Pain and past

Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Ahro was trembling by now. She doesn't know what to do. She just kept trying to calm her self but this simple task seems so hard right now.

"H-How can... how can t-this be true?" She mumbled.

She was standing all alone in the kitchen, fiddling with her fingers, eyes roaming around occasionally. She couldn't help but look outside the kitchen window to see her son still training.

She needs to keep him safe at all cost, he was innocent. He didn't do anything, it was her who did that.

She saw how Yeonjun and Han Sang training side by side, she remember the countless times her son praising the young boy. He couldn't stop talking when Yeonjun first join the training team.

Hun Sang even said to her that she should admit him in the pack training camps where he could stay close to Yeonjun and become his friend.

"I've ruined everything." She teared up.

"Things can still get better." She abruptly turn on the voice. Her eyes casted down due to shame.

"You don't have to be embarrassed sweetie." The old lady came forward and patted her back.

"I-I'm sorry." Ahro said between sobs.

"I know you are. Just go and tell them the truth. The guilty needs to be punished." Grandma said and hugged the crying lady.

"I-I ca....can't." The sobs are so deep that they make it hard for her to speak.

"Honey you....." Before she could end they heard soft steps coming toward the kitchen. Ahro hurriedly wiped the tears.

"Mommy......Oh Hi grandma." He bowed and greeted the old lady.

"Hello." She stepped toward him and kissed her temple. "You are growing so well. I hope to see you as a strong fighter one day."

"Yeonjun Hyung said the same." The boys said shyly. "I'm just a beta but he said I'm strong as Alpha."

Grandma smiled again. "Yeonnie is a good kid..." she turned to Ahro. "Just like his brother."

"Taehyung hyung is also nice to me. I want him to get well soon and come play with me again. Sir said he is not well." Hun Sang said. He knew his mother is going to kill someone but he never knew it would be Jungkook and Taehyung.

Ahro couldn't even look at her son. She felt so small and embarrassed.

"He really is. He is an angel." Grandma said looking at Hun Sang but the words were directed to Ahro.

"He is cute." The young boy said and smiled showing his broken teeth from the front line.

"You are cute too." Grandma said pinching his cheeks. "Have your time with your mom." And she left.

"People are good here mommy. They don't scare me like that man." Hun Sang said and hugged his mother's leg. He looked up at her and frowned. "Are you crying? Why are you crying?"

"Why did you come here? Is your training over?" She changed the subject.

"No. I was asked to give you this." He fished a folded paper out of his pocket and handed it to his mother. "I'll go now. Jackson sir will scold me if wasted any more time."

Ahro kissed her son and patted his head and he ran away. She looked around and opened the paper.

Her hands started to tremble and she swallowed hard. The paper in her hand started to slip out pf them.

"Keep your mouth shut Ahro-ssi. I've eyes on you and your son. I can reach him and you in no time. Just wanted to tell you."


Tears welled in her eyes. What has she thrown herself in to? Why is this happening to her and her son. They did nothing wrong to anyone yet she and her poor son has to suffer.

She couldn't even make a noise if someone will saw her what would she tell them. She folded the paper and put it in her skirts pocket and started working.

She finished the work and then made her way out of the house and went to the back side of the house only to talk without someone watching her.

"H-Hello." She said as soon as the ringing stopped.

"What is it?" A voice came.

"T-They are alive..... both of them are alive." She said happily and couldn't mask it. She was thankful that nothing worse happened by her hand and she wanted to tell that to Choi to make it clear that she is free from any crime.

"What the fuck are you saying?" Choi yelled from the other side.

"Taehyung and Jungkook both are okay. No one died, I'm free from your bondage now. Don't call me now." She was about to cut the call when Choi speak.

"I dare you to cut the call. Your boy's head would look good in a gift wrap." She tensed on the sentence.

"Why are you doing this to me? I did nothing wrong to you." She cried out.

"How the fuck they are alive? You didn't do your job correctly." Choi said and the other side was only ringing with the cries of the poor lady.

"I did. I promise i did. Taehyung took the...... I don't know what happened but Taehyung is still on the bed. I only know one thing and that is they lost their child. Taehyung and Jungkook lost their child" she said hurriedly looking around looking if someone is there or not.

"They had a child? When? I didn't know about that?" A glimpse of happiness in his voice.

