Original Edition - Chapter 19: Donuts

We had sparred and sparred relentlessly until my wolf and I worked together like a well-oiled machine.

We were brutal, she and I.

Levi taught us to be relentless, to fight with a cold fury that could turn a summer day into winter, and most of all he taught us how to rely on ourselves.

The bond between us grew. After that day, the day he claimed me as his pup, I felt like I had been baptized into a new life. I felt the same yet I felt different. Levi said it was the alpha blood in me; his blood strengthening mine and giving me traits of his wolf.

Either way, I wouldn't complain. My wolf and I grew stronger. Stronger to the point that we were able to best Derek one day after a spar with him; it was a fight that earned me extra brownie points in the form of actual brownies at dinner.

This week though Levi had been taking it easier on me, and our focus has been more talk of strategy than practicing it. He said that I needed to be fresh for the hunt, he didn't want me to attempt to take a bear down while I was still nursing wounds.

Everyday my physical training tapered off more and more, and instead, Levi would teach me things; things I never thought I would ever be learning, things like the lay of the lands we were going to hunt on, how to tell which berries are poisonous or not, how to tell if a trail is days old or new, which bears are ok to hunt and which were not.

A year ago I was sitting in some beauty parlor paying way too much money to dye my hair. The only things I was learning was which shampoo would work best and which creams I should put on at night.

I still shudder inwardly at the thought.

That is not me, nor will it ever be again.

We had most everything packed. Derek had helped me put together my saddlebags; a few sweatshirts, two pairs of leggings, fresh underwear, thick socks, along with my sleeping bag. Elliot was coming with us and volunteered to take any extra supplies we couldn't carry, like my tent, which Levi said that I may or may not need because, 'We're wolves girl, do you see any wolf sleeping in a damn tent?' According to Lander, they were more for if the weather got really bad and we were not able to find shelter.

I was excited. I was excited and incredibly nervous at the same time. My wolf was giddy, she was like a kid on Christmas Eve. She made me laugh; for something that was so tough, her excitement was almost childlike, adorable

Levi had me go to bed early that night. We were leaving at five in the morning because according to Levi, there was this 'damned good donut shop' on the way there and he wanted to stop by before they ran out of donuts. I was never a morning person, but I was glad it was going to be a bit of a drive to get there, at least I could sleep in the car.

I laid my head on my pillow and begged sleep to take me, but it seemed pointless. My mind was going a hundred miles a minute.

I couldn't believe the ridiculous fortunate fairy tale that had become my life. I thought about my parents, about what they would think if they saw me. The thought saddened me and made my wolf let out a low whine. She never knew our mother, but she felt a deep love and connection towards them; my pain was her pain.

I hated nights like these. I hated nights when my brain wouldn't shut the hell up. My mind was my worst enemy. It always would be.

I decided to get up. I couldn't sleep and I figured maybe a sandwich would fill my belly and tempt me to sleep.

I made it into the kitchen, undetected, and started to pull out the ingredients for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich; my new favorite thanks to Levi. I finished cutting the bread in half then poured myself a large glass of milk when I heard him walking towards me.

"Can't sleep?" I asked quietly through the darkness of the kitchen.

Levi let out a breathy laugh. "Nope."

"Want one?"

He flicked on a lamp and nodded. I got busy making him a sandwich while he went to the liquor cabinet and fished around for something. My belly churned as the sound of bottles clinking broke through the silence of the night, it reminded me too much of the last time Levi and I drank together–well, more like it reminded me of the hangover I had the next day.

"Whiskey and peanut butter and jelly don't really go together you know?"

Levi scoffed. He closed the cabinet then opened the refrigerator and fished around for a bit before he pulled out a bottle of Bailey's. I gave him a curious brow as he pulled out the carton of milk as well.

He poured some milk in the glass then added some of the creamy liquor to it. "Want a sip?" he said while angling the glass towards me.

I let out a partially defeated sigh and took the glass from his hand. The milk mixed with the taste of the vanilla creaminess that was the liquor warmed my belly and danced on my tongue.

Levi chuckled a little bit and poured some of the liquor into my glass of milk. "It's not bad, right?"

I shook my head as I cut his sandwich in half. "No, I've never had Bailey's before actually."

"Really?" Levi replied incredulously.

