Original Edition - Chapter 38: Brothers and Sisters

Ethan had me sitting on the island in his kitchen while he patched me up. Most of my injuries were not too bad, my arm was a bit mangled but it was manageable.

He started to wipe some antibacterial with a cotton ball on my arm which I knew should have stung, but considering all the pain I had been through in my life, it was more annoying than anything. Ethan gave me a concerned brow while he continued to dab at the wound. "It doesn't sting?"

I shrugged. "I've had worse."

I saw his wolf stir behind his eyes from my answer, an answer that disturbed him more than anything else. He finished with the cotton ball then squeezed out some Neosporin and started to dab it over the wound. "It may scar sunshine."

"Just add it to the collection," I replied almost mechanically.

A low growl vibrated from his chest as his jaw slightly clenched. I rolled my eyes while he set the Neosporin down and picked up some gauze to place over the wound. "I'm a big girl Ethan, I can handle myself just fine."

He muttered something under his breath while he placed the gauze over the wound before he picked up some medical grade tape. I huffed at him. "Maybe I should take a turn with your ass and we'll just see how much you grumble then?"

Ethan's eyes shot to me, a little surprised and amused, as he started to wrap the tape around my arm to secure the gauze. He smiled deviously then shook his head. "Maybe one-day sunshine."

I rolled my eyes while he ripped the tape. He looked at my neck, which made my body stiffen. My wolf perked up, she liked our male and while the pull was hard to deny, we were both not entirely too ready to bare a mark on our neck.

Ethan seemed to sense this. He sighed and started to put away the things from the first aid kit that were scattered around while I hopped off the island. "He just... I just..." He let out a short breath and looked back at me tiredly. "We just didn't like seeing another male so close to your neck."

I walked over to him as my wolf swelled a bit with pride. I shoved her back a bit, she always got too sappy around Ethan for my liking. "It's just Billy, besides he wants us to start training with him so you're going to have to get over it."

Ethan rumbled a little and gave me a long look. "Char..."

I sighed and pushed some hair back out of the front of his face. God, I couldn't get over how blue his damn eyes were. "I will be fine, Billy wouldn't let me if he didn't think so. Besides, Andrea and Evangeline will be with me too."


"Yes?" I asked curiously. Ethan seemed perplexed but I just rolled my eyes. "She's a good fighter, Ethan, she just needs to be pushed a little more."

He sighed again before shaking his head. "Come on," he said while taking my hand and pulling me towards the door.

"What? Where are we going?"

"Tree house," he simply replied.


He turned to me with a smile laced with deviousness and desire. "It's a surprise sunshine."

It wasn't really a surprise. Ethan and I ended up making out like teenagers again and talking on the platform above the treehouse. I should push him away more, I should try to have some more self-control, but between the mate pull and my own feelings, it was growing harder and harder.

He eventually brought me back, in time for Elliot and Derek to properly grill me about my swollen lips. I couldn't help but smile, I felt like I was in high school again sneaking out with my, then, high school boyfriend so we could make out on the playground near our houses.

I felt like I maybe should fight the pull more, like it should be harder, but it was just, so, right. I don't think anything has ever felt as right as it did when Ethan and I were together. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be hard, maybe it was. Who the hell knows anyways?

The whispers came to me again that night. They sang to me words that send shivers up my spine. They told me to come to then 'Come and see Charlotte!' is what they would say. I tossed and turned under my bear skin; they were relentless, demanding. A damn pain in my ass.

The next morning I hurried out of the cabin to meet up with Andrea and Evangeline. Billy was going to have us training with the warriors, which apparently was ok with Thomas. I wasn't too worried, Billy seemed like he was the type of wolf that got what he wanted, otherwise, he would just beat your ass to the ground. He was my kind of guy.

"You look tired Char?" Evangeline gently asked as we started to walk across the valley.

"Is that your way of telling me I look bad?" I teased. Her face flushed while I just laughed along with Andrea. I nudged her shoulder gently with mine and winked. "Kidding Evangeline, but I am tired. I didn't sleep too well."

"Thoughts of Ethan keeping you up Char?" Andrea shot me a dirty grin which made my chest rumble.

I rolled my eyes and was about to answer when a female said, "Evangeline, where have you been?" The luna was giving Evangeline a scrutinizing eye which seemed to frighten her a little.

She sighed and smiled politely to Miranda. "Billy wants me to start training with him."

