Original Edition - Chapter 43: Jessica Jones

Ethan led me back to his cabin and had given me some of his clothes to change into. I tugged on a big gray v-neck and some red-plaid boxers then walked out of the bathroom by their kitchen.

He was pulling out some tape, gauze, and bandages from a clear Tupperware box on the island in the middle of the kitchen. He had black sweatpants on that were hanging low on his hips, low enough that I could see the lines of his torso which led to places that made my body flush. I bit back a rumble, which my wolf was not pleased with, and walked into the kitchen.

"Is this really all necessary?"

Ethan rolled his eyes as he nodded with a tiny smirk. "Yes, although I should send some to Larissa and Amber, they definitely need it more than you do."

A smug smile tugged at the corners of my mouth which made him chuckle as he walked over to me. He gave me a chaste kiss then helped me hop up onto the island so I was sitting on it. "Nah, let them bleed. It's good for them."

"You sound just like Levi," he said teasingly as he grabbed some gauze.

"How so?"

"Well," he said while he rolled my sleeve up so he could have better access to my arm. "When I was younger, like thirteen? My dad let me start sparring with Lucas, Eli, and Levi. We weren't allowed to until we were thirteen, but my dad had worked with me and started working with Evan long before then.

"Eli used to always go over there for a few weeks to train and spend time with them, and Lucas would always come over here. After I was old enough my dad let Eli take me with him, which I was so damn excited about. Levi was by far our favorite uncle growing up," I felt my heart swell a little at his words as it pained a bit at the sound of memories that I knew still haunted him.

"Anyways, Eli warned me but I guess I didn't really believe him. The first day Levi took me and Eli on together. We were a good team, we always fought well together, but Levi had my ass in the ground so hard that I still have a scar from where his teeth got me.

"Both Eli and I were bleeding and probably looked like pounded meat. Aunt Eve told Levi that they should bandage us up, and Levi just shook his head at her with that damn smug smile he always had and said something like, 'Let em' bleed babe, it's good for them to know how it feels.'

"Lucas laughed his ass off. Well, he laughed his ass off until Levi said, 'Come on son, it's your turn.' " He chuckled softly and shook his head as he placed some tape over the gauze on my shoulder. "He looked at us after and said, 'Pretty good you two, now go chop some wood.'"

"He had you chop wood?" I asked as my heart started to flutter at the memory. I never thought that I would actually become nostalgic over chopping that damn wood.

Ethan groaned a little as he looked at my arm. "I don't think Levi ever chopped wood when all of us were together. He always had us do it. I am pretty sure one year we chopped enough firewood for that whole damn pack."

I let out a hearty laugh as he started to gently place some cream over the gash with a ghost smile on his lips. "That's amazing." My breath caught in the back of my throat while he put some gauze over the gash. "He had me chop his damn wood too."

"Really?" Ethan asked with a cocked brow.

I nodded as he started to put some medical tape over the gauze. "It was literally the first thing he had me do." Ethan looked at me curiously. I let out a sigh as warm feelings of the past came forward. "It was the next day after I woke up from being bitten. I somehow got him to agree to help me, he didn't want to at first because he was convinced that I was going to die anyways.

"He uh, he agreed and that day he took me outside and said we were going to start training. I had no idea what that meant, or what I was thinking. I mean, I had just found out all of this was real and living with a two men I didn't know at all.

"Anyways, he told me to go chop some wood and I mean, I thought he was crazy, but it didn't look too hard at first. Damn asshole laughed his ass off when I couldn't do it for like the first hour. He literally pulled up a chair and a cooler of coke and sat back like it was a movie."

Ethan bit back a laugh then walked around the island, he stood caddy-corner to me so he could have a better look at my back. He tugged me closer, I could feel his fingertips on my skin as he started to slowly tug the shirt up. "I won't peak," he teased, which made me blush madly; mostly because of the lust that shot through me.

"Ok," I murmured out.

