
Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"HYUNNGG..." Yeonjun shouted as soon as he saw Taehyung coming leaning half on Jimin and half on Jungkook.

"Hyung what happened?" Yeonjun held his hands taking it away from Jungkook's.

"What did you do?" He said to Jungkook looking directly in the eyes. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"J-Jun I'm okay." Taehyung said cupping his brother's face as he was on his knees to be at his brother's level.

"Hyung did he hurt you again?" Yeonjun said on the verge of crying. He can see how tired his brother look.

"Yeonnie Taehyung needs rest. Let him rest you can meet him after he will wake up." Beakhyun interrupted. Yeonjun looked at him and then back at his brother. Taehyung gave him a weak smile and kissed his temple.

"I'm fine Jun. don't worry." Taehyung said and Yeonjun turned to Beakhyun after glaring at Jungkook.

"I'll stay by his side." He announced. "Please." And mouthed to Beakhyun.

"Okay." He approved and they took Taehyung to his room.

"We need to talk." Beakhyun said as soon as he saw Taehyung getting on the bed and Yeonjun clanged to him. They both drifted to sleep in no time.

"What happened now?" He stood eye to eye infront of Jungkook and glared at other two.

"He got attacked. An Alpha wolf tried to kidnap him." Jimin stated.

"Not just any Alpha wolf, it was Bogum. He tried to kidnap him." Yoongi interrupted. Jungkook was standing there hands fisted and face down. He can hardly keep himself.

"What happened there? He got...." Beakhyun stopped.

"What is it? You are his guardian you can see his soul! What happened to him?" Yoongi said desperately.

"He got taint all over his body. His soul seems dark rather than his usual one. What happened to him?" Beakhyun said.

"Bogum tried to mark him. He actually did. It was just that JK took control and backed Taehyung to get over the effect and pain." Yoongi elaborated and Jimin's jaw dropped. He heard how painful is second marking and then being marked infront of your mate by another Alpha he can feel pain only by imagining it.

"It's not over yet. He got the effect. The taints on his body shows the effect of marking. He did got the effect and it's still there. He is still in pain. Can you not see him trying to mask the trembling, and not shutter?" Beakhyun told them. Jungkook for the first time looked up. He is useless, can't even protect his mate. A useless true blood.

"Stay with him." Jungkook glared at Beakhyun and turned to leave. Jimin was scared of Jungkook and for the first time he doesn't want to be in his way. Yoongi very well know where is his brother going. He excused himself.

In all his fury Jungkook kicked the door of his father's office and went inside only to find his father on the phone. His father cut the call right away and turned to him.

"This is not the way to come in Jungkook." Head Alpha said putting the phone down.

"I'm done with manners at this point." He said walking forward.

"Call the meeting and send Mr Choi a notice to be there with his beloved dog Bogum." Jungkook said standing face to face with Head Alpha, looking at him in the eyes.

"You don't talk to me like this Jungkook. I'm your fa....." Jungkook cut him off.

"I know you are an Head Alpha and I respect you for that but i got my responsibilities also. And Mr. Choi crossed the limit this time. He is forcing his nose at a wrong place and he needs to be told very badly." Jungkook said and Head Alpha can see the little control that he had on him because of being his father is gone now. The respect that Jungkook had for him which was holding him in limit is off now.

"He is the elder of this pack, I can't....."

"You are a fucking Head Alpha. You don't have to see who is elder and who is younger. You give orders thats it." Jungkook said just then the door opened revealing Yoongi.

"What the hell is happening here yoongi?" Head Alpha said.

"Call for a committee, charge Mr Choi with the case of forced mating and intrusion to another Pack." Yoongi said.

"And be ready for the invitation from Crescent Moon pack." Jungkook butted in.

"What do you mean?" Head Alpha was very much interested in it now.

"Bogum surrounded Jimin's house and attached his morher and him. He also tried to mark Taehyung and after that tried to kill him." Yoongi told him.

Head Alpha was glued to his place. He knows getting in another territory and then trying to terrorize them can call of a serious trouble and right he is in one.

"Hurry up and call him." Jungkook glared at his father.

"We can talk it out....."

"We will not talk it out. This matter is way above than talking any more. He needs some practical lessons." Jungkook said stopping any wrong suggestions to get to him.

"Kook calm down." Yoongi tried but Jungkook snapped at him.

"Didn't you fucking see everything? How can i calm down when that filthy dog tainted him. He did nothing wrong. He is born the way he is, he didn't have any saying in that. WHY DO HE HAS TO FACE ALL THIS. I WILL NEVER LET ANYONE TO GET THEIR WAY WITH HIM. HE MIGHT BE WEAK BUT I'M NOT........ and i better know what to do." Jungkook turned. "Call him by the evening. I want him here."

Jungkook left the room leaving the two Alpha's standing there in submission. The young boy really knows his potential and he has a perfect idea on how to consume it.

"Call him." Yoongi said after the wait of command was over and left the room also.

He went to his room only to find Jimin calling on the phone.