"Is that so," she mused while looking at the three of us. "You can't let your duties fall behind Evangeline, you know this."

"I know, I ju–"

"I can help her Miranda, after all, I probably should since it will eventually be my role," I smoothly interjected.

Miranda eyed me curiously before she nodded. "That's probably a good idea, I was needing to talk to you about that anyway. How about you and Ethan come to dinner tonight?"

I smiled politely and nodded. "That would be lovely, I'll tell Ethan."

"Good." She nodded then eyed Evangeline some more when Billy walked up.

"Miranda, good to see you this morning. Can we do anything for you?"

The female stiffened but she didn't let Billy see it. "I was just chatting with Evangeline. I didn't know you had her training with you?"

"Yes mam', she's a good fighter too. I think she'll be a real kick ass female when I am done with her."

"Hmmm," Miranda hummed. "Well, I better get back. Paperwork calls."

"You're do in the ring soon Miranda," Billy called after her.

She turned and gave Billy a wicked grin laced with warning. "Bye Billy, see you later girls! And Charlotte, don't forget about dinner."

"Paperwork my ass," Evangeline grumbled.

"Come on Evangeline, let's go fight it out. It's time you and me took a turn today girl," Billy said while wrapping an arm around Evangeline and leading her to the rings.

Andrea and I both looked at each other a little wide-eyed but followed Billy, who led us to where a group of warriors and hunters were waiting. Evan was chatting with Jake and Ryder before his eyes snapped to mine with a bit of shock.

They were mostly seasoned , the betas and upper gammas. Even for an alpha blooded wolf, they would be a good match, the scars littering their bodies proved it. There were only a few females, but they crowded around Larissa whose beast was licking her lips at the sight of mine; in that moment I would have loved to tear her lips off.

"Alright, same drill but today we've got Evangeline, my daughter Andrea, and Charlotte with us," Billy called out to the group.

"Which means 'special treatment'" Larissa snickered through a whisper.

"The only special treatment you'll see here Larissa is the beating I'm about to let my daughter put on your ass," Billy said with a cool smile back.

Andrea winked at Larissa before turning to me smugly. Andrea was definitely not a female to screw with, she was her father's daughter. That female could have you on your ass as hard as he does, and my wolf loved her for that.

"Alright, let's go!" Billy yelled.

We started to jog ahead with the group towards a trail. Evangeline stuck by me while Andrea jogged ahead with her dad. Evan, Jake, and Ryder faded back to us though with amused smiled painted all over their faces.

"Well little sisters, it's good to see you," Evan shot out as we started to jog down the trail.

I rolled my eyes while Evangeline muttered a string of curses under her breath. "I'm older than you Evan."

"But still shorter Char," he quickly replied.

Ryder nudged my shoulder as we ran around a curve playfully. "Charlie it's good to see you again."

"Same to your Ghostrider." I smiled as Ryder chuckled next to me.

He looked over at Evan who was whispering something to Jake with an approving nod. "I like her Evan, maybe more than you actually."

"Asshole," Evan grumbled.

I laughed with Ryder as we pushed forward. "So where's Ethan?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "How should I know, I am not his keeper."

"But you are his mate! Shouldn't y'all be like, ya know..." Jake looked at me with wiggling brows which drew a low growl from Evangeline's chest.

"You guys are disgusting, that's our damn brother!"

"Which makes picking on him even more sweeter," Evan practically sang out.

I sighed and looked at Ryder who shrugged at me. "Maybe you should beat his ass around soon."

I nodded. "I think he's due for a classic Thorne ass beating."

We ran hard down the trail in our skin, strengthening our legs and challenging our lungs. It was a hard trail, much harder than the one Andrea took us on, but my beast and I loved it. We pushed hard and kept up well with the group.

Evangeline did well too, as did Evan. Both of them had a small competition going between the two of them that made Ryder, Jake, and I just break out into laughter.

Eventually, we rounded our way back and made our way back to the rings. I practically drowned myself in a bottle of water while people began to split up into small groups around the rings.

Billy walked over to me and looked at Evan who was drinking a bottle of water while he leaned on a tree. "Come on, grab those damn friends of your's Evan, let's go back to the back rings. You too Evangeline!"

"Back rings?" Evan asked curiously.

Billy nodded. "Charlotte can't spar with pack members yet, and neither can my Andrea. Well, 'technically' they can't."

"So why are we going to the rings?" Evan asked while we started to follow Billy.