I shrugged and handed him his plate. "The only serious drinking I did was in college, even then I wasn't much of one. A few wild nights, but nothing worth noting. Anyways, Marcus forbid it, so I guess you could say I am kind of a novice?"

Levi gave me a half smile and nodded. He took his place and glass and headed out to the porch. It was a beautiful night out; the air was warm and the breeze was gentle. Crickets were singing in the background as the trees swayed gently in the night.

We sat on the porch steps and tore into our sandwiches. No matter how polite we wanted to be when we were eating, it was hard; we were werewolves after all.

"So, what's got you up this late Charlie girl?"

I swallowed down a bite of my sandwich and chased it with the milky cocktail. Wiping my mouth I shrugged as he mused at me. "My mind wouldn't shut up."

He chuckled a little. "Not a surprise, you never really shut up either."

"Hey!" I chunked my napkin at him which only made him laugh harder.

He settled down a bit and took a long drink from his glass. "Want to tell me about it."

I let out a breath weighted with the emotions plaguing my mind. "It's just, I don't know. I was thinking about tomorrow, and how crazy this all is still. A year ago I am pretty confident I was getting my hair bleached at a salon, my biggest concern that day besides Marcus was making sure that I made it to my pedicure appointment on time."

Levi's looked at me disbelieving. He shook his head and started to swirl the liquid in his glass. "I would have never pictured you as a blonde."

I laughed a little. "I was, bleach blonde. I was also much tanner too, I used to get spray tanned all the time." Levi let out a groan and sipped at his drink. I just shrugged again. "Marcus liked it. It's what he wanted. I was so brainwashed then, hell, I would have probably dyed my hair every color of the rainbow if he told me to."

"Doesn't sound like you at all..."

I met his knowing silver eyes and nodded. "It's not." I took a drink from my glass and let the liquor warm my belly. It was good. It would probably be better over ice cream. "I just kept thinking about my parents and what they would think of all this."

Levi sighed and went back into the kitchen while I nursed off the last bit of my drink. Without permission, he poured some milk followed by some Bailey's in my glass. I didn't argue. The liquor was warming my belly and hopefully, it would coax me to sleep.

"I think my mother would have loved it. She was so accepting of things and so bohemian. She probably would have just been the most concerned about how much my wolf would shed in her house."

Levi laughed heartily and nodded. "Eve used to get pissed at our kids about that. Right after their first shifted they would run through the house in their fur. We had to make a 'no fur' rule in the house, she was so damn irritated with cleaning up the mess."

I laughed into my glass as I drank it. "My mother would have been just like that, my father worse, he was such an organization freak." I laughed to myself and looked up at the night sky. It was so beautiful. The stars looking back down at me made my heart pang as I wondered if the stars were really my parents watching me. "He used to have labels for everything. I remember my grandparents got me this Barbie dream house for Christmas one year with all the little parts and clothes and accessories. Dad just couldn't resist, he labeled all of it. I swear, the little cupboards in that house had labels."

Levi laughed with me and shook his head. I bit my lip and swirled my drink. "My mom was so brave ya know? I wonder if she thinks I am brave, if she's proud of me. She fought so hard of so long." I felt my eyes become glassy. I hadn't talked about it in so long, but I felt like I needed to. I had to get this burden off my chest, free myself of it. "She got cancer when I was eleven. She was in and out of hospitals for most of the time after that until she just got too sick. I was around fifteen when she died. She looked so beautiful, even in her last moments, I think my mother was the most beautiful person I had ever seen."

I took another long sip of my drink. Levi didn't pry. He was quiet. Intently listening to me, letting me take my time.

"My dad, God love him. My dad wasn't the same after she passed. It was like part of his soul died with her. He buried himself in his work, he was never home. I blamed him so much for being a lousy parent when really he was just all broken up inside." I bit back a sob and took another drink with my hand that was slightly trembling. "It was an icy winter night when he died. He used to rag on me over and over and over again to watch for the ice on the roads when I drove. He was coming home late one night, he had been at the office finishing something up, and he was driving across this bridge to get home. I guess there was a lot of ice and he didn't see it because his car lost control and skidded right into the lake."

I let out a sharp breath and tried to wipe away the tears. They stung as they went down my cheeks. The pain, even as old as it was, still hurt. "I just wonder if they would be proud of me, ya know? Of all this?" I said dramatically as I waved my arms around.


