Here's Just a Bit More

(Soul's P.O.V.)

"Maka! C'mon hurry up! We're going to be late for class if you keep taking so loooong!" I yelled up to her as I slipped on my shoes. "Why does that matter to you?" She yelled back to me. "It doesn't! I just don't want to be yelled at!"

"Okay, okay, I'm ready!" She sprints to the door, when I finally see what was taking her so long. She applied makeup. "Makaaaa."

"What is it, Soul?" She turns towards me. "You don't need makeup, you know. I love you just the way you are." I give her a small kiss on the cheek, and she turns insanely red. "Then maybe you should've told me that before I put it on," she muttered, and I laughed.

"Now, let's get going."

~~At the DWMA~~

"GUYS, GUYS!!" Black * Star yelled as he ran toward us. "Hey, Black * Star," Maka said while rolling her eyes. "What's up, dude?"

"DID YOU GUYS HEAR?! YOUR SHIP IS CANON NOW!!" The hell is a ship? "Black * Star, what's a ship?" Maka asks just before I do. "It's like a pairing of two people! Wait, you two didn't even know that you we're being shipped together?"

"No we had no idea."

"Not a clue?"


"Well, you should be thanking me because I came up with the ship name! It's 'SOSMA'!" Tsubaki slaps the back of his head, "No, I came up with it, and it's 'SoMa'."

"A-anyways, thanks for telling us, Black * Star. Now, let's head to our class before the bell rings, okay?" I say as I begin sprinting to Professor Stein's classroom.


(Kid's P.O.V.)
"C'mon, think! I need a way to make Maka mine!" I paced my room as Liz and Patty watched. "Kid, why don't you just let them be? They seem pretty happy together." Liz sat slouched on the couch, twirling her hair with her finger.

"Liz, you don't understand. Maka and I... We're like a perfect match, and you know how much I like perfect things."

"Well, the comments on chapter ten say... EHH?!"

"What? What do they say?... NO, NO, NO WAY IN HELL!" Patty looks over our shoulder's and reads aloud: "I mean, make him like somebody else (possibly Liz?)" Liz and I back up from each other, and say in unison, "NIKKISEMPAI042702, ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

"Well, I think you two are a match made in heaven! Hehehe~!"  Patty skips out of my room and leaves the two of us in my room, dying of awkwardness. "Kid, let's just do it, for this one reader."

I looked over at her, and then I sigh, "Fine, but only for the reader." I lean in and peck her lips quickly. 

"There, reader, ya happy?"

"I think she wants it do be described better, like a passionate kiss."

"Ugh, writer, could you please make our kiss 'more descriptive'?"

[Uh, sure, I think I can... Ahem]

I slowly leaned in and pressed my lips against her gently. They were so... soft and smooth. I shut my eyes, and she did the same. We quickly melted into the kiss, as I caressed her cheek gently. I pulled away and opened my eyes. She was smiling at me, a mad blush forming on her face. 

[Was that good?]

"Yeah, it was good enough." I looked over at Liz, and she had her face hidden in her hands. "Don't get all embarrassed. I did it for the reader." I stood up and left, but I felt my face heating up as well. 

That was... My first kiss... 

