XXVII. Bestowed With a Blade-【赐刀/Cì Dāo】[Part 1]

Bestowed With a Blade- 赐刀/Cì Dāo (Fan song)

Original work: 墨香铜臭《天官赐福》
Original song: Flower《たいようの哀悼歌》
Singer/Tuning: 珊瑚
Lyrics: 紫醉金迷
Voice over coordinator/audio tuning: 人参桃子
Voice over director: 人参桃子 子楚
Original link: (see the comments section on right)

This is NOT the actual live action of TGCF. It is a compilation of video edits by fans with a fan song at the end. There are two parts of this; the first includes video's dialogues and partial song lyrics. The second part has the full fan song. Major and heavy spoilers.

Credit for English translation: CHOCOLATEMIX

PART-1:- (Dialogues+partial lyrics)


奈何鬼: 此间何地? 此身何人? 为之奈何?
Nàihé guǐ: Cǐjiān hé de? Cǐ shēn hérén? Wéi zhī nàihé?

谢怜: 身在无间,心在桃源。
Xiè Lián: Shēn zài wújiàn, xīn zài táoyuán.

谢怜: 请问,这里是与君山吗?
Xiè Lián: Qǐngwèn, zhèlǐ shì yǔ jūnshān ma?

Yǒu xīnniáng zi de diē zhòngjīn xuánshǎng zhǎo tā de nǚ'ér. Zhuā nà zhuān qiǎng biérén xīnniáng zi de guǐ xīnláng.

谢怜: 北方,明明是明光将军的地盘。为什么与君山下却只有南阳庙?
Xiè Lián: Běifāng, míngmíng shì míngguāng jiāngjūn dì dìpán. Wèishéme yǔ jūn shānxià què zhǐyǒu nányáng miào?
谢怜: "鬼新郎"就不是"新郎",而是一个身穿新娘喜服的女子!
Xiè Lián: "Guǐ xīnláng"jiù bùshì"xīnláng", ér shì yīgè shēn chuān xīnniáng xǐ fú de nǚzǐ!

灵文: 老裴没飞升的时候,在战场认识了一个敌国女将军。十分美艳。叫做宣姬。
Líng Wén: Lǎo péi méi fēishēng de shíhòu, zài zhànchǎng rènshíle yīgè díguó nǚ jiāngjūn. Shífēn měi yàn. Jiàozuò xuān jī.

谢怜: 将军,勿要再造杀孽了。
Xiè Lián: Jiāngjūn, wù yào zàizào shā nièle.

宣姬: 裴郎啊裴郎,我烧你的庙,在你的地盘作乱,就为了你来看我一眼。我等了你多少年。
Xuān Jī: Péi Láng a péi Láng, wǒ shāo nǐ de miào, zài nǐ dì dìpán zuòluàn, jiù wèile nǐ lái kàn wǒ yīyǎn. Wǒ děngle nǐ duō shào nián. 

裴宿: 宣姬将军,请上路吧。
Péi Sù: Xuān Jī jiāngjūn, qǐng shànglù ba.

慕情: 你可知道那银蝶的主人是何等来头吗?
Mù Qíng: Nǐ kě zhīdào nà yín dié de zhǔrén shì héděng láitóu ma?
灵文: 那银蝶又叫死灵蝶。他的主人是当今天界最不想招惹的一位。
Líng Wén: Nà yín dié yòu jiào sǐ líng dié. Tā de zhǔrén shì dāngjīn tiānjiè zuì bùxiǎng zhāorě de yī wèi.

谢怜: 这位朋友,神你知道的多,鬼你知道不知道呢?
Xiè Lián: Zhè wèi péngyǒu, shén nǐ zhīdào de duō, guǐ nǐ zhīdào bù zhīdào ne?

花城: 哪只鬼?
Huā Chéng: Nǎ zhǐ guǐ?
谢怜: 血雨探花,花城。
Xiè Lián: Xuè yǔ tànhuā, Huā Chéng.

花城: 半月关变成半命关。大约是从一百五十年前,那里变成一个妖道的地盘开始的。那半月妖道就是半月国的国师。
Huā Chéng: Bàn Yuè guān biàn chéng bàn mìng guān. Dàyuē shì cóng yībǎi wǔshí nián qián, nàlǐ biàn chéng yīgè yāo dào dì dìpán kāishǐ de. Nà bànyuè yāo dào jiùshì bànyuè guó de guó shī.
谢怜: 半月国师为何要开门引军屠城?
Xiè Lián: Bàn Yuè guó shī wèihé yào kāimén yǐn jūn túchéng?

