
Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Jungkook woke up groaning. He felt his vision blurry and head spinning and heavy. He groaned and flipped to his side.

He saw a figure lying beside him, naked and facing the other side while lying on his stomach. The figure seem familiar to him.

He trailed his eyes down to the figure's body and realization hit him.

He felt his throat go dry, breathing hitched and mind revolving with the memories of last night.

P-please don't.....

Let me g-go.....

S-Slow d-down.....

You a-are h-hurting me.....

L-Let go.....

J-Jungkook wake up...... Take control p-please.

S-stop. Stop it please.


Jungkook's eyes widened. He clearly remembers whatever happened yesterday. He saw the dread and plead on younger's face clearly. How other dropped limp before him while asking for help.

He knows he lost the small chance he had earlier. He can see the marks on Taehyung's body and the claw marks he left over his neck.

I h-hate you.


He remembers the last moment of previous night. The last push that Taehyung gave him and after that he fainted.

Jungkook's body filled with fear and pain. He did wrong to his mate. The first thought that came into his mind was he should check injuries of his mate.

He should treat them before Taehyung wakes up cz if he did he is never going to let him even get close to him.

Jungkook got over his elbows and looked at all the bruises he gave him and lifted his body to see to the other side of Omega's body.

Just when he looked at his face he saw Taehyung was awake, eye focused on nothing and starring at nothing particular. His face still contains dried tears marks.

Jungkook can see the pain that he is going through and he wants to kill his wolf.

"See what you did dickhead."

Like you are one to talk.

"You hurt him JK. He'll never get close to you again."

V was satisfied, eventually his human will also get satisfied with me.

"Are you fucking serious, you forced him, he is in pain."

He'll heal and believe me this was important.

"What the Fuck are you saying, this was important? Getting your carnal needs satisfied was important to you.?"

He needed that interaction, forced or willingly but this was needed to be done.


"Get off of me." Taehyung shouted. As soon as Jungkook's hand reached his face he slapped it off and pushed him away.


"Don't you dare touch me or came close to me." Taehyung shouted. Jungkook can feel the fear in his mate's voice, and the last thing he wants right now is his mate getting sacred of him.

"Please Taehyung just hear me out." Jungkook said taking a step close to him but Taehyung crawled back and hit the head board.

"S-stay away." Taehyung dragged his naked body away from Jungkook and jumped out of the bed.

Jungkook tried to follow him but stopped when Taehyung stumbled and held the wall to keep his posture steady.

"Careful." Jungkook shouted but Taehyung just gave him a glare. Jungkook knows now is not the good time but he needs to check his mate, he know how ruthless he can be and how hard JK gets.

"Taehyung please let me atleast clean you up." Jungkook pleaded though he knows he is asking a wrong thing.

"Get out." Taehyung said voice vary but hurtful.

Jungkook stood up and Taehyung took a step back to maintain his distance. Jungkook looked at him with hurt expressions but he knows that he deserves this.

He left the room after wearing his pants that were on the ground without looking back. Taehyung dropped to the ground clawing his skin like he wants to tore if off of himself.

"When are you going to be strong?" He cried out still clawing his arms and chest.

As soon as Jungkook walked out he hears Taehyung yelling and crying and he turned again to the door, face showing guilt.

Before he could stable himself he was yanked by his collar and he was face to face with Jimin.

"What the fuck do you think of yourself? Huh?" Jimin yelled and slapped him across the face.

"Jim stop." Yoongi called.

"He needs to stop. You fucking brother needs to know his limits. He can't just become animal whenever he would like." Jimin shouted again yanking him close.

"Do you even know what you did to him?" Jimin shouted at his face. "You fucking raped him. He might be your mate but before that he is an Omega and you being just like any other mother fucker Alpha just tried to take him cz you can't control yourself."

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said head hanging low and voice small. He was really guilty though he can never tell them it was not him it was his wolf that was out of control.

"It's not your fault kook...."

"Stop backing him off. It is his fault. It's all his fault. Stop pampering him. He needs to know he can be wrong just like anyone else." Jimin cut Yoongi off by shouting.