"Because Charlotte needs someone to spar with and well, she is going to be your sister soon. I doubt Thomas will care actually."

Evan rolled his eyes then pushed me playfully. "Here that little sister? Hope you like the dirt."

I laughed heartily and shook my head as the rings came into view. "God I am going to enjoy this so much."

"Me too," Ryder added.

"Me three," Jake chimed in.

"No Jake you're with Andrea," Billy called out over his shoulder.

"Shit man," he hissed out.

"Don't worry Jake, I'll keep your balls in tact," Andrea snickered back to him as she turned off towards a ring.

"Evangeline wait here, I want to watch this one first," Billy said as he stood in front of the middle ring.

"Agreed," she said while smiling deviously to her brother.

Evan and I stepped into the ring and immediately my wolf was pacing. She was ready to show our 'brother' what her teeth were made of. Sure she liked Evan, he was like a fun younger brother to us, but he needed to be taught a lesson from the 'Book of Levi' and we were more than happy to give it to him.

"Alright, no shifting until I say!" Billy called out.

Ryder sat on a bench next to Evangeline and winked at me. "Give him hell Charlie!"

Evan growled back at his friend as I started to stalk him. He cocked his brow a bit and smiled at me amusingly as he did the same. "Ready little sister?"

Evan was a seasoned wolf, there was no doubt. He may be young, but he bore scars like most of the seasoned warriors; his wolf wasn't going to make him easy to take on, but I had my own scars as well. I had scars that I bore that carved my wolf and I into the female we were, and we would not make this easy for him.

I smiled and nodded. "Alright Ev' let's see what you got."

With that, Evan charged at me. I stepped out of the way then grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back so I could hit him hard in his Scapula, the area right next to his shoulder.

I kicked his knees out and before he knew it, I slammed a foot into his lower femur, a more delicate area near his knee, while I punched him again hard in the ribs. He growled out as he caught his breath while I stalked away then began to circle him again.

"I thought you were going to give me a proper beating brother." I smiled sweetly as I taunted him.

Evan stood again and came at me. His fist hit my ribs, then hit it again. I was still sore from sparing with Billy, but my beast and I pushed the pain out, pain could not control us.

He threw another fist towards my ribs but I blocked then slammed a fist hard in his chest while ramming my knee into his stomach, right into his lower ribs that were vulnerable to my attack.

He lunged forward and tackled me to the ground. I felt a fist meet my hip bone, causing me to growl loudly. Before he moved another fist, I took both my legs and wrapped my knees around his head before slamming them into the dirt. He cried out as, I am sure, his head started to spin, allowing me time to get up and shake off my injuries.

Billy eyed me curiosity then nodded. "Shift."

Evan shifted first and walked towards me with a face full or rage-fueled vengeance. I snarled at him then lunged as my beast came forward. We landed on the ground and snarled at him again, he was wrong to underestimate us too much.

I felt something, though, I felt his blood. It was humming, humming with a new level of power that I hadn't felt off of him before. I smiled inwardly, maybe we could bring the alpha blood out in him after all.

Evan lunged at me and bit me hard against my ribs. My beast let out a harsh growl as she quickly whipped around, throwing him off her back, and took a bite at his chest.

I could feel him scratching and clawing at the back of my neck, but I didn't care and neither did my beast. We pushed him forward with our teeth dug in his chest until he lost his footing and stumbled. We used that as an opportunity to pounces again, we bit into his shoulder while letting our claw sink into the wound on his chest we had created.

Evan's beast got a hold of my lower shoulder, but my beast laughed in the back of my mind because the knew that he had made a foolish mistake. We had our teeth over his unprotected neck before he even released my shoulder and realized what he did.

He beast lowly growled again as the scent from his veins sparked some more. We only squeezed harder and reminded him that he had lost, and he better submit before we drew blood.

Evan's beast sighed and thrust his neck as best he could towards us. My beast quickly released the licked a little at his neck, he was like a brother to her after all.

Billy chuckled as Ryder pulled off his shirt and handed it to me. I quickly shifted and let him help me into it, my injured shoulder was not allowing me as much movement as I would have liked.

Ryder looked at my shoulder then moved my hair to look at my neck. It wasn't bad, but the back of it, towards the lower half, was torn up pretty good. "Ethan's going to have your ass for that Evan."

I rolled my eyes as Evan slipped into a pair of shorts. "It's fine. I'm a big girl, he knows that."

