-°~Chapter 5~°-

Word count: 1,111

Love you 3000
No One's POV:

Once again, Katsuki and Izuku were hanging out (much to Izuku's displeasure), they were just planning on going out to eat but somehow ended up back at Katsuki's house.

Which to Izuku wasn't that big a deal, I mean honestly he's just going over to someone's house and will probably get some more free food, maybe free alcohol but we'll see.

Though Katsuki on the other hand was a little more stressed out over the matter, for starters he's crush(?) was coming over to he's house, he had nothing prepared to make Izuku impressed which was he's intention when he eventually invited him over.

That worked out real well.

When they interred the house Izuku started to look around, it was a nice place but in all honesty it was a little to perfect, to clean, to much self pride, there were pictures of Bakugou all around, he's own hero merchandise was everywhere, he had pillows that were orange with black Xs on them, the couch itself looked extensive with it's perfect black leather all over, over all it held to much pride, he still held to much pride.

Even though Izuku disliked how it was decorated it really wasn't he's choice, he wasn't living there, it wasn't he's house, and as much as he hated this man he wasn't gunna make him change he's stile.

Because it honestly wasn't he's biasness.

On the other side, he did find a few of he's books, more specifically the book about he's past, though he wrote it to where they (the reader) didn't know it was him unless they actually knew him and he's back story, seeing as Katsuki knew him most he's childhood he probably had a good idea on what it's truly about.

"Wow! Love your place Bakugou! It's so fancy" Izuku smoothly lied, he's finding the more he hangs out with Katsuki the better he gets at lying.

"Tch of course it's fancy, I am a pro hero after all, if I have the money I'm spending it" Katsuki stated proudly as he lead Izuku to the couch.

Izuku only hummed in response, he agreed to some level but he usually didn't spoil himself because on some level he still believed he didn't deserve anything of a sort, it was things like that that reminded him that he needed to go to therapy again after so long (aha same).

Once he sat down Katsuki quickly plopped a seat down next to him, he put he's foot over he's knee as he's arm went over the couch, he wanted to put it on Izuku's shoulders but alas, he is not ready to make such a move.

"So anything new?" Katsuki asked as he looked over at the greenette.

"Oh not really, just working on books, getting ideas, trying to work it in, it not working, writers block, you know, same ol same ol" Izuku stated with a shrug, as fun as being a writer is it can also be a pain in the ass.

"Is... Is writing really that annoying?" Katsuki asked with a raised brow.

"Not all the time, when you really have inspiration it's really fun! Coming up with your own universes, characters, and even animals! I love it, even when it kicks me in the ass" Izuku stated happily.

Katsuki found Izuku's little ramble quiet cute, though he dose wonder when he got into writing, he never saw Izuku writing anything like fan fiction or what not.

He gave a hum at the statement "I figured as much, it's the same with me and my hero work" Katsuki stated.

Izuku nodded at that, sometimes he wished he had still tried to become a hero, he wondered if there was a reality where he did become a hero, maybe a vigilante, hell maybe even a villain, well even if there is in this one he'll never be a hero, vigilante, or villain, as sad as it may sound it'll never happen.

That doesn't mean he isn't happy where he ended up in the end.

"So do you want to eat? I can cook something up real quick" Katsuki asked, affectivity knocking Izuku outta he's thoughts.

"Oh sure, I can help-" Izuku started but was cut off.

"No, you can't cook to save your life and you'd just end up getting in my way, stay in here" Katsuki stated as he got up to start cooking.

It took all of Izuku's self restraint to not get up and smack him all 50 shades of red, he bet Kirishima would treat him with respect- hold on, what? Kirishima? Where'd that thought come from? I mean, it's probably right but still.


Around 15/20 minutes later Katsuki finally called him to eat, which finally because he's fucking starving!

Quickly he made he's way into the kitchen (which was absolutely gorgeous by the way) he sat down at the table, a few minutes later and food was right in front of him, while Katsuki sat on the other side of the table.

"Well eat up" Katsuki stated, not even an ounce of nervousness, he was confident in he's cooking skills.

Not after Izuku was done with it he wouldn't be.

Izuku took a bite of the food and was immediately hit was a very hot taste, it was about as hot as hot can get, Izuku swallowed the food before he began to cough, he put he's hand over he's mouth so he wouldn't end up spitting everywhere.

"W-Wow this is s-spicy" Izuku stated, he was starting to tear up with how much he was coughing along with the spiciness.

"Spicy? It shouldn't be that spicy" Katsuki stated as he himself took a bite, quickly he realized two things, 1: it was spicier then it should be and 2: Izuku never was able to handle spicy foods.

Quickly Katsuki got up to grab Izuku some milk, while he was doing that Izuku moved the food away from himself while also trying not to hack up he's lung.

Katsuki brought the cup of milk over to Izuku "Shit I'm sorry Midoriya I forgot you didn't like spicy foods" he stated as he patted he's back.

After Izuku drank all the milk he gave Katsuki a light (fake) smile "I-It's fine, I wouldn't except you to remember after so long" he stated, knowing it'd hurt him.

It did, it really did.

The blond grimaced at that but didn't say anything, a few minutes later Izuku ended up going home seeing as he was called for work.

That night was truly a disaster.