半月: 我想像花将军说得那样拯救苍生!可是最后我把半月国给毁了。
Bàn Yuè: Wǒ xiǎngxiàng huā jiāngjūn shuō dé nàyàng zhěngjiù cāngshēng! Kěshì zuìhòu wǒ bǎ Bàn Yuè guó gěi huǐle.
裴宿: 半月人居心叵测,我诛之无悔。
Péi Sù: Bàn Yuè rén jūxīnpǒcè, wǒ zhū zhī wú huǐ.

谢怜: 血雨探花。
Xiè Lián: Xuè yǔ tànhuā.
花城: 太子殿下。
Huā Chéng: Tàizǐ diànxià.

谢怜: 我还是比较喜欢三郎这个称呼。
Xiè Lián: Wǒ háishì bǐjiào xǐhuān sānláng zhège chēnghu.

花城: 哥哥,你赢了我。
Huā Chéng: Gēgē, nǐ yíngle wǒ.

谢怜: 三郎,不知地师大人究竟与你有何误会?
Xiè Lián: Sān Láng, bùzhī dì shī dà rén jiùjìng yǔ nǐ yǒu hé wùhuì?
花城: 有些事,殿下还是不要牵涉过多为好。
Huā Chéng: Yǒuxiē shì, diànxià háishì bùyào qiānshèguò duō wèi hǎo.

谢怜: 千秋!别硬接!
Xiè Lián: Qiān Qiū! Bié yìng jiē!
郎千秋: 国师!
Láng Qiān Qiū: Guó Shī!
Fāngxīn guó shī zài yī chǎng liú jīn yàn zhōng, shǒuchí yī jiàn, shā jǐn zàichǎng yǒng'ān huángzú.
戚容: 我有份,安乐有份,你师父也有份,咱们三个仙乐人都有份。
Qī Róng: Wǒ yǒu fèn, ānlè yǒu fèn, nǐ shīfu yěyǒu fèn, zánmen sān gè xiān yuè rén dōu yǒu fèn.

郎千秋: 我分明亲手杀你,封你入棺,你......国师可真是神通广大啊!
Láng Qiān Qiū: Wǒ fēnmíng qīnshǒu shā nǐ, fēng nǐ rù guān, nǐ...... Guó shī kě zhēnshi shéntōng guǎngdà a!
谢怜: 你们活该。
Xiè Lián: Nǐmen huógāi.

师青玄: 明兄。
Shī Qīng Xuán: Míng xiōng.

谢怜: 不要再叫明兄了。你身后这个人,本名贺玄。修炼为绝化名黑水玄鬼。
Xiè Lián: Bùyào zài jiào míng xiōngle. Nǐ shēnhòu zhège rén, běnmíng hè xuán. Xiūliàn wèi jué huàmíng hēi shuǐ xuán guǐ.

贺玄: 你又这么了?
Hè Xuán: Nǐ yòu zhèmeliǎo?
谢怜: 他带着一身杀气和怨念死去,必然不得安宁,渴望复仇。
Xiè Lián: Tā dàizhe yīshēn shāqì hé yuànniàn sǐqù, bìrán bùdé ānníng, kěwàng fùchóu.
师无渡: 贺玄!拿你挡灾是我的注意,这件事跟我弟弟无关。
Shī Wú Dù: Hè Xuán! Ná nǐ dǎng zāi shì wǒ de zhùyì, zhè jiàn shì gēn wǒ dìdì wúguān.

贺玄: 你弟弟得以飞升上天,风光无限,占得是我的命格,享得是我的神格,你告诉我,这叫与他无关?
Hè Xuán: Nǐ dìdì déyǐ fēishēng shàngtiān, fēngguāng wúxiàn, zhàn dé shì wǒ de mìng gé, xiǎng dé shì wǒ de shéngé, nǐ gàosù wǒ, zhè jiào yǔ tā wúguān?
师青玄: ......我想死。
Shī Qīng Xuán: ...... Wǒ xiǎng sǐ.

贺玄: 你想的倒美。
Hè xuán: Nǐ xiǎng de dào měi.

