
Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"Shall we start?" Taehyung was unusually happy. Maybe it's all the early events but as the night is still deep he isn't sleepy or he isn't bored.

"Go ahead." Jennie said with an attitude.

Right now they were all in the orphanage hall where every kid is gathered and so is Jin and Hoseok along with his mate.

Yeonjun sitting beside Soobin and both were se emerged in the game. Taehyung and Jennie were told to be the best players and they were about to fond out that how much of it is true.

"Start." Rosé yelled and it was Jennie's turn to start. She moved the pawn to its front by one position.

"Be careful." She said and Taehyung sassily brushed his hairs back. He also moved the pawn but a bit different from Jennie.

"Smart aren't you." Jennie chuckled.

"That i am." He replied. Jennie moved the bishop to the front standing it right beside the pawn.

Taehyung didn't say anything and moved the knight at front, guarding the king.

"Opps." Lisa said fully enjoying the game.

Jennie also used the knight, copying Taehyung's move. She still felt confident.

Taehyung again let the pawn move forward but this time it was from the queen's side.

"Wrong move." Jennie said. She moved his other bishop by taking it out.

Taehyung took the bishop and placed it at front standing beside the pawn. He was confident that this startegy will help him win.

"Somebody is losing soon." Jennie paughed and made the next move. She took the other night by placing it out.

Taehyung first of all castled his king. Then waited for his other turn. Now that his king is protected he got a greator chance to let his rook fight for the center and the left pawns to stay to protect the king.

"Wasted a move didn't we." She mocked again taking his pawn by using her own bishop. What she didn't know was that she just exposed her bishop to Taehyung's knight.

Taehyung took the opportunity and taken her bishop. She was shocked. "How did you do that?" She asked.

"The knight takes 2 and half turn so standing right here it can take your bishop." He told her with an annoying smirk playing on his lips.

"It's oaky i got other pieces too." She said with the confidence. She still was persistent that she will win no matter what. The game still went on and it was now between king and queen of Jennie and King and the rook of Taehyung.

Jennie being over excited took a wrong turn. Instead of moving to the right she moved to left while getting her queen trapped in rook's range.

"Sorry." Taehyung chuckled and took the queen. Soon the game was end with Taehyung wining it so elegantly.

"Hyung you rock it." Yeonjun yelled.

"It's okay dasik, better luck next time." He said being himsef and Jennie threw a cushion at him and walked back to the room. They were not allowed to go out.

"You have improved." She said proudly.

"I learned from the best that's why." He asked. "May be I'll be this cleaver some day."

"Well i never taught you." She said.

"We used to play it but after separating from eachother , i used to play here alone, watching the white walls. I've mastered it over the years." Taehyung felt proud in himself.

"I was fun. Better Luck next time." He said. It was already getting morning and everyone was sleeping. Half of the kids were already asleep.

"We should sleep now." Rosé said and everyone nodded. Choosing the partners whom they will share the bed, everyone get back to their rooms. Taehyung was chosen to stay with Jin.

They were moving to their room when suddenly Taehyung stopped sensing a large amount of pain and burn reaching to his whole body. His mate mark was burning and itching causing Taehyung to cry in pain.

He crouched down, holding the mate mark. The pain that shaken his body along with the burn made him cry and whimper.

"Tae what's happening?" Jin asked worried. They are in their room, everyone is fast asleep now. Beside Jin no one was there.

"I-It's hurting. S-somet-something is no-t right." Another wave of pain hit him.

"What is it? Tell me?" Jin sat down beside him.

"J-Jung-kook.......It's Jungkook. He is in dan.... AHHHHH." He cried again in pain. Jin also got scared.

"Call him.... See....see if he is alright." Taehyung said between his pain.

"I-I'll do that." Jin asked and ran toward the bed where he just put his phone. He tried calling Jungkook but nothing, the bell kept ringing first two time and the third time it went silent.

"Come on pick up the call." Jin muttered trying again but the phone was powered off now.

"D-Did you get him?" Taehyung asked standing up from the ground. The pain is unbearable......it's quiet equal to the pain one feels when the mate bond breaks.

"N-No. he isn't picking call." Jin ask hesistantly.

"He isn't replying to the link also. Something is wrong. He is in danger. Please take me to him please." Taehyung begged. He knows that he can't do anything in such state, he definitely needs someone.

"Please calm down Tae, let me call Namjoon. I'll ask him and if there is really something to worry about I'll tell you." Jin sat him down on the bed.

"Hello." He said as soon as the other answered the phone.


"Joon where is Jungkook?" Jin asked straight forward.


"Is something wrong Joon? Tell me please."

Why are y-you asking?

"Answer me first. Where is he?"

Jinnie please calm down. Yoongi and Jimin were attacked. He went down to help them. Everything will be okay.

"That's it? Nothing else? I mean he is okay right?"

He will be. We are not with him. He was angry and took Jackson with him.

"Well can you contact him?"

I can't. He isn't responding to the name calls.

"He isn't replying to Taehyung either..... Taehyung's mate mark suddenly started to......." Before Jin can complete he heard a chaos on the other side. It was Jimin he knows it.

