
Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Jimin chuckled watching Yoongi all smily and cheery.

"It does. Being gloomy and unattached feels so bad. Damn I don't wanna feel that again." Yoongi replied adjusting his head in Jimin's lap.

"May Moon Goddess keep you happy and smiling always." Jimin said with a tender kiss on his temple.

"With you." Yoongi added with a reply kiss on his cheek. Both mates are about to sleep. Just when Jungkook and Yoongi were done talking they parted to go to their mates.

"I'm so happy that everything is finally going fine." Jimin said with a smile. "Everyone is happy again, Taehyung is happy again."

"So you count everyone as Taehyung alone or you call Taehyung everyone?" Yoongi teased him.

"N-No that not......... it's not like that. I was just saying—"

"Jim i was joking. I know you didn't mean to offend. Relax." Yoongi faced his mate by sitting right infront of him.

"What the fuck, you scared me." Jimin slapped his arm. "I wonder what did i do to have you as my mate."

"Well you obviously did some good deed." Yoongi replied sassily.

"Oh shut up. Let me sleep now." Jimin pushed him away to lay on his bed. Yoongi couldn't love him less. This small individual means a world to him.

"I love you." Yoongi voiced out his thoughts. Jimin was caught off guard.

"Why suddenly?" Jimin asked.

"I just love you, what do you mean by suddenly?" Yoongi laughed.

"I love you too but—"

"No but. You love me the sentence ends here." Yoongi cut him off. Jimin laughed wholeheartedly.

"Alrights Minnie." Jimin smiled.

"Sleep now. I have some work to do then I'll join you. I have to go to the study." Yoongi said with a wink.

"Alright. But come back before the cold raises. Blanket alone don't work good." Jimin replied while rolling over to the side.

"Sir yes sir." Yoongi chuckled before leaving the room and closing the door. Just like Jimin he is also happy about how things are going to get better eventually.

He moved out only to see Jungkook's room's light still on. He wonder what his younger brother is doing up so late.

He nonetheless walked to the study as he got many things to arrange for tomorrow's oath taking ceremony.

Jungkook came back from his brother's room pretty late. He walked in to his room only to find his beautiful mate curled up on the couch, sleeping. He must've been waiting for him and in the process he slept there.

"What did i do to deserve you!!" Jungkook murmured while walking up to his mate. "Thank you for everything."

Jungkook kissed his forehead making the other stir in sleep. Jungkook didn't realize Taehyung was awake.

Taehyung felt his hand was held by someone and probably it was placed on cheek. As he can feel soft warm flesh getting in contact with his hand. He didn't open his eyes.

"How will i pay you back for all this love and affection?" Jungkook asked taking Taehyung's hand and leaning his cheek on his hand. With a small kiss on the back of his hand he started further.

"I promised you so many things, you must have wished for so many things, will i be able to give you all of these? Will i ever be able to make it up to you?" Jungkook almost cried. He is nervous and scared and there is no lie in it.

Taehyung's heart sank listening to this. He doesn't want Jungkook to do anything special for him.

"What if i am not good enough? What if I cannot fulfill everyone's needs? What if I cannot reach out to everyone's expectations?" Jungkook shudder on even on the thought of that.

"I'm scared. Scared for not being enough." Jungkook held Taehyung's hand tightly. "Not being enough for you, for my people."

"Koo." Taehyung couldn't hold it any more. Jungkook is a strong and confident person and Taehyung doesn't like it when Jungkook look down on himself.

"You have fulfilled your every promise. You are the best mate i can ever have. And believe me you'll be the best leader this pack will find. Don't be so harsh on yourself." Taehyung sat up. Jungkook was actually shocked.

He didn't actually wanted Taehyung to hear it. Well he did wanted to let it out but not for Taehyung to hear it. Call him absurd but he needs to stay strong.

"Sleep on b-bed." Jungkook stood up making Taehyung stand up again.

"You'll do good tomorrow." Taehyung bag hugged him making Jungkook stand staring in his path.

"Thank you. I'll go to sleep now." Jungkook tried not to make it awkward but Jungkook can't help it. He is strong and he can't let his weak side show to anyone even to his mate.

"Sleep well." Taehyung helped him to the bed and then went on the other side. He knows Jungkook is just trying to be strong and he will help him stay strong.

"Good night Koo." Taehyung kissed him on his cheek making Jungkook close his eyes. He is breaking down by the thought is not being enough.

Tomorrow is big day for him and nervousness is common for such big day.

Morning was rather quick to reach. The bright rays of sun illuminating the room.

Taehyung stir and slowly opened his eyes making himself understand his position. Jungkook was hugging him, he was sleeping over his arm and was totally snuggled in his well build chest.

A small smile made way to his face. He looked up at Jungkook's face and the true blood was looking so innocent and young. He has always seen the true blood strong and ready to do anything but he seem so young and perfect sleeping here.

"Koo." Taehyung called him. He still remember how big of a day is today for Jungkook. Jungkook needs to wake up early so he can prepare himself for today.

Before Taehyung could call him again loud banging on the door made him flinch. Taehyung was quick to walk out of bed and go open the door.

"Where is Jungkook?" As soon as Taehyung open the door, the you g Alpha asked him.

"He is sleeping." Taehyung replied.

"Still sleeping?" Yoongi pushed past him walking up to the bed and shaking the lying body of the young true blood.

"Wake up." Yoongi slapped him on his chest making Jungkook groan in annoyance.

"Let me sleep." Jungkook was about to take a flip but yoongi properly dragged him by his hand making him sit on the bed. Jungkook tried to lie down again and Yoongi pushed himout of the bed.

"Wake up Kook. You need to prepare yourself. The oath taking ceremony will began in about 2 hours." Yoongi said with a frown.