"Tell that to him," Ryder grumbled.

"Well Evan I think Charlie here can be one of your new sparring partners," Billy said with a satisfied grin on his face. Evan looked over at me with wide eyes then let out a long huff while Evangeline chuckled deviously next to Billy. "Come on Evangeline, it's time you and me took a turn girl. Evan, go get cleaned up with Char."

Evan nodded then walked up to me while I wiped at the blood seeping out of my shoulder. He looked at it and grimaced again. "Sorry little sister."

"No, you're not," I smiled a little knowingly as we walked back towards the cabins. "But it's ok, it was a good fight."

"It was, I probably needed that."

"Ha!" My chest vibrated hard as it shook from laughter, causing me to wince a bit as the sore areas livened up with pain.

Evan sucked in a sharp breath then rubbed his face. "Ethan is going to kill me."

"No, he won't. Besides if he does, who will I get to beat around?"

Evan smiled then shoved my good shoulder playfully. "Next time little sister, next time I will have your neck in my mouth."

I nodded as we walked into the woods that led to our cabin. He's beast would come back with a vengeance and my wolf was glad. He needed to unleash himself some more and we were happy to let him.

We came in view of our cabins where Evan and I went our separate ways. I walked in the house while Elliot eyed me curiously. I shrugged as I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. "Evan and I sparred today. He got me pretty good."

"Did he win?"

"No," I said as I smiled into my glass.

Elliot nodded with a smile and put his book down then started to walk to the bathroom. "Stay there, I'll get the first-aid kit."

"Where's Derek?" I called out.

"Hunting!" he called back.

I slid up on the counter next to the sink while Elliot fished around for Derek's first aid supplies. He soon came out of the bathroom with a clear Tupperware container and set it next to me on the counter. He took a good look at me and shook his head. "Your mate's gonna be pissed that his brother tore your neck up."

"First off, it's the back of my neck," I corrected. "Secondly, we were sparring. He's a big boy, he'll get over it."

Elliot chuckled as he started to pull supplies out. "Why don't you go shower off real quick and then come back out here. It will be easier if the wounds are not so dirty."

I slid off the counter and quickly made my way to my bathroom. I took a very careful shower, careful in the sense of I had to act like I was in the Matrix to avoid soap getting on any of the larger gashes; that would have stung like a bitch.

I showered then slipped on a soft bralette that Derek got me when I first came to live with them, clean underwear, and a soft t-shirt dress that wouldn't rub against the gashes on my legs. I was brushing my hair when I walked out of the kitchen and felt him. My skin shivered in anticipation and my mouth was already craving his. Damn this bond, it was making me act like a ridiculous school girl swooning over a Backstreet Boy.

Ethan was sitting in the kitchen, chatting with Elliot, when his eyes flickered to mine. He looked me once over while I gave him a reassuring smile, which apparently didn't help. His chest rumbled deep and shook the glasses on the table as it traveled to me.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, giving Elliot a dirt look on the way. Elliot just shrugged innocently. "What? Ethan here just happened to be in the neighborhood and I told him you were home and that I was sure you would enjoy his company."


"Gotta go, Derek's waiting for me, bye you two!" he said as he quickly zipped out of the house then into the forest.

I grumbled a bit while my wolf huffed. "Damn vampire speed."

Ethan rumbled again as he walked over towards me. I gave him a long look which softened his eyes, but only a little. My wolf wasn't helping either, she liked that our male was worried about us, that he was protective over what was his. I rolled my eyes at her which only made her let out a wolfy laugh in the back of my mind.

"I am going to have Evan's ass," he muttered as he took my hand and looked down my arm at the new wounds.

"How did you–"

"Mind link," he finished my sentence before I could. "He's been apologizing profusely since he got home."

"He shouldn't have, we were sparring, it happens." Ethan kissed my hand, leaving tiny tingles where his lips were before pulling back to where Elliot was unpacking the first aid stuff.

"I know, it's just..." Ethan sighed while he helped me up onto the counter. "He doesn't like seeing you like this and neither do I. I feel like I'm almost on Levi's level of murderous right now."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "That may be a little much."

He nodded. "Ok, where is it the worst?"

"Well, my arm as you can see, my shoulder is torn up pretty good," I said while pointing to the wound that was starting to stain my clean dress. "He got some good scratches in, but those will probably be fine tomorrow, he also–well he, um."

"He what sunshine?"