"I don't know. I heard Yeonjun and Jimin talking about that. I only know that due to this they lost their child. This is what you wanted right? To hurt them? Well you did. Now let me go please and leave me and my son alone."

"Well this is good. It's not that bad. The wound is deep. I like that." And then an evil laugh erupted from his throat making Ahro crunch her nose in disgust.

"We are done here." She said and cut the call.

She made her way back inside and went to the kitchen lost in her thinking.


"Oh my fucking Goddess. How did that happen? And you are telling me now?" Jin yelled on Namjoon's face. Infront of him sat Jennie who was same as in Jin's condition.

"I-Is he okay?" She stood up.

Namjoon came to meet Jin when he saw Jin and Jennie talking to each other and he sat down beside them without making a noise. After almost half an hour sitting with then he understood what they were talking about.

Jennie was there to know about Taehyung as Jin was the one who found him and Jennie wanted to know how has her brother been without her.

That's when Namjoon told them about the incident that happened 5 days ago. And just like that they were both over his head.

"He is okay now." He stoped.

"There is more right? Something is wrong! What is it." Jin said looking at the scowl on Namjoon's face.

""H-He..... He l-lost his child." Jin and Jennie gasped loudly and Jennie stumbled back dropping on the chair.

"W-What?" Jin was so soft for Taehyung that even a small pain hurt him and this was the worse an Omega can bare.

"He is fine though. Jungkook's taking his good care." Namjoon tried to calm the both down.

"Jungkook? Yeah right." Jin scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"He has changed himself. Taehyung is his mate he won't hurt him." Jin chuckled dryly and turned around pretending not to hear it. He don't see a caring mate in Jungkook and that is that.

"O-Oppa." They all turned to see a young girl standing by the door.

"Yes darling." Jin walked up to her and kneeled infront of her.

"Oppa Soobin is crying." She said.

"What happened to him? Did someone fight with him?" Jin asked.

"No. He didn't leave his room. He is crying saying he miss Yeonnie." She said clearly indicating she also miss him.

"I also miss him. How about we call him and ask him to come over?" Jin said and the girl's face lit up.

"T-Taehyungie Oppa?" She asked looking hopeful.

"We can ask him too." Jin said and the girl hugged him. That's when her eyes landed on Namjoon.

"Dimple uncle you'll bring Yeonnie and Taehyungie oppa right?" She said.

"You want me to bring them here?" Namjoon sat beside Jin and asked.

"Soobin said you are so strong and other wolf from the pack house fear you. I believe you can fight them if they don't listen to you." She said making Namjoon smile a little.

"Of course love. I'll bring them here tomorrow. What are you gonna prepare for me then?" He asked. Jin kept looking between the two with a smile on his face. He always loved kids and Namjoon been this soft with kids made him happy.

"Ummm bread-Jam? That's the only thing that i can make." She said shyly.

"I'll love it. Alright then I'll come back tomorrow with your parcel." Namjoon said making the girl laugh. She jumped in happiness and she hugged him and gave a kiss on his cheek.

Jennie couldn't help but get emotional watching the lovely people here. The tears that she has is tear of happiness that finally burst out thinking her brother has spent his life here. She was at relief that atleast Taehyung got his share of affection and love from them if not from the family.

The girl stood up greeted again and ran outside leaving Jin who was looking at Namjoon like that's the only safe place for him in the whole world and Namjoon who looked at Jin like he means a whole world to him.

"Thank you Jin-ssi." Jennie spoke pulling both of them from their thoughts.

"What for?" Jin asked.

"For giving Taehyung that I wasn't able to give him. For helping him when he needed a family, for always been there for him, for.....for loving him like a family." Jun hugged her and help her calm down. She was getting more and more depressed and Jin made her understand that it's not necessary to be a family to love someone.

"Jennie-ssi love creates families. Just getting born with bunch of people and living in a house made of bricks don't makes you a family. A family is where a person's heart belong, where one finds peace and satisfaction. He was happy and lived here with prosperity that made us a family." He gave her a smile.

"When i found him he was so scared and he always needed someone around him, that made me understand that he must had people with him all the times and then being all alone all of sudden made him fear the loneliness. He was so unstable for first few weeks but then when Yeonjun came everything got okay. He got more responsible and less scared. He was a big brother then." Jin told them while making Jennie and Namjoon confuse.

