XXVI. Seductor/Womanizer-【狐狸精/Húlíjīng】

Seductor / Womanizer- 狐狸精/Húlíjīng (Fan song)

Original song: 罗志祥《狐狸精》
Original work: 墨香铜臭《天官赐福》
Lyrics / Artist / PV: 小翼翼
Voices: Wind Master-饭团君子, Water Master-SAO狗周, Black Water: 秋一涯
Original link: (see in the comment section on right) 

A fun song featuring the brothers Shi Wudu and Shi Qingxuan! 
Someone also did a cover on this (link on the right) 

Credit for English translation: CHOCOLATEMIX


Fēng Shī: Míng Xiōng, wǒ diǎn hǎo gēle, wǒmen lái chàng ma ~

Hēi Shuǐ: Gǔn! Bù chàng.

风师: 就唱一下 明兄~~!!
Fēng Shī: Jiù chàng yīxià Míng Xiōng ~~!!
 Shuǐ Shī: Qīng Xuán, lǐ tā zuò shén, gē péi nǐ chàng!

演唱:水师 风师
Yǎnchàng: Shuǐ shī fēng shī

Bànwǔ: De shī.
友情出演:明光将军 灵文真君
Yǒuqíng chūyǎn: Míngguāng jiāngjūn líng wén zhēn jūn

Zànzhù dānwèi: Xiān jīng chúfáng

(Am I supposed to Romanize this? *confused in Pinyin* 
Anyways, I'll just do my job~~ Enjoy^-^)

水师:不要以为我没发现你又偷偷女相跟她见面。不要问我什么意见 你的眼神明明就是有鬼。我的警告可是最后一遍。如果你还不听你哥劝解。叫那个狐狸精闪一边 离开我的视线。
Shuǐ Shī: Bùyào yǐwéi wǒ méi fāxiàn nǐ yòu tōutōu nǚ xiāng gēn tā jiànmiàn. Bùyào wèn wǒ shénme yìjiàn nǐ de yǎnshén míngmíng jiùshì yǒu guǐ. Wǒ de jǐnggào kěshì zuìhòu yībiàn. Rúguǒ nǐ hái bù tīng nǐ gē quànjiě. Jiào nàgè húlíjīng shǎn yībiān líkāi wǒ de shìxiàn.

风师: 又怎么了, 我的好大哥?
Fēng Shī: Yòu zěnmeliǎo, wǒ de hào dàgē?
水师: 不必谄媚!
Shuǐ Shī: Bùbì chǎnmèi!

风师: 我不过是 让明兄来陪。
Fēng Shī: Wǒ bùguò shì ràng Míng Xiōng lái péi.

水师: 鬼话连篇!
Shuǐ Shī: Guǐhuà liánpiān!

风师: 风师女相 是信徒钦点。
Fēng Shī: Fēng Shī nǚ xiāng shì xìntú qīn diǎn.

水师: 还敢推诿!
Shuǐ Shī: Hái gǎn tuīwěi!
风师: 你怎么可以 一口否决?
Fēng Shī: Nǐ zěnme kěyǐ yīkǒu fǒujué?

水师: 狐狸精, 他不要脸, 带坏我弟, 真的讨厌。
Shuǐ Shī: Húlíjīng, tā bùyào liǎn, dài huài wǒ dì, zhēn de tǎoyàn.

风师: 会吗?
Fēng Shī: Huì ma?

水师: 中秋宴上 不管见谁, 他都只会吃米吃面。
Shuǐ Shī: Zhōngqiū yàn shàng bùguǎn jiàn shéi, tā dōu zhǐ huì chī mǐ chī miàn.

风师: 怎样?
Fēng Shī: Zěnyàng?
水师: 我的警告可是最后一遍。如果不分手就 没零花钱。你最好快认错快道歉 不要再装可怜。
Shuǐ Shī: Wǒ de jǐnggào kěshì zuìhòu yībiàn. Rúguǒ bù fēnshǒu jiù méi línghuā qián. Nǐ zuì hǎo kuài rèncuò kuài dàoqiàn bùyào zài zhuāng kělián.

风师: 不要再拿功德当威胁。
Fēng Shī: Bùyào zài ná gōngdé dāng wēixié.

水师:  谁又怕谁!
Shuǐ Shī: Shéi yòu pà shéi! Fēng shī: Bùguò shì biàn nǚ xiāngqù xiàjiè.
风师: 不过是变女相去下界。
Fēng Shī: Bùguò shì biàn nǚ xiāngqù xiàjiè.

水师:  又去凡间!
Shuǐ Shī: Yòu qù fán jiān!

风师: 反省一下 是你小心眼。
Fēng Shī: Fǎnxǐng yīxià shì nǐ xiǎoxīnyǎn.
水师:  你不要脸!
Shuǐ Shī: Nǐ bùyào liǎn!