"So, what happened," he casually asked as he pulled my shirt up so it rested on my shoulders. A low rumble filled the room which wasn't helping my flush; it made my skin shiver and my wolf purr in the back of my mind. "Sorry sunshine," he whispered before kissing the bare skin above my shoulder blade.

I wrapped my arms protectively around my breasts and nodded. "Anyways, he uh, I don't know. He pissed me off enough and got me to do it." I chuckled breathlessly while I heard him unscrew a cap to another little thing of cream. "That was the first day I felt her."

I felt the cold cream on my back along with his warm fingers and shivered slightly. "I'm not surprised," Ethan mused while he gently lathered cream over a gash. He chuckled a bit then placed some gauze over the area. "I think the whole damn pack felt it when you join, which please tell me that you didn't do it so you could lay into Amber."

I bit my lip and shrugged. "Well, Thomas said it was fine and so did Levi–"

"Ha!" Ethan scoffed out. "Levi is always on board for a good ass beating. I just," he sighed out a little. He placed his chin on my shoulder and kissed it gently. "I just don't want you to think that you had to do it because of that, or me. It's your decision, you need to do what you want.

"I mean don't get me wrong, I'm pretty damn happy about it. My beast wouldn't shut up for like an hour after you did, but it's your decision sunshine."

I felt my heart swell. "I won't lie, I did kinda maybe really want to do it so I could put her ass on the dirt," Ethan grumbled against my shoulder as he let out a hot breath. "But, I also want to be here Ethan. I feel like I have a place here, it feels right. It would have happened eventually and I think an ass beating is a perfectly good reason."

He shook his head before kissing my cheek then moving back away. "Alright, sunshine."

I smiled then started to shiver again as his fingers grazed my bare back. I felt so wanton, it was absurd. I had to push it back, I wasn't ready for that–not yet at least. "What do you mean the pack felt it?"

He let out a breathy laugh and started to put cream on another area. "It felt like a burst of energy in my brain. I could feel Thomas pulling someone into the pack, into our link, and it was like when you broke through that I was hit with this crazy raw energy. I knew it was you. I could feel it, you. That and my beast wouldn't shut the hell up about it."

"Be nice, he was just excited," I scolded playfully while he put some gauze over the area.

Ethan sighed as he cut some tape then started to tape the area up. "He seems to be that way a lot around you."

"Just him?" I asked with a sly grin.

He patted the tape flat then let his fingers trail over my back, drawing small lines of flames as they made their way to my waist. I sucked in my breath and tightened my arms around my breasts as I felt his hot breath on my back.

I bit my lip. My skin as calling out to him to kiss me. I could smell him, his desire and it was driving my mind wild.

His kissed my skin and it was everything I had not to let out a gasp. He kissed me again, in a different spot, as his fingers started to slowly trail up my waist like feathers; feathers that were crumbling me in the most tantalizing way.

He kissed me again, grazing the sides of my arms and rubbing them gently before he took the edge of my shirt, pulling it back down and covering my tingling skin. I almost let out a sigh of relief until I felt him kissed the shell of my ear.

I sighed a little and leaned back into him. He snaked an arm around my waist and carefully pulled me to him until I was pressed into his firm chest that was warm and humming as the pull between us seemed to rouse electric energy within our veins.

"No, it's not just him," he whispered against my cheek.

I sighed as his scruff tickled me gently when he kissed my cheek again in a kiss that felt more like a flame. I found myself turning my head, my lips calling to his because it was too much. I was too hypnotized but the pull, the scent, the desire between us

Ethan kissed my lips, devouring them gently and slowly while he cupped my chin with one hand. I sighed into his lips and let him kiss me again, this time, a little harder with a little more need, a little more desire, a little more heat, and a little more of the raw passion that I couldn't get enough of.

