
Ignore the mistakes🙏🏻

Taehyung woke up with a sudden jolt, scanning his surrounding he adjusted after a few minutes watching a very faint morning light hardly coming to the window and Yeonjun clinging to his body.

The light helped him understand that it's quiet early for waking up but the distress surrounding and aching his whole body wasn't letting him go back to sleep.

The strong scent of his mate made him even more alert. He doesn't know when he fell asleep. Last he remembers is the conversation with his wolf. A undying urge of standing up and going to his mate made his whole body work on it's own.

He slightly pushed Yeonjun away from his body and stood up, giving the pillow under Yeonjun arm so he can hug it just like he was hugging his arm. With a last adoring look he walked out of the room.

With slow steps he walked out looking around sniffing the scent of wet sand and Lavender, one of his most favorite scent belonging to a person too close to his heart. His mate.

The scent was getting strong with every walking step and it took him up to the realling of the stairs, making him look down at the living room sofa where his breath taking mate was lying on his stomach, one arm dangling down while the other is under his sleeping body and face on right side.

Something seem off, Jungkook was usually a heavy sleeper but today it feels like he isn't conscious, usually when Taehyung will be close to him he can sense Jungkook stirring a little in his sleep but today he didn't even flipped to his side even when Taehyung was standing on the last stair by now. And just now Taehyung got to realize he walked downstairs, but he halted immediately when he saw a figure walking towards Jungkook.

"Baby." The old voice called, walking toward the boy who is most dear to her. When not getting any response she tapped on his shoulder.

"Kookie." She gave a small kiss on his left cheek that was facing her. Feeling the ice cold skin of other she frowned and got a little worried for her true blood baby.

"Love, wake up." She said again now sitting on the sofa and taking the head of unconscious figure of the true blood in her lap.

Lake of response arose a sudden wave of panic in Omega's body, causing his wolf to howl in longing and hurt. Taehyung wanted to go down but sensing the amount of sadness and hurt, it was hard for him to walk now.

"Kookie my baby are you awake? Wake up love." She patted his head a little with a small kiss over the crown of his head.

The warm feeling of kiss and a soft caring hand over his cheek made the true blood to finally stir in his sleep and he weakly opened his left eye watching the concerned face of an old lady.

"Is it morning already?" He spoke after a while in a low whispering tone, not enough to reach to an Omega's ears. He can sense him sitting somewhere close but he seem not to dwell on the anonymous presence of the omega. Right now he need close affection, a soothing shoulder and a constant support. It's hard to voice it out but he is broken from inside, he needs someone to stand strong by his side and accept every broken piece of his and fix it back together, just like he always tried to do with others.

Is asking for a payback wrong?

"Not really, it's quite early for your routine though. But it's morning anyway." She said continuously stroking his hairs.

"I want peace." He muttered taking her hand and giving her a sweet kiss over the back of her hand.

"You mean sleep?" She tried to correct him.

"No peace, i want peace. It's so loud and disturbing." He replied. "It's noisy."

Clutching her hand further close to his chest he snuggled in her arm. She couldn't help but feel pain seeing the boy's condition. True Blood or not, first he is a boy, a school going boy and taking so much over your shoulder and still walking with a straight back is hard. And it's even harder for this young boy.

"You want me to help you?" She asked getting close to his sleeping face and gently putting her hand over his cheek.

"Can you sing a lullaby for me, the one you use to sing for me when i was boy and gets scared." He requested hands still wrapped around the wrinkled arm of the old lady.

"That Walking Moon one?" She asked with a small smile remembering how the you g boy gets all calmed down with a even a start of the lullaby.

Jungkook just nodded, squeezing his eyes shut and hugging the arm of the old lady. She gave him a kiss and started. Jungkook started to forget the pain inside him and the fading scent of his mate, Taehyung went away once again leaving him here, not even bothering to atleast come close and watch how's he doing, and they want him to make him fall in love with him, when in reality the Omega don't give a fuck about how is he or how is he doing. And why the fuck would he? Jungkook never earned his sympathy, instead he caused him damn more miseries.

The sudden realization and paranoid feelings brought tears to his eyes causing him to close his eyes tightly to keep them inside and tried to calm down when grandma started singing the lullaby.

