-°~Chapter 10~°-

Word Count: 1,160

Did I fail at fluff again? A bit, am I gunna try to make it better? Lmao nahh
No One's POV:

Izuku sat on he's couch chilling in he's pajamas, which was some simple black PJ pants with a lose red and black plaid button up on.

He was mindlessly scrolling threw videos on tiktok as he waited for Kirishima, he had asked to come over for supposedly just a hang out but he had a sneaky feeling it wasn't just going to be a hang out.

Though it was taking Kirishima forever to get here, why it was taking him a million years to get here he didn't know, maybe he's bringing take out.

As he scrolled threw tiktok he got a text, he hoped it was Kirishima but sadly it was the blond one, Katsuki, of course it had to him of all people.

Deku why have you been ignoring me?

Ah, he has been ignoring him hasn't he? Honestly at first he knew what he was doing but after a few days he actually had stuff to do so by then it was accidental, he was going to answer but then he heard Kirishima walk in, so he decided to ignore him for a bit longer in order to talk to Kirishima.

"Finally, you took fucking forever!" Izuku complained as he threw he's phone on the couch before he got up to walk to the red head.

"Yeah sorry, but I'm here now aren't I?" Kirishima questioned as he pulled Izuku into he's arms to give him a kiss in apology.

"Mmmm I guess" Izuku stated accepting the kiss without question, looking down he saw Kirishima had a bag of some things "What's that?" He questioned as he pointed at it.

"Well this" he emphasized as he brought up the bag "Is the reason I was late, wanna see what's inside?" Kirishima questioned as he brought it closer to Izuku.

Instead of saying anything he brought the bag into he's own hands and opened it, inside was some horror movies (which ever ones you like), junk food of all kinds, some black nail polish, face masks, and 4 deferent flavors of energy drinks.

"As much as I love all these things why did you get them?" Izuku asked as he looked back up at Kirishima.

"Well... I've noticed you've been a bit stressed lately and I figured instead of going out we could just.. Chill for our 3rd date, you know?" Kirishima stated now getting embarrassed, he was confident at first but now he was getting a bit nervous.

Izuku couldn't help but give a small smile at the cute red head, this past week he has been in an on going battle with himself about he's book, ever sense Katsuki said anything about it he's been thinking about changing it, though logically he knows if he did that would put him under to much stress, so this was nice.

"That's really sweet of you Kiri.. I've honestly just been second guessing myself is all" Izuku stated bashfully.

"Not about me hopefully" Kirishima joked.

Izuku simply kissed Kirishima's noes "Never" he stated before bringing the bag into the living room.

When Kirishima was done rebooting he fallowed.


It was officially 1 in the morning and Izuku now knew what the energy drinks were for.

Izuku was munching on some gummy bears as he looked at the pouting Kirishima.

"Oh come on~ It wasn't that bad" Izuku stated as he rolled he's eyes with a fond smile on he's face.

"NoT tHaT bAd my ass! Your not the one who screeched like a little girl on crack during a horror movie!" Kirishima whined dramatically as he fell back.

Izuku snorted violently at Kirishima's words and began laughing hard, Kirishima made sounds of embarrassment in the background which only made Izuku laugh harder, when he calmed down he was taking in large gulps of air and wiping unshed tears from he's eyes.

"Jesus Kirishima, your so dramatic, besides your the one that wanted to watch that specific movie even after all the warnings" Izuku stated.

"I thought I could handle it after all these years!" Kirishima whined as he stood up only to fall on the couch and onto Izuku's lap.

"Kiri your a pro hero, how is it that a doll scared you?" Izuku asked as he ran he's fingers threw Kirishima's hair, which seemed to make Kirishima relax right away.

"It was a scary doll!" Kirishima whined in defense.

Izuku chuckled as he downed the rest of he's energy drink.

"God I'm in love with the biggest dork" Izuku stated as he placed the empty can on the ground, not realizing he said that out loud.

Kirishima froze at Izuku's words, love? He loves him? He thinks he's a dork but still, he loves him? Oh dear lord he might die from the heat, he can feel the blush burning he's face, when he saw Izuku look down at him confused he must have realized he tensed.

"Kiri? Are you okay?" Izuku asked concerned.

"You love me?" Kirishima asked with the most innocent face Izuku's ever seen.

He himself blushed at the words now realizing he said that out loud, with a noise of embarrassment he hid he's face in he's hands simply wishing to disappear.

Though Kirishima really wanted to hear Izuku say those three magical words again, he sat up and got on he's knees in front of Izuku and sense he was such a beefy boi he was left face to face with Izuku, he gently grabbed a hold of Izuku's wrists to remove he's hands from he's face, when they were out of he's way Kirishima spoke.

"Izuku, you love me?" Kirishima asked again, looking almost desperate.

"A-And so what if I do?!" Izuku asked he's blush growing redder.

"No, say it, say you love me" Kirishima practically begged.

Izuku hesitated at saying anything, even though it was the 3rd date and there should be nothing wrong with saying it sense they've talked so much he still hesitated, he's anxiety said the second he says it Kirishima will leave but Izuku knew Kiri wasn't like that, so with he's blush growing bigger he decided to do as told.

"I.. I love you" Izuku finally stated bashfully.

At the words finally being said Kirishima smiled brightly before he went in for a passionate kiss, even though Izuku was surprised he still kissed back, he's arms went around Kirishima's neck as Kirishima moved them lay down as he laid on top of him, seconds later it was a heavy make out session with Kirishima's tongue down Izuku's throat making Izuku moan out every once in awhile.

When they separated they panted as they looked into each others eyes simple trying to form coherent thoughts, though Kirishima gave him one more passionate kiss before he spoke.

"And I love you, Izuku."