I shook my head as another sob tore through my lips. "I was so ashamed of Marcus, I still am. I hate thinking of what they thought of that screwed up mess. I hate it. I hate feeling the shame. It's part of why I wouldn't leave him at first, I couldn't stand thinking of how the world would treat me if they knew what I let happen to myself."

I felt the tears come faster as pain squeeze at my heart. My wolf let out a sad howl, one that even chilled my bones. Strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into them.

Levi didn't say anything. He just held me and let me cry on his chest.

I needed a good cry. I hadn't really ever mourned them. I just ran. I ran to college and tried to forget them, in doing that, I met Marcus. While he did make me forget them, he also made me forget who I was. It's a mistake I never forgive myself for making.

"You know I think about that kind of shit all the time. I wonder all the time what Eve and the kids would think of me. I got so mad at first because I was so ashamed of how I acted after they died, but the shamed just made me want to hide in a hole and swim in the pain." He sighed and started to stroke my hair. "You gotta let that shame go, girl, it isn't worth holding onto. Besides, I don't think your rents are anywhere near upset with you. If anything they are probably real proud of you, I know I am. You've come a longer way than most people have girl, that right there in itself is a damn miracle. I think the only thing you should be ashamed or embarrassed about is that fake tan you used to have."

I laughed through my sobs and nodded. "It was awful."

"How did you get it off?"

"I scrubbed it off with a baking soda paste at a rest stop. Dyed my hair back there too."

My sobs started to quiet down. My heart was heavy yet it felt like I had released something; a burden that couldn't plague my soul anymore. Levi took another long sip of his drink then handed me my glass. The creamy liquid, sweet and full of vanilla flavors, seemed to help my spirits; I felt a little more relaxed and wiped the remaining wetness off my face.

"You know, we haven't gone on this hunt in like ten years?"

I sighed and nodded. "Liam mentioned something like that to me. Why didn't they keep it up? I mean, I could see why you wouldn't want to..."

Levi looked over at me. He still had a comforting arm wrapped around me. He shrugged a bit and looked down into his glass. "I asked Lander that a few years after it happened. It's been a tradition in our pack for as long as anyone can remember. Like I said before, it's kind of our 'rite of passage' type deal and is required if you want to serve in the high ranks."

"Why's that?"

"Well," Levi said before he took a small sip of his drink. "You have to understand girl, in our world only the strong survive. You show weakness and someone will sniff it out and take advantage of it. We need our pack strong, our warriors, betas, and alphas strong. If you can't take down a bear, then how can you be expected to take down something like a rogue wolf that operates in a way that is probably more damn wild than that bear? Or how could you be expected to fight alongside your pack mates against an opposing force? If you are strong enough to get yourself your own bear, then you are strong enough to serve the pack in the places where we demand that type of strength."

"Oh," I said softly. I hadn't really thought of it that way, but it made sense. Packs needed strong wolves to protect the weaker ones. If a pack's wolves were not strong enough to take down another wolf, or a bear, then how could they truly be expected to protect the pack? "So do all packs do this? A bear hunt?"

Levi shook his head quickly. "No. It's our tradition. Some do it, some have their own traditions. It just depends on that pack. But most packs have something like it or a 'rite of passage' type tradition."

"So why didn't they go? I mean after..."

Levi let out a long sigh and looked up into the night sky. "We were all so broken after it happened. Lander told me that after it just felt so wrong to go without me, their alpha, leading them. I think that they also had a hard time dealing with it. That hunt was something our boys dreamed about as kids. I am sure it killed Liam and Ethan to even think about the hunt after the rogue attack."


"Eve's brother, Christopher's, son. He along with his brother Evan and their sister Evangeline weren't killed. I guess their grandparents had taken them out for the day and were lucky enough to get them to their safe room when it happened. It was hard, though. Our boys were so close. Eli and Lucas used to drive me and Christopher up the damn wall. They were the same age, practically like brothers.

"They used to get into all kinds of trouble; always pranking us or screwing around like boys do. It didn't help when Liam, Ethan, and Evan got older. It only added to the stress that we all had to deal with. I swear I didn't think Eve could get as mad as she did when the boys all decided to trail mud around the house which also somehow ended up on our walls."

I shuddered a little. "I can't imagine that you were less angry than her?"