He let out a growl as he kissed me; nibbling on my bottom lip and sucking on it like it was a damn piece of candy. I let out a breathy moan which only stoked the fire that was starting to burn more needfully between us. His tongue found the entrance to my mouth that it wanted as his hand around my waist rubbed across my belly, over my shirt, and made me pool with a need that I didn't know I could feel.

I reached my arm around his face and grabbed a fist full of his silky hair, pulling him to me. I needed more of him, I was craving more of him.

His other hand moved to my thigh while the one around my waist started to rub its way upwards until it rubbed across my breasts that were bare under the shirt. I let out another moan into his kiss while his chest vibrated. I felt mine rumble in return as my fingers continued to pull his hair, I felt like there was still to much space between us even though I knew I was practically painted against him.

He rubbed his hand back over one of my breasts; slowly like he was memorizing them. He was gentle yet firm, and when he tugged on one of my nipples teasingly, my body lit up with white-hot desire that licked its way over my skin. I let out a louder moan that drew a vibration from his chest that rocked through mine.

His hand was teasing my thigh, trailing closer to the center as he squeezed it gently. I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle, hell I felt like a damn puddle. I felt like my was humming, singing, calling to his. The pull felt like it was wrapping around us in an iron tight grip, one that I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to leave it at all.

But soon, too damn soon, Ethan pulled away. He pulled away and I felt myself let out a breathy whine as his lips left mine.

He wrapped his arms around me while he leaned his head on my shoulder, breathing hard as his body vibrated a little more. I leaned my head back and tried to catch my breath, which felt like an impossible feat.

My beast was whining, she wanted more of our mate, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't. I pushed her back, though. We had to settle down before we did something that I wasn't entirely ready for.

"I had to stop, I'm sorry," he breathed out on my shoulder before lifting his head up.

I leaned back against him and let out another breathy sigh. "Don't be. I'm just as much to blame."

He chuckled and nodded into my hair. "That you are sunshine." He turned me around to face him and pushed my hair out of my face before kissing me chastely, almost chastely. I sighed as he pulled away with an amused smile. "Come on," he said while he scooped me up off the island.

He started to carry me up the stairs which made my heart start to flutter like the wings of a butterfly. "And where are we going?"

"Surprise sunshine," he replied coyly.

I rolled my eyes as I leaned into his chest. He climbed up the last stair then walked to a door on our right; kicking it open he walked me into a room that smelled entirely of him. It was like a bath filled entirely of his scent that I was soaking in.

There was a bathroom on the left, a big bookshelf, a messy desk and an old wooden roller chair in front of is, and a TV on top of a dresser opposite of the bed sitting with the long-side against the wall that he was carrying me to.

He leaned down and pulled the brown fluffy comforter back with one arm, then set me gently on the bed with the other. I looked up at him with a cocked brow. I was still buzzing from our little 'episode' earlier, and I wasn't sure if being in bed with him was going to help me calm down at all. "Um, what are we doing?"

"Well, you need to rest. Your back needs to heal, it's making my wolf anxious that it's as torn up as it is." He sighed out as he scooted in next to me while my beast smiled coyly in the back of my mind. She liked that our male was worried about us, it pleased her.

"In your bed?" I asked again slightly sardonically as he pulled me against his chest.

He chuckled to himself and reached over for a remote on the nightstand with a glass of water and a tan lamp next to his bed. "Yup." He turned back to lay on his back while his other arm wrapped itself around my waist, though, it was careful not to harm my back. "Your mate can increase your healing process, so just being near them can speed it up, which means that you're not leaving this bed until your back looks a little better."

"Ethan..." I warned as desire swirled in my belly from the smug grin he gave me while he hit a button on the remote that turned to TV on.

He looked down at me as a sly grin tugged at his lips. "Please sunshine, when that happens we will definitely be in more places than just the bed."

"Oh my God," I groaned into his chest while my cheeks, I'm pretty sure, turned beat red.

Ethan let out a hearty laugh that shook my body but did not shake away my embarrassment. "You'll be saying that a lot before I'm done with you," he teased while he clicked around on the remote.