风师: 还是嫉妒我们更像姐妹 呵呵~
Fēng Shī: Háishì jídù wǒmen gèng xiàng jiěmèi hēhē ~

风师: 因为你每次都爱大惊小怪。自己乱想乱掰 怀疑我的清白。
Fēng Shī: Yīnwèi nǐ měi cì dōu ài dàjīngxiǎoguài. Zìjǐ luàn xiǎng luàn bāi huáiyí wǒ de qīngbái.
水师: 是你不知好歹。
Shuǐ Shī: Shì nǐ bùzhī hǎodǎi.
风师:  切 所以我每次跟明兄吃完饭 即使是男相。我也懒得说出来 你说你应不应该, 奇怪 改一改? 或许我就不再 耍赖不耐烦。然后我就学学以前 听你的话。哥你碎碎唸这么快 教育裴茗去丫。
Fēng Shī: Qiè suǒyǐ wǒ měi cì gēn míng xiōng chī wán fàn jíshǐ shì nán xiāng. Wǒ yě lǎndé shuō chūlái nǐ shuō nǐ yìng bù yìng gāi, qíguài gǎi yī gǎi? Huòxǔ wǒ jiù bù zài shuǎlài bù nàifán. Ránhòu wǒ jiùxué xué yǐqián tīng nǐ dehuà. Gē nǐ suì suì niàn zhème kuài jiàoyù Péi Míng qù yā.
裴茗: 干我何事? 我三百年没勾搭狐狸精了。
Péi Míng: Gàn wǒ héshì? Wǒ sānbǎi nián méi gōudā húlíjīngle.

水师: 他不过是法力低微 跟着风师只为 抱你大腿。
Shuǐ Shī: Tā bùguò shì fǎlì dīwéi gēnzhe fēng shī zhǐ wèi bào nǐ dàtuǐ.
风师: 有吗?
Fēng Shī: Yǒu ma?

水师: 我是越看越不顺眼 你到底要站在谁那一边。
Shuǐ Shī: Wǒ shì yuè kàn yuè bù shùnyǎn nǐ dàodǐ yào zhàn zài shéi nà yībiān.

风师: 中间~
Fēng Shī: Zhōngjiān ~
水师: 我的警告可是最后一遍。如果你还一样不知礼节。叫那个狐狸精闪一边 离开我的视线。
Shuǐ Shī: Wǒ de jǐnggào kěshì zuìhòu yībiàn. Rúguǒ nǐ huán yīyàng bùzhī lǐjié. Jiào nàgè húlíjīng shǎn yībiān líkāi wǒ de shìxiàn.
黑水: 是谁会气到 七窍生烟?
Hēi Shuǐ: Shì shéi huì qì dào qīqiàoshēngyān?
水师: 算你倒楣!
Shuǐ Shī: Suàn nǐ dǎoméi!

黑水: 只想要直接 给你一拳。
Hēi Shuǐ: Zhǐ xiǎng yào zhíjiē gěi nǐ yī quán.
水师: 你想得美!
Shuǐ Shī: Nǐ xiǎng dé měi!
黑水: 丢到东海上 去吃天劫。
Hēi Shuǐ: Diū dào dōnghǎi shàngqù chī tiān jié.
水师: 你饿死鬼!
Shuǐ Shī: Nǐ è sǐ guǐ!
黑水: 眼不见为净 比较干脆。
Hēi shuǐ: Yǎn bùjiàn wéi jìng bǐjiào gāncuì.
水师: 狐狸精 狐狸精 狐狸精 真是讨厌。狐狸精 狐狸精 狐狸精 快滚一边。狐狸精 狐狸精 我就是看不顺眼。狐狸精 狐狸精 狐狸精 我最讨厌。
Shuǐ Shī: Húlíjīng húlíjīng húlíjīng zhēnshi tǎoyàn. Húlíjīng húlíjīng húlíjīng kuài gǔn yībiān. Húlíjīng húlíjīng wǒ jiùshì kàn bù shùnyǎn. Húlíjīng húlíjīng húlíjīng wǒ zuì tǎoyàn.

*【水师: 麦再碎碎唸 麦再碎碎唸, 哼!
       Shuǐ Shī: Mài zài suì suì niàn mài zài suì suì niàn, hēng!

       水师: 麦再碎碎唸 麦再碎碎唸, 哼!
       Shuǐ Shī: Mài zài suì suì niàn mài zài suì suì niàn, hēng!

       水师: 再碎碎唸 麦再碎碎唸, 阿!
       Shuǐ Shī: Zài suì suì niàn mài zài suì suì niàn, ā!】

裴茗: 水师兄,想开点天要下雨。弟要嫁人没办法的。难得过节,不如你们化女相。麦再碎碎唸 挖谋咻咩听 陪我喝一杯?
Péi Míng: Shuǐ shīxiōng, xiǎng kāi diǎn tiān yào xià yǔ. Dì yào jià rén méi bànfǎ de. Nándé guòjié, bùrú nǐmen huà nǚ xiāng. Mài zài suì suì niàn wā móu xiū miē tīng péi wǒ hè yībēi?
灵文: .......告辞。
Líng Wén: ....... Gàocí.

谢怜: 三郎据说今天要吃叫巧柯粒的食物我做了一些你试试?
Xiè Lián: Sānláng jùshuō jīntiān yào chī jiào qiǎo kē lì de shíwù wǒ zuòle yīxiē nǐ shì shì?