花城: 我若是喜欢什么,心里就再容不下别的,永远都会记得。一千遍,一万遍,多少年都不会变。
Huā Chéng: Wǒ ruòshì xǐhuān shénme, xīnlǐ jiù zài róng bùxià bié de, yǒngyuǎn dūhuì jìdé. Yīqiān biàn, yī wàn biàn, duō shào nián dōu bù huì biàn.
谢怜: 金枝玉叶的贵人,从小就喜欢。费尽千辛万苦才追上。
Xiè Lián: Jīnzhīyùyè de guìrén, cóngxiǎo jiù xǐhuān. Fèi jìn qiān xīn wàn kǔ cái zhuī shàng.

花城: 也不全是假的。我还没追上罢了。
Huā Chéng: Yě bùquán shì jiǎ de. Wǒ hái méi zhuī shàng bàle.
Qiān dēng guān, tàizǐ diànxià, sānqiān zhǎn.

花城: 哥哥,你走吧。
Huā Chéng: Gēgē, nǐ zǒu ba

谢怜: 三郎!
Xiè Lián: Sān Láng!
Tiāndì wèi lú, zhòngshēng wèi tóng! Dāng wàn guǐ sīshā dào zhǐ shèng zuìhòu yī zhǐ shí, guǐwáng chūshì.

花城: ......我说谎,别离开。
Huā Chéng: ...... Wǒ shuōhuǎng, bié líkāi.

谢怜: 不知道是谁选在这里造窟?定然是个虔诚无比的信徒。
Xiè Lián: Bù zhīdào shì shéi xuǎn zài zhèlǐ zào kū? Dìngrán shìgè qiánchéng wúbǐ de xìntú.

风信: 我真是操了......你们看着这些东西不害怕吗?
Fēng Xìn: Wǒ zhēnshi cāole...... Nǐmen kànzhe zhèxiē dōngxī bù hàipà ma?

慕情: 这里的确是一个万神窟,但其实,这里只供了一尊神。
Mù Qíng: Zhèlǐ díquè shì yīgè wàn shén kū, dàn qíshí, zhèlǐ zhǐ gōngle yīzūn shén.

谢怜: 金枝玉叶的贵人,究竟是谁?
Xiè Lián: Jīnzhīyùyè de guìrén, jiùjìng shì shéi?
谢怜: 你不想知道,我对此有什么看法吗?
Xiè Lián: Nǐ bùxiǎng zhīdào, wǒ duì cǐ yǒu shé me kànfǎ ma?
花城: 殿下能,别告诉我吗。
Huā Chéng: Diànxià néng, bié gàosù wǒ ma.

Gōngzhǔ zìwěn, jiāngjūn zhé jiàn.

裴茗: 我从不觉得那是什么美谈。
Péi Míng: Wǒ cóng bù juédé nà shì shénme měitán.

谢怜: 未曾有幸面见雨师, 竟不知雨师是位公主。
Xiè Lián: Wèicéngyǒu xìng miàn jiàn yǔ shī, jìng bùzhī yǔ shī shì wèi gōngzhǔ.
雨师篁: 请您传位于我吧。
Yǔ Shī Huáng: Qǐng nín chuán wèiyú wǒ ba.

君吾: 你勉强了自己几百年,到现在还要继续勉强下去吗?
Jūn Wú: Nǐ miǎnqiángle zìjǐ jǐ bǎi nián, dào xiànzài hái yào jìxù miǎnqiáng xiàqù ma?

引玉: 权一真,你怎么去死呢?你去死吧行不行?!
Yǐn Yù: Quán Yī Zhēn, nǐ zěnme bù qù sǐ ne? Nǐ qù sǐ ba xíng bùxíng?!
权一真: 师兄,我是不是很讨人厌。
Quán Yī Zhēn: Shīxiōng, wǒ shì bùshì hěn tǎo rén yàn.
引玉: 我是恨!我是讨厌!但是,那又怎样?
Yǐn Yù: Wǒ shì hèn! Wǒ shì tǎoyàn! Dànshì, nà yòu zěnyàng?

梅念卿: 乌庸的太子殿下,就像是乌庸国举世无双的太阳。他在梦中预知乌庸的未来是一片火海。
Méi  Niàn Qīng: Wū yōng de tàizǐ diànxià, jiù xiàng shì wū yōng guó jǔshì wúshuāng de tàiyáng. Tā zài mèng zhōng yùzhī wū yōng de wèilái shì yīpiàn huǒhǎi.
(白无相: 你好啊,谢怜。)
 (Bái Wū Xiāng: Nǐ hǎo a, Xiè Lián.)