I let out a warning growl that only made him laugh harder. I buried my face back in his chest while my wolf laughed with him. Damn her. I snapped at her which only made her more amused at the mortification I was feeling.

He clicked something and set the remote back on the nightstand before snuggling into me a little more. The theme sound of 'Jaws' started to play which made me smile some more. "Jaws?" I asked as I turned my chin up to look at him.

He shot his blue-green eyes at me that were full of entertainment at the sight of me. "It's a classic sunshine." I rolled my eyes which made him chuckle some more before he kissed my forehead. "What, you don't like teeth?" He asked while playfully flashing me his fangs.

I scoffed. "I like ripping them out," I replied back with a smug grin.

Ethan laughed deviously and nodded. "I'm only jealous that I never did it before."

"Hmmmm," I thought to myself a little. "I don't know, beating the shit out of Larissa there at the end was pretty satisfying as well."

Ethan stilled. His eyes searched mine while he sighed out. "How?"

"How what?"

"How did you get her to shift back?"

"I told her to?" His eyes flashed with something but it left too quickly before I could catch it.

He sighed and turned to me. His fingers were drawing lines on my arm while his legs started to intertwine with mine. "I know that. I heard, but how?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, I was just really pissed. I felt my beast reach somewhere then come close again. I don't know. She just did after that. Is that not normal?"

Ethan let out a breathy laugh. "No sunshine. Well, it's normal for wolves like us."

"What do you mean like us?"

"Well, for example, if you tried that with Thomas or I, it wouldn't work. I mean, I would probably feel a push, but you couldn't command me, nor I you." He sighed and pushed the hair out of my face. "Usually higher ranked wolves, wolves with a position of some sort of authority can only use it so much, but only on subordinate wolves; wolves whose blood isn't as strong as theirs."

"So what does that mean?" I whispered out as I started to draw small circles on his chest.

Ethan wrinkled his brows a bit before looking at me a little tiredly. "I don't know. Your blood is strong, like Levi's, and eventually, you'll be the beta female so maybe that's why? I've never seen a wolf outside of an alpha or first beta rank do that. I've only done it a few times."

I scrunched my nose as I soaked in his words. My wolf stirred a bit. She felt like there was more to it, and so did I, but we couldn't figure it out. I sighed and leaned against his chest again when a scream sounded on the TV; some girl in the movie was getting eaten up by the shark.

Eventually, I ended up dozing off. I couldn't help myself. I felt like I was in a perfect burrito and the tortilla was Ethan.

I ended waking up because the hunger was gnawing at my stomach. Ethan stirred and made me stay in bed while he ran downstairs for what felt like an eternity; but around twenty minutes later, he came back with pizza, a bottle of wine, two red solo cups, and some paper towels that he had somehow carried up here all by himself.

We ended up watching 'Jessica Jones' on Netflix, which Ethan apparently loved. At one point during the show he said something like, 'Sunshine, she's like you. She just beats the shit out of people who really piss her off. What's not to like?'

Damn him.

The pull felt fat, content, and satisfied that evening; but still, there was a hunger churning. I could feel it, I know he could too. Sometimes I would catch him staring longingly at my neck, or I would feel his beast reach out to mine with gentle fingertips that yearned for his lover's touch.

It was both amazing and terrifying.

I hadn't felt anything like this before. It was a feeling that made me feel right, feel whole, but it was also a feeling that scared me. It scared me because I felt like I was diving head first into the ocean with bricks tied around my feet.

But it was hard not to jump. I wanted to jump. I wanted to jump I just wasn't sure about taking the leap.

After we ate I ended up falling back asleep on his chest while 'Jessica Jones' played in the background. My back felt better, it wasn't as sore. I guess Ethan was right about this crazy mate healing thing.

Sleep with him was the most peaceful thing I had ever experience. I felt like I had died and gone into some place of total relaxation and bliss.