"But we still have 2 hours." Jungkook whined trying his best to get back on the bed. Taehyung tried not to laugh, Jungkook was actually behaving like a child.

"Open your eyes Jungkook. Mom is waiting for us... remember what we discussed last night?" Yoongi shook his body making Jungkook open his eyes finally.

"Maa?" He said in his sleepy voice.

"Yes Mom. Up now." Yoongi huffed in annoyance. Jungkook finally stood up on his own and made his way to the bathroom.

"I'll be out in a minute wait for me." Jungkook said before disappearing in the bathroom.

"He is still a baby." Yoongi chuckled looking at Taehyung who smiled in reply.

"And you handle him so well." Taehyung complimented him.

"Not more than you." Yoongi replied. "You are the only person who handle him perfectly. He gets calm down just by your voice. You are the perfect person he can have." Yoongi smiled.

"Thank you." Taehyung replied shyly. Before they could talk anymore Jungkook was out of the bathroom.

"Take a shower." Taehyung asked.

"Later. First i need to see Maa. Please can you take my clothes out? I'll be back." Jungkook asked making Taehyung nod with an assuring smile.

"Come on let's go." He dragged Yoongi along with him.

Jungkook and Yoongi walked to their mother's room. After knocking they entered. She looked up to them and smiled.

"You guys—-"

"Are together again. We resolved the issue." Jungkook said with a smile stepping forward and hugging his mother.

"My babies." She kissed both of them on forehead. "Are you nervous?"

"Alot. I just hope everything goes well." Jungkook asked clearly nervous.

"Everything will. You don't worry." She kissed him again making him a bit calm down.

The time for the ceremony came real quick. He saw how people started to gather at the training grounds. The stage was set there making him more nervous.

"Kook you ready?" Jackson came to him.

"I'm not. I don't feel ready. What if i forget? What if I didn't say it correctly? What if—"

"How about we refrain ourselves from remembering any sentence that starts with 'what if'?" Jackson stood beside him.


"A true blood getting nervous now this isn't good." Jackson laughed to make Jungkook less stressed about the situation.

"Alright. If is forget, just give me a kick start okay. Stay there with me on the stage." Jungkook asked him. Jackson nodded in agreement.

"Alright." And just then Jungkook was called by Yoongi to come outside and talk to people.

"Hyung! Is this a big day? I mean everyone is gathering outside, is it something special?" Yeonjun asked when Taehyung got he ready.

"It is Jun. Today Jungkook is going to take oath as an head Alpha of this pack. It is a big day." Taehyung replied proudly.

"So you'll be the Luna? That means you are the Luna of this pack now?" Yeonjun jumped up and down.

It was just then that Taehyung realized. If Jungkook became the Head Alpha he'll be the Luna. It's not just Jungkook who will get new responsibilities but he also.

"Hyung." He was pulled out of his thoughts by Yeonjun yelling at his face. "The ceremony started come on. Jungkook hyung is calling you."

And just like Jungkook, Taehyung also felt scared.

"Hello people of Blood Moon Pack. I hope you all are doing fine. I'm Min Yoongi." Yoongi announced gaining everyone's attention. "As you all know we gather here for oath taking ceremony of our next head Alpha. I will request you all to get settled and let him speak."

It took everyone good 2 min to settle down. And then Jungkook was at front talking to everyone.

"Hi there everyone. Good morning. Hope all of you are doing good. You guys know me well, but let me introduce myself again. I'm Jeon Jungkook, son of late Head Alpha Min-Jun. You all gathered here for the start of new journey, we all are gathered here to follow the new directions. I Jeon Jungkook takes an oath to work for this pack till my last breath. I'll spend my life for this pack and try my best to make my father's dream live long in this pack. I'll try my best to keep this pack well-known to the world. We'll set new records in this pack. Each and every rank will be respected here, each and every relationship will be valued here. I promise you all that i will stand at front in the times of distress and will always be behind you at the time of happiness. I will never order anyone to respect me instead I'll try to earn it. I just need you to believe in me and let me believe in the people of Blood Moon Pack." Jungkook finished.

"Long live the new Alpha." Some one shouted from the crowd and the whole crowd followed him. It was the atmosphere filled with praises for  the new alpha.

Jungkook made a cut on his thumb and with the drop of blood he signed the new documents of him being the Head Alpha.

"You are now bounded to guard and protect this pack. You are the leader to lead the pack to prosperity and success. The pack will look forward to your decisions." Grandma stepped forward giving a kiss to her Grandson.

"Thank you grandma." Jungkook replied and turned to the people again.

"I would now welcome my mate, the Luna of this pack." Jungkook stepped down from the stage and went straight to the crowd.

Taehyung felt his heart hammering in his chest. This is a new feeling for him. So many people looking at him with such respect and love.

Jungkook has fulfilled another promise of him. Jungkook made him worth of standing infront of so many people.

"Come with me Taehyung." Jungkook held his hand. The smile that melt Taehyung's heart in no time.


"Long live the Head Alpha, Long live the Luna." Another shout of the praises filled the air.

"Come." Jungkook pulled him up to the stage.

"People of Blood Moon Pack, look forward to happier and prosperous days. Look forward to the successful days." Jungkook yelled in pure happiness.

"All hail to the Head Alpha." They all heard the familiar voice. In the crowd they can see Jin and Namjoon standing there with a bright and Loving smile on their faces.

Jungkook and Taehyung both slightly nodded  and Taehyung can see all of them already respecting him and he couldn't be more thankful to any of them.

"Thank You guys. I would like to tell you all that you can approach me anytime you feel the need to see me. I'm always there." Jungkook said to the pack and just like that the ceremony was dismissed.

Hello Army 💜💜
I hope you like the chapter. Do tell me about how you feel about the chapter.
I purple you 💜💜
