XX. How Fortunate One is Now-【何幸如之/Héxìngrú Zhī】

How Fortunate One is Now- 何幸如之/Héxìngrú Zhī (Fan song)

Original work: 墨香铜臭《天官赐福》
Original song: 小旭GIRLS《明月行处》
Singer: 白酱
Lyrics: 核桃
Planning / Producer: 奈奈、披萨
Original link: (see the comments section on right) 

This fan song was released on the occasion of Hua Cheng's birthday (10th June). Mild spoilers.

Credit for English translation: CHOCOLATEMIX


似白驹过隙 喧嚣梦醒
Shì báijūguòxì xuānxiāo mèng xǐng

身如浮萍 只影伶仃
Shēn rú fú píng zhī yǐng língdīng

Yě yù tái zhǐ xī dié tíng

Hóng yī tóng zuò jǐng

曾簪缨披锦 失之旦夕
Céng zān yīng pī jǐn shī zhī dànxì

Huò shì yì jiàn chuān xīn

曾觉力疲 曾深陷囹圄之境
Céngjuélì pí céng shēn xiàn língyǔ zhī jìng

曾沐甘霖 方得知微末皆幸
Céng mù gānlín fāng dé zhī wēimò jiē xìng.

城阙尽处 惊变刺破繁华
Chéngquē jǐn chù jīng biàn cì pò fánhuá

幸回首 揽衣跃罢刻骨一霎
Xìng huíshǒu lǎn yī yuè bà kègǔ yīshà

意气风发 或不知苦际无涯
Yìqìfēngfā huò bùzhī kǔ jì wú yá

幸留于 冥冥雨幕下
Xìng liú yú míng míng yǔmù xià

Féng huā

怜塞上飞鹰 墙下春荇
Lián sāi shàng fēi yīng qiáng xià chūn xìng

清烟氤氲 千灯长明
Qīng yān yīnyūn qiān dēng cháng míng

Shén sùfēng chén yǎn zhìjīn

Kū shíxiǎnzhēn líng

曾混迹市井 亦登仙京
Céng hùnjì shìjǐng yì dēngxiān jīng

Wǔ zhǎng jiàn lì qiān jūn

曾不识君 曾遗红珠未能寻
Céng bù shí jūn céng yí hóng zhū wèi néng xún

曾并肩行 方得知微末皆幸
Céng bìngjiān xíngfāng dé zhī wēimò jiē xìng

幸于漆夜 度灵灯唤作答
Xìng yú qī yè dù líng dēng huàn zuòdá

幸昔日 红线青丝 绕指几匝
Xìng xīrì hóngxiàn qīngsī rào zhǐ jǐ zā

幸百年间 也仍作心上牵挂
Xìng bǎinián jiān yě réng zuò xīn shàng qiānguà

幸一人 将之奉若珍匣
Xìngyī rén jiāng zhī fèng ruò zhēn xiá

世间纵有 千万般苦痛不假
Shìjiān zòng yǒu qiān wàn bān kǔtòng bù jiǎ

幸携手 赤诚无畏 白衣无瑕
Xìng xiéshǒu chìchéng wúwèi báiyī wúxiá

亦曾飘零 将无间寒域遍踏
Yì céng piāolíng jiāng wújiàn hán yù biàn tà

幸得见 桃源初绽春华
Xìng dé jiàn táoyuán chū zhàn chūn huá

Rú huà


Like a fleeting moment, a clamour disturbing one's dream
Constantly drifting, with only a lonely shadow
Also wishing to lift one's finger to cherish the butterflies stopping by
Red robes similar to painting a scenery

Once wore a crown and brocade, lost everything in an instant
A plague befalling this world and blades piercing one's heart
Once felt fatigued to the core, once trapped deep in adversity
Once cleansed in rain after a long drought, only then does one know the small things that count in every happiness

The imperial palace fades away, its prosperity abruptly disrupted
Fortunately turning back, lifting one's robes and leaping, that moment deeply ingrained
Spirited and exuberant, perhaps one did not know that the end of suffering is endless
Fortunately stayed on, under the dark curtain of rain
Encountering a flower

Pity the flying eagle by the borders, the spring water lilies beneath the walls
Thinning and thickening mist, a thousand lanterns ever so bright
Sculptures of a god sealed and hidden away till today
The stones of a cave reveal a god

Once hid oneself in bustling towns, and ascended into godhood
Danced with a sword and possessed immense strength
Once did not know you, once lost a red bead and failed to find it
Once fought side by side, only then does one know the small things that count in every happiness

Fortunately in the pitch black night, passed by that glowing spirit and called out to answer
Fortunately in the past, red thread and black hair strand, circled the fingers a few rounds
Fortunately in hundreds of years, still keeping you in my thoughts
Fortunately for one person, came to treat one like a treasure

Even if there are truly a million kinds of suffering in this world
Fortunately we hold each other's hands, absolute and fearless faith, flawless white robes
Also once wandered aimlessly, and treaded all across the bitterly cold abyss
Fortunately caught sight of, the first blooms of spring in paradise
Like a painting

"Whether you're here to see me or not, I'm happy either way." -Hua Cheng