It was peaceful until it wasn't.

Until they whispered.

Until they called for me again.

"Charlotte," they would whisper. "Come and see."

"Come and see," they would say. "You need to see."

They grew louder. They disturbed my sleep and stirred up the itch in my brain that made my wolf whine out in frustration and pain.

I didn't know what to do. I felt my body start to sweat as their whispers kept singing to me, calling to me, and softly murmured to me to follow them. Follow them and 'see.'

"Charlotte," another whispered. "You need to see."

"See," they said.

"See," they said again.

"See," they said over and over and over again until something yelled, "Wake up!"

Both Ethan and I sprung upright in the bed. Our breaths were labored as the air seemed to thicken around me.

I looked around the room while shivers started to coat my body. I let out a shaky breath and looked over at Ethan who looked like he saw a ghost.

"Did you hear?"

He nodded solemnly. He quickly got out of bed and looked around the room. His eyes were glowing; his beast was close and snapping out at whoever was threatening him and his female.

He looked back to me as worry laced his eyes then around the room again, sniffing the air before a rumble slowly broke up the silence. I felt my breath catch a little. He walked to the door and looked back at me firmly. "Stay here."

I felt my breath hitch. He closed the door, leaving me in the dark. I leaned back against the headboard and pulled a pillow to my chest. I could hear him marching around in the house and opening things then closing them loudly.

My heart wasn't slowing down though. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my wolf, but she was on high alert. Her fur was raised on her back and her teeth were ready.

"Charlotte," it softly whispered again.

"Come and see," it said gently.

I sucked in a breath before my chest vibrated as low growl filly the room. I looked around as my wolf came forwards. Whoever was in here was a threat to us, to our male, and we were more than happy to let them meet out teeth.

"See, you need to see," it whispered again and I sat up straighter.

I looked around but there was nothing in the room. Nothing but me and an empty pizza box.

"Charlotte Renee Thorne, please, come and see." I paled a little. It knew my full name, they knew my full name. They knew me.

I was about to get out of bed when a voice boomed, "Charlotte!" out into the room. It made me let out a scared yelp as my breath seemed to catch in my throat.

Ethan slammed open the door with glowing eyes and a beast that was ready to tear into someone. He walked to me and looked me over before looking around the room again. I sat up on my knees and linked his hand in mine as we sat silently in the room and waited.

We waited for something to happen, but nothing did. Nothing happened at all.

Ethan sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled me close to him. I could feel his beast, he was close. Too close. I nuzzled into him and tried to calm him, tried to calm myself, but it was doing very little for us.

Footsteps ran to the room. Evan walked in with glowing eyes that met ours, "What the hell was that?"

"You heard it too?" Ethan breathed out hotly.

Evan nodded and looked over at me before scanning the room. Ethan kissed my forehead and rubbed my arm while Evan did a small circle in the room. "Evangeline?"

"At Andrea's," he murmured out.

"What did you hear?" I asked.

"Your name, your full name, along with 'come and see.'" he replied.

Ethan rumbled a bit while I let out a shaky breath. "I did too."

Ethan snapped his head to mine with wide eyes. "It said 'Charlotte Renee Thorne.'"

Ethan rumbled again as his body stiffened next to me. Evan pulled out the desk chair while Ethan let out a long sigh and flicked on his bedside lamp. Evan sat down and pulled at his hair before he shook his head and looked back at me. "It sounded like it was in my room. Like it was right there."

"Same here," I replied quietly.

"What the hell?" Ethan said more to himself.

I bit my lip and looked at Ethan and Evan nervously. I had to tell them. There was no way I couldn't tell them now. "I've heard them before."

"What?!" Ethan's wide eyes snapped to me while his chest vibrated.

I sighed and nodded. "The first day I entered the territory, that night I heard them. Then I heard them with Evangeline."

"Hold up, now what?" Evan said as his brows widened into almost utter shock.

