Chapter 2

     (Soul's P.O.V.)

        "Liz, Patty, where do we check first?" I said, trying not to sound angry. "Maybe we should start at the academy's library. I know Maka likes to read, and Kid likes to... Organize the books," stated Liz. "To the library!" shouted Patty running in the direction of the academy, Liz and I chasing after her.

        Thoughts raced through my mind. Why would those two skip class? Will they both be at the library, and if so, what will they be doing? Argh! I'm thinking about this too much! I couldn't stand it anymore. I ran faster, and I eventually caught up to Patty. Kid couldn't like Maka, I mean, they barely even talk to each other, and I know Maka better than anybody else does. Why is this happening? Maka... Maka's the only one for me! I can't let her go like this! I ran even faster, and I grew more and more worried. Hopefully, they aren't doing what I think they are.

        We arrived at the library, but neither of them seemed to be there. "Sid!" Liz called over, "Where are you?"

        "I'm over here. What do you guys need? You shouldn't be at school at this time," he said, not even bothering to turn his head in our direction. "Have you seen Kid or Maka around here recently?" I asked. He turned his head to face us, and responded, "I haven't seen them here, but why don't you go ask Professor Stein. He might know." I nodded, and the three of us started towards the classroom. We barged through the door, "Stein! Where are you?"

        "Right here, young ones. What do you three need?" He said, rolling toward us on his desk chair. "Have you by any chance seen Maka or Kid around here? We've been looking everywhere for them, but they're nowhere to be found." He twisted the screw in his head, "I'd say you check the balcony. I saw them walking there just a few minutes ago."

        "Alright! Thanks, Professor!" I sprinted up the almost never-ending flights of stairs, and stopped at the top to catch my breath. "Calm down, Soul." Liz said as she hoisted a fatigue Patty on her back. She's right. I've got to chill out a bit, but... I can't. I sprinted down the hallways until I finally reached my destination. I reached for the doorknob, but Liz grabbed my hand and pulled me to the floor. She put her index finger to her lips, signaling me to shut up. She looked through the window, and her eyes widened. This wasn't a good sign. On one hand, I could avoid looking out the window which I would prefer, but on the other hand, I could look out and see what Liz is so surprised about. I couldn't resist myself. I raised my head to look out the window, and my eyes widened at the sight. Kid was holding out a rose to Maka, and Maka was staring at him, half confused and half surprised. She took his rose, said something I couldn't hear, and hugged him. I stood up, and Maka shifted her eyes to focus on me. Her expression completely changed, but before she could do anything, I ran.