花城: 结果如何?
Huā Chéng: Jiéguǒ rúhé?

梅念卿: 铜炉火山即将爆发。
Méi Niàn Qīng: Tóng lú huǒshān jíjiāng bàofā.
(白无相: 记得这张悲喜面吗?很适合你。)
(Bái Wū Xiāng: Jìdé zhè zhāngbēixǐ miàn ma? Hěn shìhé nǐ.)

梅念卿: 他恳请所有人等待,等他建成一个东西——他的通天之桥。
Méi Niàn Qīng: Tā kěnqǐng suǒyǒu rén děngdài, děng tā jiànchéng yīgè dōngxī——tā de tōngtiān zhī qiáo.
梅念卿: 从高高的空中落下,就在太子殿下的眼前,瞬间被烧成灰烬!
 Méi Niàn Qīng: Cóng gāo gāo de kōngzhōng luòxià, jiù zài tàizǐ diànxià de yǎnqián, shùnjiān bèi shāo chéng huījìn!

君吾: 仙乐,你在看什么?
Jūn Wú: Xiān yuè, nǐ zài kàn shénme?

谢怜: 你,就是乌庸太子吧。
Xiè Lián: Nǐ, jiùshì wū yōng tàizǐ ba.

花城: 无论发生过什么,我都不会离开。
Huā Chéng: Wúlùn fāshēngguò shèn me, wǒ dū bù huì líkāi.

君吾: 曾经,我最忠诚的信徒,最好的朋友们也是这么对我说的。
Jūn Wú: Céngjīng, wǒ zuì zhōngchéng de xìntú, zuì hǎo de péngyǒumen yěshì zhème duì wǒ shuō de.

花城: 信我,殿下。不行吗?
Huā Chéng: Xìn wǒ, diànxià. Bùxíng ma?

梅念卿: 桥断了。乌庸国众也疯了。
Méi Niàn Qīng: Qiáo duànle. Wū yōng guó zhòng yě fēngle.

君吾: 但是,最后没有一个做到。
Jūn Wú: Dànshì, zuìhòu méiyǒu yīgè zuò dào.

君吾: 你想拯救苍生? 苍生根本不需要你拯救。他们不配
Jūn Wú: Nǐ xiǎng zhěngjiù cāngshēng? Cāngshēng gēnběn bù xūyào nǐ zhěngjiù. Tāmen bùpèi

谢怜: 你可以打败我无数次,但你杀不死我。只要你杀不死我,终有一天,我一定会打败你!
Xiè Lián: Nǐ kěyǐ dǎbài wǒ wúshù cì, dàn nǐ shā bùsǐ wǒ. Zhǐyào nǐ shā bùsǐ wǒ, zhōng yǒu yītiān, wǒ yīdìng huì dǎbài nǐ!

花城: 他是错的,你才是对的。殿下,你比他强。
Huā Chéng: Tā shì cuò de, nǐ cái shì duì de. Diànxià, nǐ bǐ tā qiáng.

谢怜: 你说过你不会离开的。
Xiè Lián: Nǐ shuōguò nǐ bù huì líkāi de.

花城: 为你战死是我至高无上的荣耀。
Huā Chéng: Wèi nǐ zhàn sǐ shì wǒ zhìgāowúshàng de róngyào.

Luànshì yīshǐ cóng hé sùshuō

Biānchéng, qiānlǐ, wèi xiáng yīdī yǔ

Háishì huáng chéng yàn bà, cán jiǔ qīng rù fú dēng de jiānghé

Háishì guàiwǒ wàng jiā gānshè

Xiānghuǒ diǎnrán fēnghuǒ

Nà shàonián sǐ yú zhèn qián, xiǎo xiǎo báihuā cóng huái lǐ piāoluò

Liǎng jūn bīng mǎ jiàntà érguò

Yīqiān rén jīngguò

Líkāi jiǔbǎi jiǔshíjiǔ gè

Yīn yǒuyī lǚ fēng wèi wǒ zhù zú piànkè

Yīn yǒuyī lǚ fēng wèi wǒ zhù zú piànkè

Huíyì zhìcǐ jìdé shénme

Yǔ shēng, téngtòng, bīnglěng de jiàn fēng

È yú hóulóng de āimíng, hái yǒu fēngkuáng ránshāo de guǐhuǒ

Wǒ kěnéng mámù yú kǔtòng

Dàn wǒ bù huì qūcóng

Bù huì xiāomó yú bōzhé, yě bù huì piān'ān yú shēnghuó

Bùxìn suǒwèi rénxīn xiǎn'è

Nǐ wèn wǒ cǐjiān wèihé

Nàihé qiáo biān yǒu táohuā bǎi duǒ

Ér rénjiān zhèng rán qǐ qiān fēng

花城: 殿下,你知道我为什么不肯离开这个世界吗?
Huā Chéng: Diànxià, nǐ zhīdào wǒ wèishéme bù kěn líkāi zhège shìjiè ma?