I let out a long breath as Ethan turned me a little to face him. His eyes were serious and his beast was getting edgier. "Tell me."

"When we ran into those rogues, the ones you couldn't find, that's why we ran into them."

"What do you mean 'that's why'?"

I turned to Evan while Ethan held his eyes on me. He nodded to me gently, calming me a little. "We were running. We stopped to get some water and that's when we heard them. They said the same thing minus my full name.

"Evangeline heard them too, they said her name. They said, 'Evangeline, she needs to see–'"

Ethan let out a low growl. "Brother you need to calm down and let her finish," Evan ordered a bit more firmly.

Ethan let out a hot breath and nodded before kissing my hair. "Go on sunshine."

"Well, we followed them. It called to us, I can't explain it. But my wolf, she just–it was like someone was pulling her there. We heard this loud crack after a little bit and that's when we smelled the rogues."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Ethan murmured to me as his eyes laced with hints of pain.

I shrugged as my beast whined. "I don't know. We were fighting and I just, I don't know. I should have said something, but I was freaked out and we were fighting and I just. I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner. I didn't want you to think that I was crazy or something."

Ethan nodded with understanding and kissed my temple. "It's ok, I don't blame you."

"What do we do?" Evan asked.

"I don't know. I have no flipping clue," Ethan answered. "There's no scent. There was nothing in the house."

"We could follow it next time we hear it?" Evan thought out loud.

Ethan sighed. "We may have to, but not alone. If you hear them you do not chase it alone, got it?" I nodded with Evan. He was right, we shouldn't be chasing something like this on our own. Ethan sighed and tugged at his hair a bit before looking back at Evan. "I want you to tell Evangeline too. I don't want her following this without one of us with her. Both of you." He looked down on me as some kind of ghost fear haunted his eyes.

"Ok," I softly answered.

He sighed and kissed my forehead again before leaning back against the headboard, pulling me back with him. Evan looked around again and shook his head. "What do you think they meant?"

"What do you mean?" Ethan answered.

"They kept saying 'come and see.' What do you think that meant? What the hell do they want her, or any of us to see?"

Ethan shrugged while he let out another long breath. "I have no damn clue brother."

Evan nodded before flickering his eyes back to us. He looked at Ethan then to me and cocked a smug grin. "So little sister, are you going to be a frequent guest in Ethan's bed?" I bit back a laugh while Ethan let out a warning growl, low and annoyed, to his brother. Evan shrugged innocently at us. "What?! I don't care, just let me know when you plan on marking her so I can get the hell out of this cabin."

Ethan growled again, this time, a hair louder, which stirred a laughing Evan out of his chair. I bit back a laugh as well while Ethan just pulled me closer. "I am going to have his ass soon."

"Hey, it's not my fault that you have a constant case of blue balls!" Evan yelled out as he ran out of the room before Ethan could chase him.

I was practically rolled over on the bed laughing. I mean, it was funny, but Ethan was not amused. He just huffed and pushed his wolf back as best he could. "I think I am going to have his ass tomorrow."

"Oh come on," I playfully scolded while I slapped his chest. "Pull that stick out of your ass, it was funny."

"Thinking about my ass much sunshine?" He said as a cocky grin tugged at his lips. I groaned and threw myself back in bed then turned to my side. Ethan started to chuckle, breaking his tense mood before he laid down behind me and pulled me to him. "Oh come on sunshine, pull that stick out of your ass."

"You would probably like that..." I grumbled to myself.

He chuckled and kissed my shoulder before a hand playfully squeezed one of my cheeks, causing me to squeal and jump forward. Ethan was dying with laughed as he pulled me back to him. "I would like a lot of things sunshine, including your ass."

I turned my face around so I could shoot him a scowl that didn't last long once I saw his shit-eating smile. I sighed and rumbled a bit before settling down back into bed.

He wrapped an arm around my waist then nuzzled the back of my head. "Goodnight sunshine."

"Goodnight Ethan."