"Jim..." Yoongi was cut off by Jimin again.

"Can you not smell it? He fucking made him bleed. This piece of shit made him suffer alot already. Is this how you were going to protect him? Is that why you assured his sister that he will never hurt him and she is free to come here when ever she wants, cz if yes than i have to think about your standards also Yoongi-ssi."

"I'm sorry. Don't get angry at yoongi hyung, it's my fault and I'll amend it I promise." Jungkook spoke.

"Don't you dare to even come 100 meter close to him." Jimin glared at him. "Stay.away.from.him."


"Not a word Yoongi." Jimin glared at both brothers and walked passed them going inside the room and closing the door, and locking it.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said to his brother who was looking at him with petty.

"You should have been more powerful kook. I'm not saying it's your fault but at some point it is. You have your power over your wolf, he could loose control but that's why you are there, you are there to control him to maintain the balance." Yoongi said softly. He knows his brother is blaming himself for this.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said again. He has nothing to say other than that. He know whatever all of them are saying is true and right.

"Your fucking........ your fucking sorry won't make things right. Jim is right you raped him." Yoongi tried his full to stay calm. "Go to your room and wash your self."

"Yoongi hyu...."

"Go kook."

And Jungkook walked back to his room, head hanging low and legs wobbly. Yoongi sighs and went inside the room only to be stopped by the door.

"I won't hurt you Tae." Jimin said softly when he saw Taehyung hiding himself in his own arms and sitting there naked.

"Don't come close." Taehyung muffled voice came as he still didn't lifted his head from his knees.

"Okay okay I'm not coming close but stop crying please. You'll get sick." Jimin said standing away from the Omega on the ground.

"I'm already sick of my self." Taehyung looked at him. "You are also here for this. Here take this, take me. Do whatever you want. Use me, do it just like everybody else. DO IT. HERE, HERE IS IT TAKE IT." Taehyung said clawing his skin and shouting.

"Tae stop..." Jimin cried, he can't see his beat friend like this. He don't deserve that. He deserve a soft treatment.

"Stop being so nice to me. You want it don't you cz sooner or later you are gonna try it so do it right now." Taehyung shouted while presenting his body to Jimin.

"Tae i'll never do that." Jimin cried dropping to the ground.

"Why? Cz you think I'm weak right? You think I'm weak and disgusting. I am. I am weak. I'm weak and pathetic. Always wanting someone to hold me, to take care of me." Taehyung started slapping himself. Jimin was quick to ran to him and hold him in his arms.

"Tae please don't say that. You are not weak, you are strong, stronger than all of us." Jimin hugged him and Taehyung melted in his arms.

"It hurts Jimine. It hurts." Taehyung cried out. "I want to die."

"Tae listen to me love, here listen to me, you trust me right?" Jimin said and Taehyung slowly nodded.

"I promise he will pay. I'll make him pay." Jimin said  and Taehyung clutched his shirt from behind.

"I hate him." Taehyung said and another painful sob left his mouth.

Yoongi didn't think of going inside so he closed the door and walked back to his own room.

Jungkook heard each and every word Taehyung said and he felt so guilty and hated toward himself. He knows one thing that Taehyung will never trust him no mater what and the way he was talking means, he has made a deep blow this time.

Jimin helped Taehyung walking to the bathroom and ready the warm water for him to clean himself. As Taehyung was in the bathroom he made his cloths ready and cleaned the room.

Big patch of blood over the bedsheet made him more angry. He wants to crack his head into two and want to strangle him.

"Jeon Fucking Jungkook. I swear over my mother that you are going to pay for this." He gritted his teeth and pulled the sheet off of the bed.

Taehyung came out after half an hour and Jimin heard him crying during washing himself. He wants to help him but he don't know what should he do.

Taehyung came out and Jimin handed him his cloths and he asked him to get ready that he will take him out for breakfast and after that they'll go to Jimin's mother's house and will spend their day there.

"But Yeonjun?" Taehyung asked worried.

"He was worried but now he is okay. I told him and he said you need a good time and he will stay here you should go." Jimin said and Taehyung smiled at his brother's understanding nature.