谢怜: 为什么啊?
Xiè Lián: Wèishéme a?
花城: 因为我有一个心爱之人还在这世上。
Huā Chéng: Yīnwèi wǒ yǒu yī ge xīn'ài zhī rén hái zài zhè shìshàng.

花城: 天下无不散之宴席。但我永远不会离开你。
Huā Chéng: Tiānxià wú bú sàn zhī yànxí. Dàn wǒ yǒngyuǎn bù huì líkāi nǐ.


Yi Nian Ghost: Where is this? Who am I? What will you do now?
Xie Lian: Body in the abyss, but heart in paradise.

Xie Lian: May I ask, if this is Mount Yu Jun?
The father of a bride is offering a handsome reward to find his daughter. To capture that ghost bridegroom who kidnaps other people's brides.

Xie Lian: The North is clearly General Ming Guang's territory. Why is there only a Nan Yang Temple under Mount Yu Jun?
Xie Lian: The "ghost bridegroom" wasn't a "bridegroom", but a woman wearing a bride's wedding dress!

Ling Wen: Before Old Pei ascended, he met a female general from an enemy country. She was extremely beautiful and alluring. Her name was Xuan Ji.
Xie Lian: General, stop committing indiscriminate killings.
Xuan Ji: Pei Lang ah Pei Lang, I burned your temples, stirred up trouble in your domain, all in hopes that you'd come pay me a glance. I've waited for you for so many years.
Pei Su: General Xuan Ji, please be on your way.

Mu Qing: Do you know what is the background of the owner of those silver butterflies?
Ling Wen: Those silver butterflies are also called butterfly souls of the dead. The owner is one whom the Heavens do not wish to provoke the most.

Xie Lian: This friend here, you know a lot about gods, then what about demons?
Hua Cheng: Which demon?
Xie Lian: Blood Rain Seeking Flowers, Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng: Ban Yue Pass has become Ban Ming Pass. Since about 150 years ago, since it became a demon's domain. Ban Yue's demon is the Ban Yue Guo Shi.
Xie Lian: Why did the Ban Yue Guo Shi open the city gates to let the enemy storm in and attack?
Ban Yue: I imagined saving the common people just like General Hua said! But in the end I destroyed Ban Yue nation.
Pei Su: The people of Ban Yue only harbour evil intentions, I have no regrets executing them.

Xie Lian: Blood Rain Seeking Flowers.
Hua Cheng: Your Highness the Crown Prince.
Xie Lian: I still prefer addressing you as San Lang.

Hua Cheng: Ge Ge, you won.
Xie Lian: San Lang, do you know what misunderstanding there is between Master Di Shi and you?
Hua Cheng: Some matters, it is better if Your Highness doesn't get too involved.

Xie Lian: Qian Qiu! Don't force yourself!
Lan Qian Qiu: Guo Shi!
During a golden banquet, Fang Xin Guo Shi took a sword and killed the royal family of Yong An who were present.
Qi Rong: I have a part in it, An Le has a part in it, your master has a part in it, the three of us Xian Le people all played a part in it.
Lan Qian Qiu: I clearly killed you with my own hands, sealed you in a coffin, you......Guo Shi is truly extraordinary!
Xie Lian: You all deserve it.

Shi Qing Xuan: Ming-xiong.
Xie Lian: Don't call him Ming-xiong anymore. The person behind you, his real name is He Xuan. He trained into a devastation-level demon named Black Water Mysterious Ghost.
He Xuan: What's up with you again?
Xie Lian: He died while filled with a murderous aura and resentment, naturally he couldn't rest in peace, and desired revenge.
Shi Wu Du: He Xuan! It was my decision to use you to ward away misfortune, this has nothing to do with my (younger) brother.
He Xuan: Your (younger) brother was able to ascend to Heaven, with boundless glory, while possessing my destiny, enjoying my godhood, you tell me, does this have nothing to do with him?
Shi Qing Xuan: ......I want to die.
He Xuan: You can dream on.

