-°~Chapter 22~°-

Word Count: 1,617

Mmmm uh written gore warning ig?
No One's POV:

Izuku looked at his phone, he felt kind of numb, he has ever since that argument he had with Kirishima.

He couldn't help it, for awhile now he felt like total shit, then yesterday he just couldn't, maybe even wouldn't feel anything. He should've known not to trust or let Kirishima in, because now he's hurting again. Earlier he'd gotten a text from Kirishima, he didn't bother to open it right away, he figured it was a "we're breaking up" text and simply prepared for the worst for a solid 20 minutes, but now he was looking at the text, a simple "Can I come over later?"
he was sent that 4 minutes ago, he still hasn't responded.

Though soon enough Kirishima began to text him some more.


Can I come over later?
I think we need to talk

We are talking.

In person..
Look, it's inprortant and I'd rather say it to your face then over text

You can spell, type it out.

Please stop putting periods at the end TT


Okay, then can I come over?




Izu pleaseeeee


I'mma come over anyway

Ejiro Kirishima, I said NO.

Cya soon love<3


*RockBottom has changed HornyBastard's name to MyLove<3*

Just fucking get over here, don't make me wait too long.




Okay, now shut up

Read at 6:05PM


Izuku couldn't help but give a wobbly smile as he turned off his phone. "Dork... I'm supposed to be mad at you..." he couldn't help but think as a tear left his eye.

Why was he so god damn lovable?

Suddenly there was a knock at his door. He couldn't help but furrow his brows. Was that Kirishima? So soon as well? Though it wasn't too much of a surprise, he just thought Kirishima would give him at least 10 or 20 minutes to at least mentally prepare for whatever was about to happen.

He got up from his bed and placed his phone down onto the bed before he walked over to his door.

"I didn't think you'd be here so soon Kiri-" Izuku started but cut himself off when he saw who was at his door.

"You know... You're a real pain in the ass to find," he grumbled as he glared at Izuku.

"Katsuki... What are you doing here...?" Izuku grumbled as he ever so slightly backed up. He didn't know what but something was... Off, wrong. something wasn't right...

"You know Deku, I was actually thinking I was getting somewhere with you but then I found out, you were trying to get revenge on me AND that you wrapped shitty hair into this.. So I think, you need to be taught a lesson." Katsuki stated as a sadistic grin formed on his lips.

Just as he finished his sentence he began to walk towards Izuku, with every step Katsuki took towards Izuku he took more steps back. Seconds later Izuku felt his back hit the wall making his eyes widen in fear as he looked to the side to see if there was anywhere else to go. He could see the door to his room along with the door to his bathroom and the door to the closet. He didn't think he'd go back in so soon but he guessed it would work, though before he could think any further ahead Katsuki's hand had slammed onto the wall beside his head, making him jolt.

"Don't you dare. You tried to ruin my life, therefore, I'll take yours." Katsuki grinned crazily. Izuku knew Katsuki was a bit fucked in the head but he didn't think it was this bad.

"I... You won't get away with this." Izuku stated as tears stared to form in his eyes.

"Oh Deku~ I already have" Katsuki stated just before his other hand wrapped around Izuku's throat and squeezed.

Izuku gasped as he brought his hands up to grab at Katsuki's wrist, he desperately clawed at him but in the end Katsuki only lifted him off of the ground with a "tch" of annoyance. Izuku's legs dangled as he wiggled around trying so hard to get away. Fuck, He knew he should've gone to the gym more then a few times a year! Well, he doubted it would've helped anyway seeing as all he's spare time had been spent with Kirishima, I guess it doesn't matter anymore though...

He could feel himself start to black out, he's vision was starting to get covered in black dots as he began to heat ringing, he didn't want he's life to end like this, but he supposed it wasn't all that bad, maybe he'd finally be able to see he's mother again.

Suddenly he felt Katsuki start to pull away, but it didn't seem willing, not at all, he let out a gasp before he felt he's skim get super hot to the point where it felt like it was burning off, he almost forgot how much it hurt to be hit with one of Katsuki's explosions, he let out a scream before he fell to the ground, he held onto he's face in pain, he could feel the blood pour from he's wound and between he's fingers to the cold floor.


"WHAT THE FUCK-?!" Katsuki yelled as he looked behind him to see who'd dared interrupt him, and he's face drained of color once he saw who it was.

Of course it had to be Kirishima, who else would it be? But he looked beyond pissed, he was wearing a scowl and he was shaking from how mad he was, how dare Katsuki try and hurt Izuku? How fucking DARE HE?! He let out a shaky angry breath Kirishima began to vigorously attack Katsuki, but this time Katsuki seemed much more unhinged in he's fighting he did everything in he's power to kill Kirishima.

He kept throwing punch after punch after punch, he fired he's quirk in every which way he could to try and hurt Kirishima but Kirishima would always activate he's quirk just in the nick of time, but God was he persistent.

Kirishima dodged yet another attack aimed at he's side with a slight grunt, once again Katsuki swung with no real reason to any of he's attacks besides anger and the need for blood, as brutal as it was Kirishima knew he'd win as long as he kept a clear mind, once Kirishima saw an opening he quickly grabbed a hold of Katsuki before he threw him a cross the room and into the wall.

With a groan Katsuki got back up with a crazed look in he's eyes, he's eyes darted around before seeming to land on something, he's lips formed into a sadistic smile, Kirishima himself risked a look at what Katsuki was looking at and when he saw that Katsuki was looking at Izuku he felt he's face drain if color, oh no..

"Don't you fucking dare." Kirishima warned with a slight growl, but Katsuki didn't listen.

Katsuki was quick to run over to the injured Izuku, Kirishima made a desperate attempt to try and get him away but Katsuki only ended up elbowing him in the face, when he was able to look back at Katsuki again he saw that he had Izuku in he's arms, he then put he's hand to the bottom of floor as he started to warm up he's hand.

"Don't make another step, or I blow up this whole building." Katsuki stated, he even lighted a few warning explosions.

"What?! You can't do that! You'll kill everyone in the building, including yourself!" Kirishima yelled with wide eyes, wad Katsuki fucking insane?!

"That's the point! You let me kill little Deku over here, or I kill everyone in this building." Katsuki stated as he placed he's other hand around Izuku's neck, intending on blowing it up.

Nether of those options sounded nice to Kirishima, lose Izuku, or lose everyone in the building including himself, well... there was one other option...

He could kill Katsuki.

Though he's never killed anyone before nor has he ever wanted or needed to! Murder just seemed to fucked up in he's opinion, though this time he might not have a choice... If he doesn't want to lose Izuku or anyone else he'll have to kill Katsuki, though he knows the backlash if he does, the commission loves Katsuki dearly for he's strong quirk and being able to take any orders without much question on it, he KNEW they'd want him gone for this but he doesn't have much choice...

So with a grimace he hardened he's arm, he quickly lunged at Katsuki but before Katsuki could activate he's quirk on the building or Izuku he had lunged he's hardened arm threw Katsuki's stomach along with one of he's lungs before roughly pulling it out, Katsuki gasped as he let go of Izuku to hold he's rapidly bleeding wound, he fell forward as he began to bleed to death.

Once Kirishima knew Katsuki wasn't able to do anything he quickly took Izuku into he's arms and rapidly looked for a pulse, it was there but faint, he gave a sigh of relief before he quickly got up with Izuku in he's arms and began to race off, now on he's way to the hospital.

"Please hang in there Izuku..." Kirishima couldn't help but think as he ran down flights of stairs.

Hopefully he got there on time...