Walking on the dark road,
Walking by the silent pound,

Sitting by the old lord,
Sky looking rosy gold,

A scared boy called you,
Crying for single you,

Teary eyes finding you,
Trembling hand calling you,

Weak cries filling skies,
Asking for you flying high,

Starry sky awaiting you,
Walking Moon passing by.

Young lad calming down,
Watching you smiling now,

Bunny boy watching you,
Walking Moon passing by.

Taking you in the hand,
Younger boy running home,

Keeping you in the gleam,
Sleeping now for your dream,

Walking home singing high,
Walking Moon passing by.

She finished watching the young boy back in his dream land causing her to stay there and look at the swollen eyes and the rosy pink nose of the true blood. He cried, and he cried alot. She knows what's exactly the reasons and she can't help him here, she never was able to and still lacks in helping him.

She sat by his side for rest of the time till everyone wakes up and get down for breakfast.

I want peace.

No peace, i want peace. It's so loud and disturbing.

It's noisy.

Taehyung couldn't get the weak and trembling voice of his mate out of his mind. What caused this? Is he the reason behind it.

He regretted walking back to his room, he should have stayed there, even if grandma was there so what? It was his mate and he needs to be there to comfort him just like Jungkook was for him. He unintentionally might have given Jungkook a wrong idea that he don't care how is he? Which in reality he do. He cares alot.

His wolf was right, Jungkook seem disturbed and he is really hiding something, something very big or he might isn't but there is something wrong.

"Binnie." His train of thoughts were broke when he heard a horrified voice of his brother calling his beat friend.

"Binne be safe please." He was sweating alot. Taehyung ran up to his brother and tried to calm him but Yeonjun was not at all calming down.

"Bennie please don't go. I'll......I'll be careful." A sudden cry broke out of young alpha's mouth causing him to trash in his brother's hands.

Never in his life has he seen Yeonjun doing anything like this or being scared of anything, and even more confusing by why is calling Soobin in his sleep.

He tried all he can but he wasn't calming down and then suddenly he stopped trashing, clutching his shirt and snuggling in his chest as soon as the sweet melodious voice singing lullaby reached to their ears.

It was so soothing and calming that Taehyung wanted to keep hearing it and never wanted the voice to stop.

"Grandma." He whispered knowing why she will be singing it.

Peace, that's peaceful. It'll help Jungkook to be calm.

And just in his thoughts he realized Yeonjun was asleep again.


Soon the sun was high up to wake the sleepy heads and knock them off their beds pushing them to go to their works.

Every member of the head family walked downstairs to have their breakfast. Grandma woke Jungkook up when Luna first came down.

Luna was quite worried for Jungkook as seeing his appearance actually made her anxious to talk to him and comfort his worries.

"Be quick don't take too much time." She slowly patted his head and pushed it out of her lap.

"Wake up now late sleeper." An odd insult.

"Thank you for the compliment beautiful." Slowly Jungkook was coming back to his usual self.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked genuinely concerned.

"Fine as ever."

"Yeah really?"

"Really. I'll be back." It's easy to lie, it saves the explanation and time to calm ones own and others self.

He went upstairs to his room to fresh up. On his way he halted by the door where he can hear his mate almost shouting at his brother for Goddess knows what.

"Jun that's the last time I'm saying it, stop given me even more headache. I want you showered and ready in next five minutes." The finality in omega's voice wanting this unwanted debate to drop.

"Hyung i just showered yesterday. I don't want to shower today." Yeonjun whined.

"You'll go by yourself or you want me to beat your stubborn ass in the morning." Taehyung had both his hands over his hips and a scowl over his face.

"You know you are scary." Yeonjun muttered but Taehyung heard it clearly. He took an angry step towards his brother but stopped when the moat calming scent of his mate invaded his system.

"I don't want to go. Wash me yourself if you want it that much." Yeonjun folded his arms over his chest looking stubbornly at his brother.

"You are not a baby anymore. Hurry up." Taehyung shouted again.

"N.O that means Nooooo" Yeonjun ran to the door to get away from his brother only to open the door and getting hit by the hard chest.

"Ouch" The young alpha dropped to the ground.

"Serves you right." Taehyung came and pulled him up by his arm. "Go and shower, now."