"Nope," he said quickly. He chuckled and shook his head. "Like I said they were a handful. Good boys though, all of them." He sighed a little and looked at his glass. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't imagine how painful it must have been not only to him but the entire pack. Shit, it probably destroyed Liam.

"Eli was such a good kid, such a good young wolf. He and Lucas both were. I told Christopher all that time that he was going to have to watch his ass sooner than he would like because Eli was probably going to able to best him sooner than later. He was such a strong kid. He and Lucas were so similar. They both were meant to be the alpha wolves, there was no doubt in anyone's mind."

"How do you know? I mean how do you tell?

"Usually, it's the oldest male. I've only heard of the second taking the position a few times, but it does happen. With our kids, you just knew. They were built bigger than the rest of the boys their age, and shit, they just reeked of alpha blood. Could smell it a mile away.

"They also were just different than the other kids. When they got older and the other boys were chasing girls, they were chasing us around. Lucas was always so interested in what I did every day, always asking how he could help. He was like my damn shadow. He wanted to learn so bad how to be like me. Eli was the same, Christopher would call me all the time and tell me about how Eli followed him to this or that meeting today, or how Eli helped him actually fight off a few rogues.

"They were good boys. Damn good boys. They always looked after everyone but themselves. I swear I had to literally get on Lucas' ass to go out and have fun with his friends. He was always worried about Eve and Lydia, especially Lydia. Man, I was terrified for the wolf that ended up Lydia's mate because my son would have had that wolf's ass before her scent even hit his nose.

"In the end apparently, Eli died fighting with my son trying to help protect everyone. They were the last three to go. They killed off the women and children that couldn't get to safety then executed Christopher, Eli, and Lucas together."

My heart was hurting for him. My wolf was pacing back and forth in my mind. She wanted to comfort Levi. The pain she felt for him was so great it almost took my breath away. "I'm so sorry Levi. You didn't deserve that, no one did."

He nodded and let out a long breath before taking an extra long drink from his glass. After he was done, he set it next to him then wiped the milk off his scruff. At night it was hard to see, but his eyes were glass. Hell, mine were about to burst into tears from listening to him.

"Anyways, we just haven't gone. But then this girl, who won't shut the hell up half the time and eats all my ice cream, shows up and somehow survives shifting so Lander has the bright idea that we should pick up the tradition again."

I gulped. "I mean why? You know, we don't have to if you don't want to..."

"Don't be ridiculous," he scoffed. "First off, because it needs to be done. We have to move on, I have to move on. I have a pack that needs strong males and according to Lander, our's have gotten a little too 'fat' over the years. They need a good ass beating or two.

"Secondly, because I had planned to do this with both my pups as my father did with Lander and I. You're my pup girly, which means that you gotta kill yourself a bear. You're ready Charlie girl, your wolf is ready. I see the way she licks her lips when we talk about the hunt, I actually am more worried about that damn bear than I am you."

My heart swelled and started to push the sadness out of my body. I chuckled and shook my head. "Maybe I should get you a shirt that says 'professional ass beater'."

Levi let out a hearty laugh that practically shook the stairs. "I like that idea girly." He washed the last sips of his drink down his throat and set the glass down next to mine. "I was thinking about them earlier. Mostly about what Eve would think of all this. I have no doubt that Lydia would have been attached to you at the hip and Lucas would have loved you as well. Although, it would have been nice for him to have someone his age and as stubborn as you to put him on his ass every now and then." He let out a shaky breath and looked over at me. His silver eyes were swirling with sadness that nostalgia seemed to stir. "Eve would have definitely loved you girl. You're a lot like her in a way."

I blinked back the small tears and gave him a small nod. "I think she would be proud of you ya know? I mean, it takes a lot to do what you've been doing, and I know I am not the easiest to get along with at times."

"Ya think?"

I playfully swatted his chest and rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean..."

Levi sighed then stood up and stretched slowly. "Don't let that shame eat you up, girl. There are plenty of other things in this world that will want to do that, last thing you need to do it let something like that chewing on your ass." He held out his hand to me and gave me a playful smile. "Come on now, get your tiny ass to bed, I am not missing my favorite donuts tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes and let him help me up. My wolf was quite, as was I as we went back to sleep. It was horrible to think of what happened to his family. The animals. What kind of people just take out a pack like that? What kind of people kill innocent women and children like that? It's insane!

