VII. Meeting You in this World-【世中逢尔雨逢花/Shì Zhōng Féng Ěr Yǔ Féng Huā】

Meeting You in this World, Rain Meeting a Flower- 世中逢尔雨逢花/Shì Zhōng Féng Ěr Yǔ Féng Huā (Fan Song) 

Original work: 墨香铜臭《天官赐福》
Planning / Lyrics / Singer: 柚木暖
Composer: 陌然&柚木暖
Original link: (see the comments section on right)

A beautiful fan song for Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. Some spoilers.

Credit for English translations: CHOCOLATEMIX


(Text in the beginning)
谢怜: 如果不知道要怎么活下去,那就为了我而活下去吧。
Xiè Lián: Rúguǒ bù zhīdào yào zěnme huó xiàqù, nà jiù wèile wǒ ér huó xiàqù ba.

神武悦 初相见
Shénwǔ yuè chū xiāng jiàn

Yī mèi piānrán jīng hóng mèng zhōng xiān

神魂牵 最温柔眉眼
Shénhún qiān zuì wēnróu méiyǎn

身在无间 心向桃源
Shēn zài wújiàn xīn xiàng táoyuán

雨未歇 芳菲见 (xian)
Yǔ wèi xiē fāngfēi jiàn (xian)

 Cǐ xīnyì zhǐ yuàn wéi jūn cǎixié

若此前 妄求个成全
Ruò cǐqián wàngqiú gè chéngquán

你便是这世间 唯一的执念
Nǐ biàn shì zhè shìjiān wéiyī de zhí niàn

Yī hóng shèng fēng fū báiruòshuāng xuě

Chùjí jiān jìnshù huà dié shēn cè piānxiān

 Xuè yǔ tànhuā jǐxǔ fēngliú chuányán

Dào shì rěn dé líng pīng shù bǎi nián

Biàn shì kěmùzhe tānliànzhe shēqiúzhe

Jiélìzhe hěn hěn de chī chán jīng nián

Biàn shì měngdǒngguò wǎngránguò shāng fènguò

Tòng juéguò yìngyànle lìjīng qiān jié

Nǐ shì lántián rì nuǎn yùshēng yān

Héfáng wèi cǐ huīfēiyānmiè

为你 所向披靡一往无前
Wèi nǐ suǒxiàngpīmí yīwǎngwúqián

花城: "我想保护他。" / "我愿永不安息。" / "那我不让他知道我为什么不走就好了。" / "那我不让他知道我在保护他就好了。" / "为你战死是我至高无上的荣耀。" / "我永远是您最忠诚的信徒。" / "我不会忘的。" / "我不会的。" / "信我,殿下。"
Huā Chéng: "Wǒ xiǎng bǎohù tā." / "Wǒ yuàn yǒng bù ānxí." / "Nà wǒ bù ràng tā zhīdào wǒ wèishéme bù zǒu jiù hǎole." / "Nà wǒ bù ràng tā zhīdào wǒ zài bǎohù tā jiù hǎole." / "Wèi nǐ zhàn sǐ shì wǒ zhìgāowúshàng de róngyào." / "Wǒ yǒngyuǎn shì nín zuì zhōngchéng de xìntú." / "Wǒ bù huì wàng de." / "Wǒ bù huì de." / "Xìn wǒ, diànxià."

自久别 再相牵
Zì jiǔbié zài xiāng qiān

Gàitou xià réng shì gùrén méiyǎn

绕指尖 最明艳缘结
Rào zhǐ jiān zuì míngyàn yuán jié

若能与你并肩 怎惧厄命凶险
Ruò néng yǔ nǐ bìngjiān zěn jù è mìng xiōngxiǎn

Hóngxiù tiān xiāng què yě zuò xiāoqiǎn

Yuè xī zhī yè sānqiān dēnghuǒ mírén yǎn

Fēnmíng shēn ān shìshì nán suì rén yuàn

Wǒ què piān jiāng lí gēchàng xīn què

Chēng sǎn gōng nǐ xíngguò yī chí yún

Pījīngzhǎnjí fāng dé jiàn yuè míng

Niánshào wéi zhī húnqiānmèngyíng

Zhōng shì jiāng yúshēng kòu jǐn

Biàn shì kěmùzhe tānliànzhe shēqiúzhe

Jiélìzhe hěn hěn de chī chán jīng nián

Biàn shì měngdǒngguò wǎngránguò shāng fènguò

Tòng juéguò yìngyànle lìjīng qiān jié

Nǐ shì lántián rì nuǎn yùshēng yān

Héfáng wèi cǐ huīfēiyānmiè

为你 所向披靡心甘情愿
Wèi nǐ suǒxiàngpīmí xīngānqíngyuàn

Nà jīng hóng yīpiē

Luàn shéi xīnxián

花城: 对我来说,风光无限的是你,跌落尘埃的也是你。重点是"你",而不是"怎样"的你。
 Huā Chéng: Duì wǒ lái shuō, fēngguāng wúxiàn de shì nǐ, diéluò chén'āi de yěshì nǐ. Zhòngdiǎn shì"nǐ", ér bùshì"zěnyàng"de nǐ.


(Text in the beginning)
Xie Lian: If you don't know how to live on, then live on for me.

A pleased martial god, our first meeting
Fluttering robes, catching a glimpse of a god seen in dreams
My spirit captivated, the most gentle gaze
Body in the abyss, heart leaning towards paradise

The rain has yet to cease, revealing floral fragrances
This token, only willing to pick for you
If my presumptuous wish was granted in the past
You would be my only fixation in this world

Robes redder than maple, skin white as frost
Transforming into dancing butterflies the moment we touch
Blood rain seeking flowers may be legendary rumours
Endured on the path all alone for several hundred years

Longing for, clinging to, craving for
Striving for, relentlessly chasing for years
Was ignorant, frustrated, bitter
Grief-stricken, experienced countless calamities turning into reality

You are an Indigo Mountain, in the warm sun, jade engendering smoke
Why did it all disintegrate into ashes and smoke
For you, I will bravely press forward and sweep away all obstacles

Hua Cheng: "I want to protect him." / "I am willing to never rest in peace." / "Then I won't let him know the reason why I can't leave." / "Then I won't let him find out that I'm protecting him." / "It is my greatest honour to die in battle for you." / "I am forever your most faithful believer." / "I won't forget." / "I won't." / "Trust me, your Highness."

Parting ways indefinitely, crossing paths again
Still that familiar gaze underneath the veil
Fingers intertwine, the most alluring knot of fate
If I can stay by your side, why should I fear hardships or dangers

A beauty to accompany one's studies, while also passing time
Three thousand beacons enchanting the eyes on a moonlit night
Clearly understanding the ways of the world, difficult to fulfill their wishes
Yet I sing a new song of farewell

Holding up an umbrella to accompany you across lakes and clouds
One can only gaze upon the moonlight after trekking down the gruelling path
Since young, deeply pining for
Finally using my remaining years to tightly secure

Longing for, clinging to, craving for
Striving for, relentlessly chasing for years
Was ignorant, frustrated, bitter
Grief-stricken, experienced countless calamities turning into reality

You are an Indigo Mountain, in the warm sun, jade engendering smoke
Why did it all disintegrate into ashes and smoke
For you, I will bravely press forward and sweep away all obstacles

That single glimpse
Whose heart did it strike a chord in

Hua Cheng: To me, the you in your brightest glory is you, the you who has fallen from grace is you. What's important is "you", and not "how" you are.