This question has always bugged her that who was Yeonjun? Taehyung was her brother, no doubt but Yeonjun wasn't. They were only three siblings and Yeonjun sure match Taehyung by his face but his traits are different then Taehyung.

"W-Who is Yeonjun?" She asked and Namjoon also nodded indicating he wants to know as well.

"Ahh come on sit down we have got a very intresting thing to discuss." Jin said making both of them settel down.

"I don't remember the date but it was a rainy day." He started with a soft smile on his lips.

"Taehyung was with us for almost 3 months now and he was still that reserved kid who never talked too much or got involved with any other kid to play with them. He stayed silent and alone but one thing was good about him that he always helped everyone. Whoever needed and whatever type of help was it he was always there for everyone. Other kids really liked him but he never gave them the space to come talk to him." He shuffled a lottle and adjusted himself on the seat.

"One day he came to me and asked to go outside. It was raining heavily and Taehyung had always been sensitive to rain, he catch cold very easily. I denied to let him go and he pleaded to go for just half an hour saying he is being suffocated here and he needs to take a tour of forest as it has been so long that he shifted in his wolf form. I couldn't deny him further cz finally he was giving his wolf a chance. He left at 10 in the morning almost and it was 12 in noon but he was still out. I got worried tried to call him through the link but he didn't respond. I send some wolves to go search for him but they didn't find him as well. By 5 in the evening the rain died down and the sky started to get clear." He smiled again.

"That's when he came back with a small infant in his arms, wrapped in big leaf and pressed close to his chest. The boy would barely be of 5/6 months, he was shivering and he was all wet. That day i saw another side of Taehyung. He kept the boy so close to himself always like he is the mother of the child. The boy has a chain hanging in his neck with a name carved on it 'Choi Yeonjun'. Taehyung named him that and always addressed him as his younger brother." Jin looked at Jennie.

"He always told him stories of his own family, he remembered you alot. He himself was only 12 years old but he behaved like a proper adult with a kid being in his hold. Yeonjun was always so calm when with Taehyung but he was feisty with others. I always asked Taehyung who was he or where did be fond him but he never told me anything. He just always said he is my brother and my brother alone. Yeonjun asked him thousands of times when he grew up that why was he Choi but Taehyung was Kim. He always told him that it was their father's wish to call them with two different names. Yeonjun finally stopped asking this question." Jennie was a crying mess by now.

She knows how soft and fragile Taehyung was when he was a kid and keeping a boy which is not even his family with so much care and love. She saw the bond they share, it's more strong than their blood bond. Jin was right family is where there is love.

"The bond they share is so special. Everyone in the orphanage knew how possessive are two brothers over eachother and how caring is Yeonjun toward his hyung when Taehyung was getting bullied by some Betas, Yeonjun jumped into a fight to keep his hyung safe. Yeonjun has the potential to fight and Taehyung has the love to bond the two boys. What they have is very rare to find in this world. I'm happy that they find eachother, I don't know Yeonjun's story but i do know that Taehyung needed someone like him." Jin ended with a smile.

"Oh my Goddess" Namjoon breathed in and noticed he was also crying. He have seen the way Yeonjun stood up when Jungkook's wolf lost control. He was ready to fight a true blood for his hyung. The boy was something.

"I-I'm so happy for him." Jennie cried out. "H-He deserve the world."

"Sure he do. I just hope this big lose don't affect him too much. He always wanted to get mated and have his own children." Jin said with a small smile.

"Jungkook will help him over come the loss."

"Stop taking his name."

"Give him a chance Jinne he is changing himself for his mate."

"I just want Taehyung safe and happy, with him or without him."

"You sure will find Taehyung happy." Namjoon said and kissed Jin over his temple and made his cue to leave.

"I should go too. I want to see him." Jennie said and bowed. "Thank you for everything."

"You have got nothing to thank me." Jin smiled and bid her good bye.

Hello Army 💜💜
That's half of Yeonjun's story but the real part is what Taehyung knows. Soon you'll get to know that too.

Secondly what do you think about Ahro? Should she be punished or left by mercy? Do you consider her guilty or not? Do tell me

I hope you like the chapter. Read, vote and comment and follow me please 😊
I purple you💜💜