My wolf growled lowly in the back of my mind. She and I were both in agreement that if we ever found the bastards that did that to Levi, that they would not live to see the next day.

I closed my eyes and snuggled into my blanket; it was warm and smelt like the lavender detergent that Derek loves to use. The blanket was warm but so was my heart. My wolf and I couldn't understand how someone like Levi, who lost so much, still had it in him to care for us and take us in.

I smiled.

I smiled and let myself drift off to a land where my mother's laughter was like a song and where my father's warm smile could be seen for miles.


"Alright, I made a lot of snacks and I hid your cookies in the bottom of the cooler," Derek whispered to me as we walked out to Levi's Range Rover.

I chuckled and kissed his cheek right as Elliot walked out. He was dressed in a long sleeve thick green t-shirt, a gray Patagonia vest, dark jeans, and worn in hiking boots. "Thank you."

"Of course love," he said then kissed my head. He handed me one of my saddlebags to take to the car that Levi had packed up like it was a game of Tetris.

"That vest looks good on you," Elliot called out playfully as he winked at me. He had lent me one of his vests to wear on our trip. Derek had me dress in some warm Under Armor pants, a long sleeve thick navy shirt like Elliot's, thick socks and hiking boots, along with a tan North Face vest that Elliot had lent me.

The sun wasn't even out yet, but the night was not so dark anymore. Daylight would be coming soon, and Levi was on a mad march to get us on the road.

"Ready girly?" Levi asked as I handed him my saddlebags. He tossed them in the back to a cubby he had saved for them then shut the trunk door.

I nodded. My wolf practically yipped. I was somewhat nervous, actually a lot nervous, but my wolf was confident. She was ready to sink her teeth into the flesh of a bear. She was ready for the rush of the kill. She was ready to show me what we were really capable of.

"Alright, let's go. Red, stop making out with Derek and get your skinny ass in the car we don't have all damn day."

Elliot let out a low growl and gave Derek on last chaste kiss before trotting to the front seat and hopping in. I climbed in the back as Derek walked up to me and gave me one last hug before Levi shifted the car in gear and started driving us on our way.

The plan was to drive to Lander's house, and change cars. Lander apparently had a big suburban that we would all be more comfortable in, and he was worried that Levi's worn out car would crap out on us on the way.

I laughed inwardly. Levi had spent at least an hour arranging all stuff in the back for us only to take it out after barely an hour.

We drove down a dirt road and under a canopy of tall thick evergreens. I could feel the pack as we kept driving. I could feel them all. They were like a current of energy buzzing through the forest.

I wondered if I would constantly feel that energy if I was truly a member, if I fully integrated myself? I suppose time will tell with that...

We pulled up to a modest two-story log cabin. It was different than I would have pictured it. For some reason I had Lander and Liam pictured in this grand home, since Lander was the stand in alpha.

But it wasn't. It was a simple two-story cabin. There was a lovely garden in the front and a rocking chair that I could picture Lander sitting on in the evenings with a beer on the front porch.

To my right, I could see Lander and Liam both loading up a faded navy blue suburban. Liam seemed to grown since I last saw him, but then again I always thought that about him. I suppose it was part of him being the next alpha, his wolf starting to come into itself finally.

We jumped out of the car and Levi immediately went to open up the trunk. Lander snapped his head over and smiled at us. "Morning guys!"

God, he was so chipper. He must be a damn morning person. Liam rolled his eyes and walked over to me then wrapped me up in a warm hug. "Morning Char, you ready?"

I nodded into his chest and stepped back before things could get carried away. I had gotten better at managing the bond, but it was still enticing. Much too enticing.

Lander was next to hug me before he took a bag from Levi. "What's the rush brother?"

I laughed and walked over to Levi to take some bags out of the back. "Donuts. Apparently the best, right Levi?"

Levi rolled his eyes as he handed me the saddlebags. I walked past Liam who just shook his head before he helped Levi carry the cooler to the Suburban.

Lander packed our bags in a Tetris fashion, much like Levi did, then closed the back shut. I sighed. We were really doing this. I was really going on a bear hunt...

My wolf was pacing. She was ready to be let out.

"Dad! Oh my God dad! You didn't tell me Charlotte was here!" a young female voice practically screeched out.