He pushed his brother towards the bathroom and came back outside only to meet a fading scent snd silent spot.

Jungkook walked past the room going to his own room and locked the door. A small smile creeping up to his face. The young Alpha has always been his favorite, yes things are not as good between them as they were in past but still he liked him.

His brother is my favorite.

"Yeah, good to know."

Keep remembering it kook.

"I will."

You need to let him in.

"I don't let people in and you know more than anyone. It's my jail, my damnation, my sins i alone am responsible for it so i alone will face it."

For the first time his wolf felt scared of his own human. Jungkook has always been self discouraging being but never in his life was he at this level and than the recent course of days caused more hype.

You do realize that's not that, you.....

"Stop sugar coating it and let me live through the reality. He don't deserve me, he deserves so much better than me. He deserves life not a catching darkness like me..."

Don't fucking start on that. You both fucking deserve eachother. He is as doomed as you are. You both are broken....

"Beyond repair. We can't be fixed and our world's don't match."

For fuck's sake Kook....

"I gotta go will you please drop it."

Jk has always been a sassy one and moody one but today he wasn't, he wanted to help him he knows better than anyone that at this rate Jungkook will loose, he will loose to his inner demon and Jungkook has officially stopped fighting.

JK has always been the eye witness of how much Jungkook had gone through and what is it that still haunts Jungkook but he don't know what to do, he don't have correct answer to this brainstorming question.

Just take care of yourself Kook.

"Please don't....I can't digest that caring behavior of yours. Better be who you really are!" The hurt isn't hidden it's clear and with that he blocked the link.

Jungkook took a good 20 minutes to get ready and made his way outside to have breakfast. As he went there everyone was on the table and they were waiting for him. A warm feeling of being loved filled him inside. With a small nod of his head and warm smile he sat down to eat.

Just like everyone Yoongi and Jimin were sitting side by side but the difference was that Yoongi was sitting with straight face and was quite normal whereas Jimin seemed stressed and like he didn't get enough sleep.

Yoongi has grown a master to mask his emotions with a straight face and calm demeanor where as Jimin is still not good at it, he has always been a free spirit and a highly extrovert person. They say opposite attracts, they really do and make a strong bond still few spaces gets left to bound and attach.

"Will you stop this! Be normal, I don't want anyone looking at us with pity. I don't want their sympathy." Jimin slightly flinched when Yoongi's stern voice echoed in his head.


"Be normal like you always are. Don't make it obvious that we fought, normally people don't publicize their private conflicts. I think i can atleast expect this from you."

"Minne please don't...."

"After breakfast, i have to go somewhere. I want you home when i come back."

"I don't have anywhere...." Before he can complete the link was blocked.

Jimin hold back the urge to cry. Was he wrong to care for his friend?

Is Yoongi wrong to care for his brother?

"I never asked him to not care for him."

He never said you said this to him. He wants you care for him.

"I do.."

Do you?

"Okay not enough but i do a slight bit."

Yoongi accepted Taehyung in the first meeting, he respected you with your flaws and qualities don't you think you are choosing a standard for him.

"I did accepted him...."

Did you? You still can't accept that he care for his brother even if he thinks he is wrong. What do you want him to do? Do you want him to leave his brother just because he made a mistake? Will you leave Taehyung if he was in that place?

"Never, I'll stay by his side and...."

That's what Yoongi is doing. He is trying to make his brother understand and correct himself. Taehyung is your friend but Jungkook is his brother damnit.

"I don't understand."

Then try harder. You are ruining what people long for.

His wolf tried to knock some sense in him hut he seem to be too dumb to understand the point. Standing for Taehyung was right but asking Yoongi to stop caring for his brother is wrong and somewhere deep down he really was doing that.

The breakfast went by like this. Jungkook's eyes fixated on his plate and Taehyung's on Jungkook. He can't seem to ignore the gloominess which was clearly not his but Jungkook's. He wanted to know the reason.

"After breakfast i want to talk to you Jungkook. I hope i can have your time." Head Alpha said causing everyone to look at him and then at Jungkook.


Hello Army 💜💜
I hope you like the chapter, Read, vote and comment and follow me please please 😊
I purple you 💜💜