Please......help him......Anyone help.....we need help.

He heard Jimin crying in the background. He knew something's not right. He just tunred to smile at Taehyung but saw he fainted. Jin don't want to wake him up yet. He needs to get clear himself first.

"Joon what's happening there?" He asked.

Jinnie i'll call you later. Jungkook is in danger.

Before Jin could say anything the line went cold. Jin was also worried. It was just now that they both were getting along and Taehyung was so happy, so why does it has to go like that. Why now?

"Please keep him safe and make them together." Jin prayed and sat beside Taehyung taking his head in his lap and massaging his scalp slowly.

"They don't deserve to suffer so much." He whispered. Now that he saw how sincere is Jungkook to his mate he really wants them to be together.

He knows how much Jungkook love his mate and he wants to make up for his behavior towards him. Jin has been there with Jungkook when Jungkook planned all this. He first of all asked for Jin's permission to do anything.

Jin was so happy when he knew that Jungkook is actually trying to give their relationship a chance and he also knows how deveoted is Taehyung to his mate and mate bond.

They both are just afraid and that's quiet normal.


"Please help." Jimin cried out again. They are so far from the actual pack that no one is able to help them.

It's been 10 minutes that Jungkook is trapped inside and what makes Jimin even more anxious is that he can't hear even a groan or a whisper.

It's just the blazing fire.

"Do something." He nagged Jackson.

"I'm trying the door is locked. It's not opening." Jackson replied still pulling the door to open it.

"Bring the water go." He said, he couldn't stand up because of unconscious Yoongi in his lap. "Minnie please wake up. Kook needs you, he needs us."

Jungkook jumped when he pushed Yoongi out of the window and he sensed the log dropping. He jumped back and saved himself.

He can hear Jimin cry and yell but he is satisfied that  atleast he is safe. He knows he can save himself. It isn't that difficult.

"Come on." He groaned and kicked the other side of the window. It was becoming more smoky and it was really hard for him to breath normally.

He felt like his surroundings are revolving and he jerked his head to stay conscious. He looked around and it will hardly take 5 minutes more to the house to become ashes.

He needs to move out of it now, or he'll be dead.

I can't breathe.

"Neither can i."

Do something.

"I'm trying."

Do not die, Taehyung is still waiting for us. You promised him.

"Taehyung.....oh my Goddess. Taehyung...... he'll be hurting too."

He will. The mate mark on your neck is slashed by the log falling earlier, it's burning. That means Taehyung's mark will also be burning and the pain....... The bond is breaking Jungkook do something. Move out of here.

"I'm trying. I just hope he is okay."

He won't unless you will go back to him. He is constantly trying to talk to you. I can't let him see this or hear this. He will only panic.

"I know."

Now Jungkook has more motivation to move out pf this place. He have had enough, he stepped back a little and then ran up to the window making it crack a little.

"Take charge."

As you wish.

A true blood power is enough to break this magic sealed boundry. JK took charge and kicked the window making it finally fall off. It was JK's power that he dragged Jungkook's body out of the place and let him drop himself on the warm sand.

Jackson tried to explain Jimin that it's not possible to stop the fire from water but he wasn't listening. Jackson turned taking the bucket to fill it with water again. As he was coming back he saw foot, human foot on the back side of the house.

"Jungkook." He shouted. He was quick to run and hold him strong in his arms. He picked him up taking him towards Jimin. Jimin layed Yoongi on the ground and stood up.

"Put him down." He said and Jackson placed Jungkook beside Yoongi. They both were lying on the ground side by side.

Soon Namjoon along with other wolves also came back. Jimin looked up to see so many of them.

"Where were all of you. WHY THE HELL NO BODY WAS LISTENING TO US? HELP THEM. SAVE THEM." He finally cried. Big fat tears falling down and he drooped on his knees.

"Save him. He just jumped in the fire to save Yoongi. Please make them okay. I can't let him die. Taehyung will be hurt. He just got him back. Please save him." Jimin was going out of his mind.

He knows Jungkook and yoongi are not blood related but their love and devotion for eachother is so much. The way Jungkook just jumped in without thinking twice made him pitty himself.

He always thought wrong about him. Both of the brothers were a perfect example of blood relations aren't the only family.

"Jimine." Jimin looked up to see his father standing right infront of him. His father hugged him and Jimin broke down again.

"Dad please save him. Save them." Jimin cried.

"We will. You need to go rest. We'll take care of them." His father asked but Jimin shook his head vigorously.

"No....No no I'll stay by....."

"He is right Jimin you need the treatment too. Let's just go." Namjoon said and Jimin saw how easily his father picked Yoongi and Jackson picked Jungkook in their arms.

"Do something....please Head Alpha they are your children." Jimin cried in Yoongi's father's shoulder. "Find the one who did it."

"I will." Head Alpha can only say this.

It's been two hours since they came back. Jungkook and Yoongi are lying side by side on hospital beds, the hospital wing is filled with higher officials.

"You are really blessed to have them." Jimin's father said, making head Alpha turned to him.