"I'm scared Mom. What if Tae never got better. He..... He is...."

"I know you are right but he needs someone who can love him. Jungkook don't love him. He is a jerk."

"I'm not making things up that's what is true."

"For God sake Mommy ask father to take us with him for some days. I want to be with you and Tae will also feel good please Mommy."

"Yeah I'll be waiting."

"Okay..... yeah okay bye."

Jimin turned and saw Yoongi standing by the door with hurt expressions.

"What happened?" Jimin ran to his Alpha and cupped his face.

"You don't want to be with me? You don't feel safe with me?" Yoongi said jerking the hands of his mate away from his face.

"I didn't say that. I love it here Minni but Taehyung needs time and space. And you know how much Taehyung means to me." Jimin said holding yoongi's hand and kissed at the back of it.

"Jungkook love Taehyung. He just don't know how to express it but he do love him. Jim you making them apart will not do any good." Yoongi said Jimin took a step back.

"For Goddess sake Minni i told you he is not safe with him." Jimin said again getting a little angry.

"And i told you earlier he is his mate...."

"Mates don't rape their partners nor do they hurt them like Jungkook did." Jimin yelled.

"Jim this will....."

"This won't get better without trying, and your brother isn't trying." Jimin said and walked passed Yoongi.

"He is. Jim you just need to see it." Yoongi muttered. He knows Jungkook is trying and he is trying hard. Yoongi has seen from day 1 how Jungkook was driven towards Him. He has seen Jungkook almost on the verge of insanity for his mate.

Jungkook walked back to Taehyung's room and slowly opened the door only to find Taehyung and Yeonjun hugging eachother while sleeping. Taehyung was hugging his brother and Yeonjun has his face buried in his brother's chest.

Jungkook came inside and stood beside the bed without making any noise only to look at two brothers sleeping peacefully.

Taehyung's shirt lifted a little when Yeonjun squirmed in his sleep and dragged his hands a little above.

Jungkook can see a dark, round mark on Taehyung's lower abdomen. He stepped forward and lifted the shirt a little more and was stunned on the place cz some of the marks were like a fresh wounds.

He saw Taehyung hissed a little when Yeonjun's hand got in contact with one mark. Taehyung hurriedly moved Yeonjun's hands away.

Kook it's bad.

"I'll kill Bogum."

That's the only option to save him.


This is not a one time thing, his genome is transferred into Taehyung through his bite and that particles are fighting with yours and in that war Taehyung's body cells are being eaten. These wound marks are not just marks it's an inner damage.

"C-can you help him?"

I can't. I tried but my force will only make it worse.

"Any other way?"

Killing Bogum is the only way.

"Help him."

I want to, but I can't.

Jungkook dropped on his knees, it's all his fault. It's all his fault. Every problem in Taehyung's life is his fault.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Jungkook said holding Taehyung's hand and rubbed it with his thumb pad.


"You can't even handle a single Omega." And a slap. Mr. Choi was furious on the failed attempt of Bogum.

"I can. I almost did but Jungkook got there on time...."

"Do you even know what you did? You fucking intruded in another territory. Do you know what it means?"

And just then his phone ringed.


"I've called for a committee, you are expected there by 6 in the evening. Don't be late."

"Why the hell will i be expected there?"

"Jungkook filed a case about you. He wants to call a  meeting and you should be there with your boy Bogum."

"You have really lost it huh? How can a teenager file a case against an elder of the pack?"

"A teenager can't but a True Blood can."

"Fucking whatever but...."

"Just get here I'll manage all other things."

"Fine I'll be there."

"This is what i was fearing. They will try everything to sue us. Listen to me very clearly no matter the procedure but you'll take the burden all of it. It's you who did that." Mr. Choi said to Bogum and grabbed him by the collar.

"AM I CLEAR?" He shouted and Bogum nodded. "Get out."

He knows he is getting stuck in between and this matter is delaying more than it should but he got other ways. If not by anyone he'll do it on his own.

"Wait till i reach there." Mr. Choi said and smirked.

It's 5:10 pm he should leave now.

"Get ready we are leaving in a bit." He said to Bogum and made his way to his room to freshen up.

He took a shower, changed his dress and came out only to find Bogum standing beside the car with a door open waiting for him.

"Best of luck." He tapped over his shoulder and got inside. Bogum closed the door and drove the car to the Pack house.

"They'll be here any minute. Are you ready?" Yoongi said as soon as he came inside.

"Hey kook what happened?" He ran to his brother as he saw Jungkook on the floor with his head in his hands.

"I'm a monster hyung. I hurt him real bad."

"It'll get better Kook. You did what you did but now is the time make amendments." Yoongi said. "They'll be here any minute. Get ready we got some asses to beat."

"I'll kill Bogum and will make Mr. Choi suffer same as he did to Taehyung." Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"That's like my boy. Go for it." Yoongi patted his back and hugged his brother.

"I'll do this in your name Mate."

Hello Army💜💜
I hope you like the chapter. Read, vote and comment and follow me please 😊
I purple you💜💜