Hua Cheng: If I like something, my heart won't allow another, and I'll remember it forever. A thousand times, ten thousand times, no matter how many years pass by it won't change.
Xie Lian: The royal benefactor, whom you've liked since young. You went through all kinds of hardships before catching up.
Hua Cheng: Not everything is false. I just still have yet to catch up.
Qian Deng Guan, Your Highness the Crown Prince, three thousand lanterns.

Hua Cheng: Ge Ge, you can leave.
Xie Lian: San Lang!
The Heaven and Earth a furnace, the common people as copper! When tens of thousands of demons kill each other till only one remains, a demon king is born.
Hua Cheng: ......I lied, don't leave.

Xie Lian: I wonder who chose to create a cave here? It must be a peerless, devout believer.
Feng Xin: F*ck seriously......are you all not scared seeing these things?
Mu Qing: This is indeed a cave with ten thousand gods, but actually, this place only worships one god.
Xie Lian: The royal benefactor, who exactly is that?
Xie Lian: Don't you want to know, what is my opinion regarding this?
Hua Cheng: Can Your Highness, not tell me.

The princess slit her own throat, the general breaks his own sword.
Pei Ming: I never thought of it as a praiseworthy story.
Xie Lian: I never had the fortune of meeting Yu Shi, I had no idea that Yu Shi was a princess.
Yu Shi Huang: Please bestow the royal position to me.

Jun Wu: You have forced yourself for several hundred years, even now are you still going to force yourself?
Yin Yu: Quan Yi Zhen, why don't you go die? Can you go die?!
Quan Yi Zhen: Shi-xiong, am I really annoying.
Yin Yu: I do resent him! I do hate him! But, so what?

Mei Nian Qing: Wu Yong's Crown Prince, was like Wu Yong Nation's unparalleled sun. In his dream, he foresaw that the future of Wu Yong was a sea of fire.
(Bai Wu Xiang: Hello there, Xie Lian.)
Hua Cheng: What happened in the end?
Mei Nian Qing: Mount Tong Lu would soon erupt.
(Bai Wu Xiang: Do you remember this tragedy and happy mask? It really suits you.)
Mei Nian Qing: He urged everyone to wait, to wait for him to build something——his bridge to Heaven.
Mei Nian Qing: Fell from high above the skies, right before His Highness the Crown Prince's eyes, everything was burned to ashes in an instance!

Jun Wu: Xian Le, what are you looking at?
Xie Lian: You, are Wu Yong Crown Prince.
Hua Cheng: No matter what had happened, I won't leave you.
Jun Wu: My most faithful believers, best friends, also said that to me once.
Hua Cheng: Trust me, Your Highness. Can't you do that?
Mei Nian Qing: The bridge broke. And the people of Wu Yong went crazy.
Jun Wu: But, in the end no one did it.
Jun Wu: You want to save the common people? The common people don't need your saving at all. They're not worth it.
Xie Lian: You can defeat me countless times, but you can't kill me. As long as you can't kill me, there will be one day, when I will definitely defeat you!

Hua Cheng: He's wrong, you're right. Your Highness, you're stronger than him.
Xie Lian: You said that, you wouldn't leave me.
Hua Cheng: It is my greatest honour to die in battle for you.

When to start recounting, the beginning of chaotic times
A city on the borders, a thousand miles, a drop of rain yet to have fallen
Or was it the end of that imperial banquet, its remaining wine poured into a river where lanterns float

Or was it my fault for rashly interfering
Incense igniting flames of war
That youth died in battle, a tiny white flower drifts down from his bosom
Armies of both sides trample past

A thousand people pass through
999 of them leave
Because a breeze has halted that moment for me
To wait again for someone and see

What do I remember from my memories thus far
Sound of rain, aching pain, the icy tip of a sword
A sorrowful cry gripping the throat, and a will-o'-the-wisp burning madly

I may have grown numb to pain
But I will not yield
Will not wear down from setbacks, and will not take the easy way out in life
I don't believe that people's hearts are vicious by nature

You ask me here, why
There are 100 peach blossoms by Naihe bridge
While 1000 maple leaves are burning in the mortal world

Hua Cheng: Your Highness, do you know why I refuse to leave this world?
Xie Lian: Why?
Hua Cheng: Because someone whom I dearly love still remains in this world.
Hua Cheng: Everything will eventually come to an end. But I will never leave you.
