred the butterflies in my belly. Well, it stirred butterflies because Ethan was nowhere to be found. I felt the pull throb some more but I let my beast snap at it. He needed to pull his head out of his damn ass.

There were murmurs of talking and laughter as we got closer. Levi set me down as we got to the steps; I smoothed out my dress a little, more like tried to push my nerves back.

"You guys go in, we're right behind you," Levi said.

Lander and Liam nodded, pulling their mates with them as Levi turned to me a little knowingly. He eyed me curiously before his eyes softened. "Look here girly," he ordered. I snapped my eyes to his as he let out a sigh. "You know what you are?"

"A damn Thorne," I answered honestly.

He smirked a little and nodded. "That's right girl. Now you let your wolf eat those butterflies because the only one who needs to be nervous tonight is that mate of your's who I hope you will be torturing all night."

I smiled inwardly and nodded again. "Alright."

"Good girl," he replied before he kissed my forehead. "Now let's go. I need to find the bar so I can handle all this bullshit small talk I'm going to have to endure."


"Hmm," he replied as he offered me his arm.

"I love you," I murmured as I slipped my arm through his.

He rumbled a little then kissed my hair. "And I love you my Charlie girl."

I smiled a little as he began to tug us forward. The pack house looked lovely. The black standing tables were left in the middle of the living room from earlier that day and a few lonely drinks were left on them while people gathered in small groups to chat.

I felt Levi let his beast come closer and I followed suit. We were damn Thornes. Damn alpha wolves and we were going to rip those butterflies up. I smiled softly as some of the other wolves stiffened in the room and flickered their eyes to us then downward.

Levi chuckled as he led me down the steps and across the living room as our blood began to buzz some more, more energetically; an energy that fed me like my own personal drug, my beast loved it.

It was lovely outside, I will give Miranda that. There were lanterns and cute vintage lights strung around the place, she also had round tables with clean white tablecloths set around a wooden dance floor where Elliot seemed to be fiddling with some equipment he had on a table with a black tablecloth over it; he had it sitting on some cinderblocks to raise it a little so he could have a better reach of the two laptops that he was messing with. Speakers were surrounding the area and softly pouring some kind of jazzy tune that made me smile.

"Bar?" Levi asked.

I nodded. "Bar," I agreed.

We started walking when I felt a heat rush over me, a pair of eyes. They raked across my body over and over again, making she shiver slightly. I cocked my head as I held a bit of my dress up so I could walk down the stairs. Ethan.

He turned away from a group of men that he had been chatting with. Like Levi, he just had a simple finely tailored black suit on and a white shirt. He had his hair combed back and slightly gelled so his waves were more defined. I held in a sigh as Levi looked over to him and rumbled. I felt my heart pang.

Why the hell did he not come for me earlier?