I cringed a bit while Liam just rolled his eyes. "Lyanna, really, it's too early for your screeching."

A blonde girl with silver blue eyes practically raced towards me. Before I knew what was happening, the little female threw herself into my arms and wrapped me up in a tight hug. "Hi! I'm Lyanna! My brother has told me all about you! I can't believe he hasn't brought you around sooner. We have to hang out after you get back. Do you like Pitch Perfect?!"

Elliot walked up and gave Lyanna a big hug. "Easy on her Lyanna," he chuckled out.

She was practically jumping up and down in front of me and all my wolf and I could do was nod. My wolf knew that the girl was no threat to us, she was family, but she was much too overwhelming; especially this early in the morning.

She squealed at my nod and hugged me again before running over to Levi and throwing herself into his arms. "Uncle Levi!"

He gave her a tight squeeze and laughed. "I see you are still a scrawny little grasshopper Lyanna?"

She scoffed as he set her down. "I am not!"

He just laughed and ruffled her hair. She immediately straightened it back out then walked over to me. "Next year dad said I can go. We should totally share a tent next year!"

I just nodded again. I hadn't had enough coffee or food to handle so much energy in the morning.

Liam just chuckled at me and winked. I felt a flush run through me but I tried to push it back. "Lyanna, why don't you see if mom needs help?"

She sighed dramatically and looked over at her brother. "Alright, fine."

Lander threw some pillows and blankets in the back before snapping his head over his shoulder and letting out a wolf-like whistle. "Baby, did you get all dressed up for me?"

"Oh bite me, Lander," the voice shot back.

"Gladly honey."

Liam groaned and walked around the car then jumped in the back seat before his parents could embarrass him further. I looked over to see Lander kiss a woman with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She pushed him back playfully then looked over at me and gave me a kind smile.

She was beautiful.

Not made up bleach blonde Barbie beautiful, but she was really stunning. She was fit, but still had feminine curves. No part of her was made up. She wore some worn out Levi's tucked into her dark brown cowboy boots with a blue plaid shirt.

She didn't need makeup or hair dye. This woman was graceful yet fierce. I could see her wolf behind her eyes accessing me, sizing me up as she kept flicking her eyes between me and her mate.

She walked slowly up to me and wrapped me in a gentle hug while rubbing her cheek against mine. My wolf liked her. She had a good feeling about this female and liked the youthful playfulness that still glimmered in her eyes.

"I'm Claire, it's so nice to finally meet my new niece."

I felt my heart warm at her words and gave her a kind smile. "Thank you, I've heard so much about your family. It's nice to have faces to names."

She chuckled and nodded. "Yes, agreed. Levi has told us so many things about you for so long, part of me wondered if you were even real."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Levi. Cranky asshole.

"Where's Lyle?" Lander asked as he opened the door for his mate.

Claire rolled her eyes and let out a long sigh. "Pouting. He's still furious that he can't go."

Lander chuckled and shrugged. "It will be his time soon."

Claire nodded then climbed in the car. I followed her to the middle row of seats as Lander closed the door behind us. Liam was curled up in the backseat all on his own, although he was much too big for it. He was squished next to Elliot and he looked cramped. His long legs looked strained as he kept shifting around to get comfortable.

"Liam do you want to switch?" I offered.

"Nonsense Charlotte, he's fine," Claire interjected.

I let out a light laugh then shrugged at Liam who just pulled his hood up so he could doze off. I wanted to do the same, but I was so excited. I felt like it was Easter morning and I was about to go hunt eggs.

Lander pulled the car out of the drive; leaving his log cabin with Lyanna waving at us from the front porch.

I let out a yawn right as we turned onto a paved road. I wanted to stay away but sleep was so tempting.

"Here," Claire said gently. She put a pillow in her lap and patted it. I eyed her curiously for a bit before I laid my head on it. She started to stroke my hair with her long delicate fingers. They looked delicate but I knew that they could truly rip someone to shreds if they wanted to. This female may be beautiful, but as the beta female that also meant that she was equally as deadly. "It's ok Charlotte. Sleep. I'll wake you up when we get to the donut shop."

The next thing I knew arms were shaking me and tearing me out of my peaceful sleep. My wolf grumbled only to be met with the low growl of Liam's wolf. I popped my eyes open and met his mildly annoyed ones. "Come one before Levi eats all the donuts."

