-°~Chapter 16~°-

Word Count: 1,192

No One's POV:

Kirishima quickly put on he's hero suit as he talked to Izuku who was respectfully watching from a distance.

"NO I'm just saying, that Tetsutetsu guy is hot as fuck" Izuku stated as he crossed he's legs.

"Okay Izu that is my gym buddy and hero partner your talking about right now" Kirishima stated as he pulled up he's pants.

"Well duh that's why I'm talking to you about him, he's hot and obviously my type" Izuku stated with a huff.

"And your type is?" Kirishima questioned as he looked over at Izuku who was comfortably chilling on he's bed.

"Big beefy bois that are cinnamon rolls" Izuku stated with a proud smile.

Kirishima couldn't help but chuckle, yeah that checked out.

He walked over to Izuku and gave him a kiss sense he was finished getting dressed he was ready for he's night patrol.

"Well I gotta get going, love you" Kirishima stated just before he gave him another kiss.

"Okay, love you and be safe" Izuku stated with a small smile.

"Anything for you Izu" Kirishima stated, he gave him one last kiss before he finally left for work.

Once Izuku heard the door close he gave a heavy sigh, Okay now he had to work on he's book.

Hopefully he's book does well, he didn't have time to come up with a whole new book and start over so hope is really all he has right now.

With a final sigh he opened up he's laptop.

"Let's do this shit"


Katsuki couldn't help but roll he's eyes as he listened to Kirishima talk happily about the agency and how it's doing, probably trying to persuade him to came by the agency for what ever reason, they'd decided to chill on top of a high building so they could chill for a moment while they also have an advantage point.

"-And then Denki poured milk into the cereal bag and said "Make me bitch" to Tetsutetsu out of spite for-" Kirishima was telling a story but was quickly interrupted by Katsuki the living bomb himself.

"Yeah yeah great story, can you shut your trap shitty hair?" Katsuki rudely told him as he continued looking over the city.

The red head couldn't help but do so, though not because he wanted to but because Katsuki was obviously more upset then usual, he wondered why, and because he wondered he decided to ask.

"What's up BakuBro? You seem to have a shorter fuse then usual" Kirishima commented curiously.

"None of your fucking business ya damn shark!" Katsuki stated angrily.

"Woah bro chill, I was just asking! You know you can tell ya bro anything" Kirishima stated as he patted Katsuki on the back.

"Shitty hair..." Katsuki growled out angrily.

"Come on bro! Talk to your bro!" Kirishima encourage happily, maybe this could bring them closer like they were in their UA days!

Katsuki huffed as he crossed he's arms, as much as he didn't want to tell Kirishima anything he really wanted to vent and he couldn't vent to Izuku because he was being a baby so Kirishima would just have to do.

"The nerd hasn't made any time for me" Katsuki finally spoke.

"Huh? Who's the nerd? Iida?" Kirishima questioned, he knows they don't talk but he's the only 'nerd' he could think of.

"What?! No I fucking mean Deku!" Katsuki barked out aggravated, why on earth would he contact that damn bastard?

"Ohhh... Who's Deku? Is that like someone you found on grinder orrr?" Kirishima questioned still not getting it.

"DEKU AS IN MIDORIYA SHITTY HAIR" Katsuki snapped, God he should've just kept he's mouth shut Kirishima is no help.

Kirishima stayed silent for a moment, Izuku? Why on earth is he calling he's cute little author boyfriend useless? Izuku isn't useless, he's fucking awesome and there's no way he would've ghosted him for no reason, and he has a feeling it's because he's being called useless.

"Uh.. What did Izuku do? Why's he ghosting you?" Kirishima asked awkwardly, he's not really sure what to say without exploding, which would've been okay if in the process he probably would've revealed he's and Izuku's relationship and he's not sure if that's okay.

"The damn nerd got scared when I raised my hand to him, now he's being a fucking pussy and ghosting me" Katsuki stated harshly.

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh? I mean... Maybe he's been abused?" Kirishima questioned trying he's best not to harden he's hand and bitch slap him.

"He has but he's been to therapy so it shouldn't be a fucking problem anymore, not only that but it would've been a fucking playful hit so he would've been fucking fine afterwards" Katsuki grunted, he truly didn't see how fucked he's words were and probably never would.

"BakuBro... T-That's not how it works" Kirishima couldn't help but stutter, the more Katsuki spoke the more he wanted to hurt him, this has never happened before but he hopes it never happens again.

"Whatever shitty hair, it's not like anything bad has ever happened to you so it's not like you'd understand" Katsuki stated with a dismissive hand and an eye roll.

Kirishima took a minute to calm himself, what the actual fuck is up with Katsuki? He has never acted like this before and it's ether a really shitty day or something happened in the time they spent apart, or... Katsuki's finally showing he's true colors. He didn't really like any of those options, because ether way this is not the Katsuki he wants to hang out with.

He reminded Kirishima of he's bully's in that moment.

"Bakugou I don't mean to be rude but I was bullied back in middle school" Kirishima started but before he could say something else Katsuki interrupted him.

"That was back in middle school dumbass, it doesn't count and even if it did it probably wasn't even that fucking bad, get over it" Katsuki grunted annoyed.

"What the actual fuck Bakugou?" Kirishima asked not able to contain he's anger, what the actual fuck does he mean get over it? He was beat up and jumped all threw middle school because of he's quirk and he's saying get over it? What the fuck?!

"What?" Katsuki questioned as he turned around to look at Kirishima, he could immediately tell he fucked up.

"The fuck do you mean what?! Bakugou everything you said holds not only ignorance but full of stupidity! You can't just fucking say that you God damn bastard!" Kirishima stated absolutely inraged, if he wasn't a decent human being he would've pushed Katsuki over that ledge.

"Your over reacting shitty hair" Katsuki stated dismissively.

Everything in Kirishima wanted to push Katsuki over that damned ledge but he couldn't and wouldn't, so he held himself from doing so and tried to calm down if just a bit.

"Let's just get this patrol over with." Kirishima cursed under he's breath before he began jumping to another building.

"Fine by me" Katsuki grunted before he began to fallow Kirishima.

The rest of patrol was fairly tense after that.