"You have to promise you won't be angry or take it out on him?" Ethan gave me a sardonic look before nodding. I held up my pinky and looked at him more seriously. "Pinky promise?"

He smiled and wrapped his pinky around mine. "Alright sunshine, now show me."

I let his pinky go and released a hot breath; both my beast and I knew he was not going to like this, but it wasn't like Evan was trying to mark us. I pushed my hair back and turned slightly so he could see the claw marks down the back of my neck that ran between my shoulder blades.

A vicious growl rolled off his body as a surge of anger and energy from his blood seemed to blanket me; I sucked in a breath, it caught me off guard and almost knocked me off the counter. I turned back around and Ethan had his hands on either side of me, holding onto the counter like his life almost depended on it. I touched his face, I knew his beast was close, too close.


He let out a shaky breath and looked back up at me. He looked up at me and I thought I was going to loose my breath. His eyes were like a slow moving storm that was ready to take me into its strong arms. Eyes that held rage were now eyes that held such strong desire that my beast was salivating at the mouth.

Before I knew what was happening he was kissing me. It wasn't gentle, it wasn't patient– it was demanding. This was a male who needed to drown in the arms of his female, who needed to let his mind be suspended to a different place where logical thinking didn't exist and pure animalistic instincts did.

I kissed him back with just as much ferocity though. It felt urgent, it felt like I couldn't let his lips devour mind quickly enough. Ethan stepped between my legs and grabbed the back of them, pulling them towards him while I let his tongue invade my mouth.

I groaned in pleasure and let my instincts drive this moment. My legs wrapped around him and pulled him closer to me, I needed more of him. It was like fire kissing him. It was like a gas fire that I couldn't pour enough of the gas into.

My body felt like a ball of energy that just wanted to be released. I felt his veins humming with the scent of his blood that seemed to reach out to mine and dance with it.

He groaned into my lips and slid his hands up the outside of my thighs while he ground his pelvis against me, exciting a place deep in my belly. His hands were leaving trails of fire where they felt and caressed my skin; I bit at his bottom lip and tugged playfully, which made him let out an approving growl as he kissed me harder.

Soon his fingers had made their way to the sides of my ribcage and over the sides of my breasts; it was like he was trying to memorize every line on my body, tattooing it onto his soul where it would always stay.

I was greedy though, as was my wolf. We tugged at his shirt, which he took off to our approval with a chuckle. I couldn't get enough of his torso that was so chiseled; I kept letting my fingers trail down the lines of his abs which made him groan in pleasure into my mouth.

He started to tug my dress up, and I was too damn consumed with him to care. I was too dizzy with frantic desperation for his lips, his touch, and his love that I was totally unaware of anything else that was happening.

He paused for a minute and looked at me, and suddenly, I felt so aware of my scars. I started to pull away but he just pulled me back to him. He kissed me again softly then kissed a scar that ran from the upper portion of my right breast to my collar bone. He kissed me again softly on the inside of my arm where the burn mark still angrily stuck out as a nasty scar. "Don't be ashamed of yourself sunshine." He whispered against my skin as his lips worked their way over my collar bone. "I don't think I've ever seen anything more beautiful or wanted anything more than you."

I felt myself melt slowly as he kissed me again and pressed my chest against his, flesh on flesh that made me let out a tiny moan. He growled into my mouth, making me shiver before kissed along my jaw.

I sucked in a breath then felt like I was going to die from euphoria as his lips started to caress that place where my shoulder and neck meet. His lips were kissing and sucking and worshiping the area, igniting flames around it and igniting the blood in veins to feel like it was white hot fire.

I almost lost my breath from the feeling. He kissed some more, almost killing me with delicious ecstasy until I felt teeth. I felt his teeth graze that spot and I immediately felt my stomach flip over as panic surged through me.

I pushed him away, twisting the bond as he hit the island. My breath was labored but my hand was searching my neck for any sign of a mark; when it found none, I felt relief wash over me. I wasn't ready for that yet.

Ethan looked up with swollen lips and flickered his eyes to my neck. Guilt started to swirl in them. He tugged at his hair and let out a shaky breath while I caught mine. "I'm sorry. I got, he got, well we got carried away. Please don't be afraid of me."

I nodded. "I'm not, it just caught me off guard."

He stepped forward, a little more cautiously, and leaned his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry. I won't go near your neck again unless you want me to. I'll try harder, it's just," he said then let out another hot breath. "It's just getting harder. When I'm around you I feel like the pull is somehow slowly pulling me harder towards you."