"We are getting them to go!" Levi yelled out as he jumped out of the car.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed out of the car. The sun was starting to come out and color the sky. I had forgotten how much I loved sunrises. How gentle they were in nature, full of promises.

The little donut shop was jammed in between a bunch of run down shops in a strip mall. It had a pink neon sign that said 'Donuts' glowing in the morning light and a line that was almost out the door.

As we walked closer I could smell them. My stomach grumbled at the thought. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until the scent of them danced around my nose.

I walked past Liam to walk next to Levi who looked like he was on a mission to save the damn world. "This is it?"

"Mhmm, best damn donuts in the world."

"Where's the rest of the hunting party?"

Levi opened the door that shook the set of small bells as we walked in. "We are all meeting at the drop spot. Some of them didn't want to stop. Their damn loss if you ask me."

I rolled my eyes as Claire walked in and stood next to me. She gave me a playful smile, much like Liam's as she looked over at me. "Sleep well?"

I sighed and nodded. "Yes, thank you. I didn't realize how tired I was."

She chuckled and nodded. "What kind of donuts do you like?"

I looked at the long glass counter to see an array of delicious pieces of heaven awaiting me. There were donuts of every sort, a mountain of donut holes, cinnamon twists, bear claws, jelly and cream stuffed donuts, and donuts with every color sprinkle caked on them.

"All of them?"

Claire laughed and shook her head. "You sound like Levi."

"Ain't a bad thing."

She rolled her eyes as Lander pulled her back into his chest. He nuzzled her neck which only caused a groan to come from Liam's lips. "You think they would get a room," he whispered to me.

I shrugged as we stepped forward in the line. We got to the counter and I don't think I had ever seen Levi more excited, hell, I didn't think he could be this excited. Elliot stepped next to me and looked at the array of products with widely ravenous eyes.

An older gentleman with a beat-up straw cowboy hat and a white apron smiled at Levi and I. "What will it be?"

"We want two dozen glazed, half dozen chocolate, half dozen assorted jelly, a dozen plain cake, two dozen donut holes, and a bear claw please." I felt my mouth drop after he ordered. He looked over at me inquisitively as the little old man struggled to write everything down. "Want anything else girl?"

I smiled deviously and looked at the old man whose wrinkles were turning his mouth into a mildly flustered frown. "Can I have a half dozen of the sprinkled ones?"

Levi groaned. "You better not spill those in the car." He looked over at Elliot who was musing at the selection. "Elliot?"

Elliot looked at the man with a smile, who seemed flustered still from Levi's first order. "Can I have a dozen cherry cream filled, a dozen donut holes," he said before pausing and looking at me playfully. "And a dozen of the sprinkled as well."

I chuckled as Levi groaned. The man handed him a ticket and we walked to the far right where a young boy, probably around fifteen, was checking out customers. Levi handed him the little piece of paper.

The boy looked at it with wide eyes then started to frantically punch in the numbers before looking back to Levi. Levi had already pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to the kid with a small smile. "Keep the change kid."

Before the boy could respond, Levi took two large white paper bags from an older woman and nodded to me to follow him. We stopped by the coffee station and filled up our thermoses before heading back to the car.

I jumped in and Levi ripped through the bag and handed a box to me. "I think these are the damn sprinkled ones girly."

"Don't hate till you try them," I shot back.

Claire slid in next to me and smiled deviously. "I got the ones with the sparkly pink sprinkles." She looked over at Levi who was tearing into a bear claw. "And I plan on spilling plenty of the sprinkles on the floor," she said a hair louder.

Levi growled a bit before stepping on the gas and pulling us out of the parking lot while Claire and I died laughing.

"I think you and I are going to get along just fine," Claire said to me as she popped a donut hole in her mouth.

I chuckled and thought and gave Levi a devious grin. He rolled his eyes and tore out another chunk of his bear claw.

I bit into my sprinkled donut, which tasted like heaven, and the sprinkles scattered all in my lap. Claire looked at me with big eyes and died laughing while Lander shook his head and sipped his coffee.

Levi just let out a long sigh and kept gnawing on his bear claw while Claire and I kept spilling sprinkles everywhere. "You're a damn mess girl."

"Yes, but I am your mess," I shot back.

Levi nodded a little and took a sip of his coffee. "That you are Charlie girl."