"Pardon?" He asked confused.

"Jimin told me, how Yoongi voluntarily presented himself to save his mate. He told me the one who did this was a girl, and Yoongi hid Jimin first and then went to fight her. She was a witch and Yoongi gave himself without thinking to save Jimin. He is still not calming down. He is shaken about the fact that Jungkook saved him first because Yoongi's first priority is Jimin and then he jumped in fire to save Yoongi. I'm impressed to see how good have you brought them up." His father praised but the Head Alpha couldn't say anything.

Was he really that good father? No he knows it. He never knew how deep the boys share the bond, how much they mean to eachother.

"I pray they get well soon. Jungkook fulfilled his another promise. You really worked so good on him." He praised again. He can't help but praise him knowing how he fulfilled his promised first when he visited them to catch Choi and now again.

"Thank you. I'll ask Jackson to see you out." Head Alpha said and Jimin's father nodded in agreement. After meeting his son for last time they went back to their pack.

Before going back the Head Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack came to him and asked him. "I know it's rude of me to interfere in your matters but i would say, Jungkook is a kid, he still needs you, he needs your dorection. Prove him that you are guilty. What's gone is gone. We all make mistakes, but we learn from them. Be a father you are to them." He hugged him and then went back to his pack.

Be a father you are to them....

Be a father you are to them....

Be a father you are to them....

He lost his purpose in his greed. He just remembered being a Head Alpha. He has always treated his children like a soldiers which isn't a bad thing but children need their father too.

"How are they?" After standing there for like 15 minuted he finally stepped inside the hospital wing.

"Yoongi-ssi is doing well but Jungkook-ssi is severely affected by the smoke. His lungs isn't responding well." The pack doctor asked.

"H-How bad is it?" The fear of loosing a child, that's what Head Alpha felt at that time.

"He is a True Blood, he heals fast, at this rate it will take an hour maybe." Doctor told him.

"And Yoongi?"

"He is okay. I'll be up any time now." Doctor said and walked away giving them their privacy.

The head Alpha sat beside Yoongi's bed and hold his hand. "I'm so sorry son, when you needed your father I wasn't there. When there was a time to be your father i became a Head Alpha. I ruined your life. You can hate me all you want but atleast give me a chance to be a father to you. Jungkook has went through so much...... i know he hates me too but can i ask for forgiveness? Do i have the right? I want to amend all of this. I want to be there for my family....." he stopped when he felt a hand over his hand.

"Dad....." Yoongi said in a hoarse voice.

"Yoongi." Head Alpha hugged him. "Forgive me son.....please forgive me."

"Dad why are you......"

"I've never been a father you wanted me to be. I was always the Head Alpha. I'm so sorry son. I don't deserve your respect. Let me earn it."

"Dad don't say that. I and Jungkook never felt that way. We respect you......"

"Jungkook has every right to be mad at me. He has every right to be angry. Will he forgive me? Will he ever give me that place back? Am i really worth being a father?" Head Alpha didn't know whom he was talking he just wanted to take it out. He's been holding it for so long and it's unbeatable now.

"He will Dad. He will. He is just hurt but he knows you never do anything without purpose. He never hated you." Yoongi didn't know what Head Alpha was talking about. He thought maybe the unfair behavior was the only thing he did.

"He will never. No one can. No one should. I ruined him, i snatched his every happiness, first his family, then his mate and then i tried to take his child also. I'm not worthy to be forgiven. I'm not worthy for his respect and forgiveness." Yoongi was confused on what was his father talking about.

"Dad?" He asked confused.

"I'm guilty, I'm murder son. I killed people, ruined live. How naive of me to think that all of it will not come back to me? How?" He cried on his son's arm.

"Dad? What are you talking about?" Yoongi asked confused. Head Alpha told him everything. He isn't afraid anymore. He knows one thing, he isn't the right one for being Head Alpha. He is too corrupt for that.

"Dad........You did not...."

"I did. I did all of it. I told Jungkook also, he hates me."

"I don't know what to say?" Yoongi left his hand.

"Scream at me, do anything you want but don't leave me all alone. I can't be alone anymore. I'm not that strong." Head Alpha literally cried.

"I'm not the one you should ask for forgiveness." Yoongi's voice was cold. "I'm ashamed though."

They say words cut more than any object and it's true. Yoongi's words were enough to make him more ashemd on himself.

"I will. I'll do anything, anything to ask for forgiveness." Yoongi looked at his father. Right now he was the perfect example of how man's deeds destroy him.

"Dad, it's not just about words. You need to amend for what you did to him. He lived in a hell. Make it up to him. Equal to what you did to him." Yoongi said and stood up from the bed. "I'll go meet Jimin. I hope you can clear your point to him."

"Do you forgive me?" His father stopped him.

"If he did so will i." Yoongi said walking away. Even Yoongi don't know what Jungkook did for him. He don't know why he and his brother both were in the hospital. Maybe he also owe a thank you to Jungkook.

Hello Army 💜💜
I hope you like the chapter. Read, vote and comment and follow me please 😊
I purple you 💜💜