黑水: 血雨探花,借钱,师青玄要包场最大的酒楼。
Hēi Shuǐ: Xuè yǔ tànhuā, jiè qián, Shī Qīng Xuán yào bāochǎng zuìdà de jiǔlóu.

花城: 不借,你先还钱。
Huā Chéng: Bù jiè, nǐ xiān hái qián.

黑水: 那他说太寂寞了,要来找仙乐太子玩耍了。
Hēi Shuǐ: Nà tā shuō tài jìmòle, yào lái zhǎo xiān yuè tàizǐ wánshuǎle.

花城: ·········(恭喜发财,大吉大利) 带着他走远点,不要打扰我和哥哥····
Huā Chéng: ·········(Gōngxǐ fācái, dàjí dàlì) dàizhe tā zǒu yuǎn diǎn, bùyào dǎrǎo wǒ hé gēgē····


Wind Master: Ming-xiong, I selected a song. Let's sing!
Earth Master: No. Get lost.
Wind Master: Just one song! Ming-xiong~~!!
Water Master: ......Qing Xuan, don't bother with him. Brother will sing with you!

Singer: 水师,风师 (Shui Shi, Feng Shi)
Dancer: 地师 (Di Shi)
Making an appearance out of friendship: 明光将军,灵文真君 (General Ming Guang, Ling Wen Zhen Jun)
Sponsor: 仙京厨房 (Heaven's kitchen)

Water Master: Don't think I don't know that you sneaked out to find him again in your female form. Don't try and dodge the subject. You're clearly hiding something. This is my last warning. If you still don't listen to you brother's advice, tell that seductor to run to one side and get out of my sight.
Wind Master: What's the matter again, my dear brother?
Water Master: Don't flatter me!
Wind Master: I merely let Ming-xiong accompany me.
Water Master: What a pack of lies!
Wind Master: My female form was appointed by my believers.
Water Master: You still dare to push the blame!
Wind Master: How can you flatly deny that?

Water Master: Seductor, shameless, he led my brother astray, how loathsome.
Wind Master: Is he?
Water Master: During the Mid-Autumn banquet, he only stuffed his face no matter whom he saw.
Wind Master: So?
Water Master: This is my last warning. If you don't break it off, there won't be any pocket money. You better admit your mistake, apologise, and stop acting pitiful.
Wind Master: Stop using merits to threaten me.
Water Master: Who's afraid of you!
Wind Master: I merely changed to female form and went to the mortal world.
Water Master: You went to the mortal world again!
Wind Master: Reflect on yourself, you're too petty.
Water Master: Shameless (Female form is simply absurd!)
Wind Master: Or are you jealous that we resemble sisters more~

Wind Master: Because you always stir up a big fuss. Over-imagine things, and suspect my innocence.
Water Master: You don't know what's good for you.
Wind Master: Tsk, that's why I can't be bothered to say it every time I eat with Ming-xiong, even if I'm in male form. What do you say, aren't you strange, shouldn't you change? Then maybe I won't be so shameless and irritated. Then I will learn to listen to you, as I did before. Brother you nag so much, why not teach Pei Ming a lesson!
Pei Ming: What does this have to do with me? I haven't hooked up with a temptress in 300 years.

Water Master: His spiritual power is low, so he's only following you to ride your coattails.
Wind Master: Is that so~?
Water Master: I cannot stand the sight of it any longer. Just whose side are you on?
Wind Master: The middle~
Water Master: This is my last warning. If you're still this rude, tell that seductor to run to one side and get out of my sight.
Black Water: Who exactly is burning with anger?
Water Master: Consider yourself out of luck!
Black Water: I really wish to give you a punch.
Water Master: In your dreams!
Black Water: Or throw you to the East Sea to have a taste of heavenly tribulation.
Water Master: You starving demon!
Black Water: It's better if it's out of sight, out of mind.
Water Master: Seductor, casanova, how loathsome. Coquette, flirt, scram to one side. Philanderer, vamp, I cannot stand the sight of you. Womaniser, playboy. I hate you.
Pei Ming: Shui Shi-xiong, have an open mind. Rain will fall from the skies, you brother will marry off. Things like this can't be helped. It's not everyday that we celebrate the festivities. How about you all change into your female form and accompany me for a drink?
Ling Wen: ......I'll take my leave.

Xie Lian: San Lang, I heard that you eat something called "chocolate" today. I made some for you to try.
Black Water: Xue Yu Tan Hua, lend me money. Shi Qing Xuan wants to book the largest restaurant.
Hua Cheng No. Return me the money from before first.
Black Water: He said he's lonely. He's going to look for Xian Le Crown Prince.
Hua Cheng: ......(Gong Xi Fa Cai, Da Ji Da Li, receive your red packet.) Take him far away. Don't bother me and Ge Ge.

*This part hasn't been translated on the website and I am not able to interpret a proper phrase. So if anyone knows/gets the exact translation of this part, please DM me. 

Such a seductor. Even I would be (I am) seduced.................

Have you guys ever thought of shipping Shi Wudu x He Xuan?????
