-°~Chapter 1~°-

Word count: 1,250
No one's POV:

He didn't understand why he's life had to be like this.

Getting beat up, called worthless, used, left to die, filling hemself with hope just for it to be crushed, being ignored when begging for help, he's things being stolen or destroyed, urges he has to keep at bay, helping people just for them to spit in he's face, and never seeing them get karma.

Of course he never asked for someone to get what they deserved, he was never that type of person.

"You know if you wanna be a hero so bad there might be a way..." Katsuki Bakugou he's childhood friend turned tormentor started "Go up to a roof then pray for a quirk in the next life, and take a swan dive off a roof!" He said as he started to laugh with he's lackies laughing along with him.

Though everyone has there breaking point, and he, Izuku mouther fucking Midoriya just reached he's.

But he didn't do anything, he just stood there and took it like he always did, then when they left he quickly grabbed he's things before running out of the classroom, once he found he's notebook that was throw out if the window earlier he went to grab it but stopped midway.

"This... Do I even want this..? I mean... This was just the one with all might and other pro hero's... No I don't need it." Izuku desided it wasn't worth it, he left it to be fich food in the pond and started to run home.

As he made he's way threw a tunnel he smelt something foul, he only stopped for a moment but in that moment a... Slime totoral gone wrong popped out of the sewer.

"Ohohoh~! You will make a great skin suit!" It said with what he assumed to be a smirk.

Now usually Izuku would be freaking out but in all honesty, he wasn't to apposed to an internal nap so when he was cought he gave minimal strangth to try to leave then when black dots started to cover he's vision h just stopped, soon enough he was out cold.

Then he was rudely woken back up by someone smacking him, which made him even more angry, but he wouldn't say anything.

It wasn't long before he realized it was all might he's favorite pro hero, but of course there's a reason they say don't meet your idols.


Now Izuku didn't think he's day could get any worse, but now he was getting lectured by two pro hero's, why? Well I'll give you a quick run down of what happened before this.

When he met all might the man was stupidly loud which already made Izuku a little peaved becouse he's head hurt, then he may have done a fucky wucky and held onto the man's leg when he thew away becouse he wanted to ask him something, then he found out about him being a walking Skelton along with he has a power called OFA, then the man crushed he's dreams of wanting to be a hero, left him on a rooftop, he yelled into the air to let out some anger then left to go home, then saw he's tormentor getting suffocated by the DIY slime guy, he jumped in to save him, actually succeed, then all might intervened, took the credit, now Izuku's being lectured by the hero's that were just watching on the side lines, so yah, fun times.

"That was very reckless of you young man!" The water guy stated angerly.

Though Izuku didn't say anything, he just took it all in like he always did, but something tiped him off, and that something was Bakugou getting fucking praised for he's bravery.

He knew what this was about.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Izuku asked suddenly, cutting off the hero, if you could even call him that.

"Exscuse me?" The hero asked slightly surprised that he interrupted.

With knew found confidence he spoke again "I said: ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" Izuku yelled angerly.

The yell cought the attention of the news reporter that was getting an interview with the number one hero, she saw the opportunity and had the camera man point to the greenette to see what was happening.


"NOW IF YOU'LL MOVE YOUR "I dOn'T haVe ThE rIghT quIrK fOr tHis jOb" DUMBASS LOOKING SELF OUTTA MY FACE! I have shit to do." Izuku stated as he started to walk away not giving any satisfaction to any of the people there he made he's way out of there, and no one dared stop him.

Once he was on he's way home he let out a sigh, he was so done with everyone and everything, he didn't wanna run into anyone or talk again.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA!!" God fucking damn it.

He looked up at the tall man before he buffed down into he's skeleton form, already Izuku was so done.

"Sorry for that, now I saw you run into that when no one else would, it was very heroic!" All Might started, Izuku was now getting a little bit of hope, was he gunna say he could be a hero without a quirk?

Somehow threw he's little thinking all might had went on a rant about how he transfer down he's quirk, which confused Izuku for a moment before he cought on.

"I'd like to give my quirk to you! Becouse I see you as worthy!" He said.

Izuku hope was gone.

Without second thought he waved him off "No, I don't want your quirk or to be hero. Goodbye" and with that, Izuku walked away not giving a damn anymore.

Then finally, after a very long day he got home but of course he's day wasn't done yet, the second he intered he's house he's mouther came to him yelling questions about if he was okay, saying she saw the news, then gave him a big ol hug before making him eat so he could rest after words.

Soon enough after he reasured he's mouther he would be okay he was finally free to go to he's room.

Now he's day might have been shit, probably the worst day he's ever fucking had but he was now sure of quite a few things.

He no longer wanted to be a hero, he now hated all might, he hated everyone in school, he hated most atjority figures and wouldn't trust any of them, he was done with just putting up with everything, and he wanted fucking revenge on Bakugou for the years of abuse.

Izuku would get he's revenge, he knew he would, but he's going to play the long game, and he'll make sure he's plan is fucking perfect by the time he needs it.

It'll be perfect.

"So watch out Bakugou Katsuki, you in joy your happy pathetic life while you can... Becouse once I get my hands on you, you'll wish you never met me." Izuku as a smirk played on he's lips.

Though for now, it was just a matter of waiting for the perfect time, and he was a very very patient man.