"Thank you." Taehyung said and Jimin hugged him and then gave him the time to change and moved out of the room.

At the end of the corridor he saw Jungkook standing and he moved away without giving him the chance to speak.

Jungkook was feeling hell guilty and worried for doing whatever he did. He just increased the chances of Taehyung agreeing to the idea of leaving him and he don't want that. He want Taehyung in his life and he need him.

Taehyung got ready and came out but Jungkook hid behind the pillar and saw Taehyung walking down the stairs in his pastel blue shirt and white jeans.

He look so beautiful and soft and Jungkook want to hug him, kiss him and stay by his side but he just ruined things way too much.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook wanted to say this in his link but once again Taehyung has kicked him out and he just realized that he didn't even tried to establish a normal link before getting kicked out twice.

"Taehyung." A voice called and Taehyung stoped and looked at his side to the figure that called him.

"Sweetie." He saw a Grandma standing there with her arms open.

Taehyung stood there for sometime but then walked towards her and accepted the hug. She slowly stroked his hairs and Taehyung tried his best not to burst in tears again.

"My strong baby." Grandma said. "I'm sorry on his behalf."

"Don't be. It's not your fault. He should be the one who should be sorry not you." Taehyung said and tried to smile as bright as he can.

"May Moon Goddess bless you my son." She said and gave him a kiss on his temple. "I pray for your happy life."

"I do too." Taehyung replied. "Thank you for always been there for me."

"No need to thank me." She said and hugged him again before letting him go. "Jimin is waiting for you."

"I'll be going then." He said and walked out of the main door after seeing his brother having breakfast with Beakhyun and waved him bye and his brother returned him with a kiss.

"Maa." Jungkook called as he saw his mother walking toward the outer garden and he ran to her when she stopped at her name call.

"Maa i was...." before he could complete his sentence a slap made him stop.

"Don't you dare act like you did nothing wrong. I'm disappointed Jungkook." She said with hurtful eyes.


"Don't call me that. I'm not your maa. You are not my son. You are just a beast." She said though she hate it but she can't stop her mouth right mow.

"How much more Jungkook? How much are you going to test him?" Luna asked him wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry."

"Your sorry isn't enough Jungkook. He forgave you once he won't this time." Luna said and Jungkook abruptly looked at her. "I wish he shouldn't."

"Maa please." Jungkook pleaded.

"It hurts right? Just a mare thought of your mate getting away from you?  Then think what he would've felt when you raped him."

"I didn't..."

"You did. Taking your mate without consent is rape also." She cut him off. "Don't come to me unless you are on good terms with your mate."

Jungkook stood there as she left him.

"I fucking hate you."

Same here.

"You took my family away from me, my mate away from me."

And for once JK didn't reply to him as he knows too that he did wrong. No matter if V was ready but Taehyung's consent was also important.

"Speck up coward. Say something. Anything. SAY SOMETHING." Jungkook screamed, he wanted his wolf infront of him so that he can kill him by his own hands.

But JK didn't replied.


"I have a news for you."  The person on the phone spoken.

"What is it?" Mr. Choi said.

"Killing that Omega will be an easy task now. Jungkook  raped him yesterday and today he was too angry that he left the house." The other chuckled.

"Well that is a good news. Thank you for telling me this Head Alpha." Mr.Choi said.

"Always." Head Alpha laughed and cut the call.

"What is it?" The boy standing next to Mr. Choi spoke.

"I got a new and easy mission for you. Get this over with once and for all." Mr. Choi had a evil smirk over his face.

"Tell me." The boy said.

"He is away from Jungkook. And this time finish what you started. Before they get back together either finish him or make him yours Bogum." Mr. Choi said and Bogum nodded.

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Go now you got some preparations to do." And with that Mr. Choi plopped down on his seat and Bogum left the room.

"Just few more days my son, your love will be with you." Mr. Choi said while while tracing his fingers over Min-ho's picture.

Hello Army 💜💜
I hope you like the chapter. Read, vote and comment and follow me please 😊
I purple you💜💜