I sighed and kissed the corner of his mouth. "I know. I'm just not ready yet. It has nothing to do with you, please know that." He looked up at me with hopeful eyes and smiled a little. "I really like you, Ethan, obviously," I chuckled out. "I just, I need more time. I'm sorry, I know this isn't normal or–"

He silenced me with a finger to my lips then kissed me chastely. "Sunshine stop apologizing. I would wait, miserably, for you as long as you needed me to." He sighed and leaned back then looked at the flesh mangled on my shoulder. "Let's get you fixed up."

I sighed. "And then?"

"What do you want to do sunshine?" he asked a little playfully while he reached for some antibacterial.

I shrugged. "Well, Miranda invited us to dinner tonight, but between now and then I have no plans. I think Billy's letting me have a break before he has another turn with me."

Ethan sighed then leaned towards my shoulder. He looked at me a little deviously, then moved towards the wound. I eyed him curiously as heat began to sweep across my skin again from his closeness. "Um, what are you doing?"

He eyed me again with those blue eyes that could kill as a small smile tugged at his lips. "It's a surprise sunshine."

He kissed an area of skin next to the gash on my shoulder, then slowly, he started to lick his way up it. I let out a small gasp that would have turned into a breathy moan if I hadn't bit it back. The area where he licked tingled with tiny bursts of energy; it felt insanely good. My body felt so wanton for him, so pulled towards his. He pulled back and chuckled more to himself, then kissed my lips. "Levi obviously didn't tell you that." I nodded and eyed him curiously as I tried to calm my fluttering heart. "Your mate's saliva can help stir the healing process in you a little faster."

I eyed him a little pensively while he looked at my leg deviously. "Did Elliot invite you here or did you know?"

He chuckled then started to place some clean gauze over my shoulder. "I was at home eating some lunch. I could feel you coming, but I could also feel your pain earlier so I figured that I would come check on you. Then Evan gets home and starts apologizing over and over so..."

"Mhmm," I hummed pointedly.

"Please sunshine, you like it." He smiled to himself while he started to wrap tape around my arm.

I sighed, though I did not give him the satisfaction of knowing that I did like it, I liked it a whole damn lot. "So what are we going to do then?"

"Well, we're going to get you fixed up then we can do whatever you want sunshine."

I bit my lip a little and thought. I didn't really feel like moving a whole lot, my body ached too much for that. "Want to watch a movie? I haven't eaten and I feel too sore to do anything too strenuous."

"Are you sure?" he murmured against my cheek before he kissed it.

I blushed and slapped his chest playfully. "Ethan!"

He shook his head while he chuckled again and pulled out some more gauze before looking at the gashes on my leg from yesterday. "Alright sunshine, but I get to pick the movie."

My smile turned into a nervous thin line as he knelt near my leg, tracing the gash gently with the tips of his fingers. He kissed on the skin right below it then licked his way slowly up, finishing with another kiss on the skin above it.

I let out a hot breath and crossed my arms. "You're enjoying this way too much."

He chuckled and started to put some gauze over it. "What's not to enjoy sunshine?"

I groaned while my wolf chuckled in the back of my mind. She liked our male. She wouldn't mind if he licked us in other places, which made me snap at her. We almost had a mark on our neck for Christ's sake!

She just flipped her tail at me and laid down, letting me focus on Ethan who was starting to wrap tape around my leg.

He looked at the gash on my neck and bit his lip. I could sense his discomfort, but I knew he wouldn't let his emotions get the best of this time. I turned a bit so he would have better access to it and pushed my hair out of the way.

"I trust you Ethan, go on."

He let out a shaky breath and gently touched the skin on the back of my neck with one hand while resting his other hand on my leg. I shivered a little, but I tried to control myself as I felt his warm breath against my skin.

He kissed the area below the gash, by my shoulder blades, then slowly licked his way up to where the gash ended. He finished by kissing the skin above it, which was right below my hairline before kissing my cheek.

Relief washed over me as my wolf yipped at me a very 'I told you so' yip. I was hard not to like this male or fight the pull between us, especially when he was so good around me.

Ethan put some gauze over it then taped it up before turning me around and chastely kissing my lips. "Movie?"

I nodded. "Movie." I followed him to a couch while he went through a stack of DVD's on a rack near the fireplace. "What are we watching?"

"It's a surprise sunshine."
