Chapter: 4

        (Maka's P.O.V.)

        Everyone I ran into had no idea on the whereabouts of Soul. This school is huge, so if I don't find Soul here, I won't be surprised.


        I checked the entire school, and I actually was surprised not to find him. He wasn't in the classrooms, he wasn't on any of the balconies, he wasn''t even in the boys bathroom! (Don't ask. I was desperate, okay?)

        He shouldn't be taking it so hard. I mean, by now he should know that I... have feelings for him, if that's how you'd say it. I mean, even though he always sounds like an idiot and hangs out with Black*Star, there is something sweet about him. He's kind at times, and even though he usually likes to act badass, I can tell that he just doesn't want to sound weak. His ruby red eyes are the most gorgeous things, and every time he looks at me, I can feel myself growing flustered.

        Kid's confession was, I have to admit, a bit surprising, and I didn't want to reject him. Yet, my inner self was telling me that he wasn't the one for me, so I rejected him in the nicest way I could. Though it seemed like he didn't take it too hard, I think he was just trying to cover up how he actually felt, and I understand that. I bet it's hard to recover after a rejection, but I wouldn't know. I've never conveyed my true feelings before. I've been waiting for the "right time". 


        "Soul, where are you?!" I yelled throughout the streets of the city. This would be so much faster if I were riding on his motorcycle or something. "Soul!" I continued to yell. Who even knows if I'll find him at this rate. 

        Where are you Soul...?

        (Soul's P.O.V.)

        "Maka's probably looking for me right now," I thought, "but I don't want her to find me. I don't want to see her face anymore." I didn't know what to do. If I went back to the house and saw Maka, things would be awkward. Yet, if I stay away, she'll definitely get suspicious. God, how could this day get any worse? Then, there was a shadow above me. I looked up to see who was standing over me.

        It was Kid

        "It's all your fault Soul." He muttered, but I could just hear it. "What? What's all my fault?" I thought. "What... Do.. You...?" I was interrupted by a kick that sent me flying back against the wall of the alleyway. The wind was knocked out of me, and I coughed up some blood onto my hand. "Patty, switch." Patty walked around the corner and changed into her gun form. "What's going on?" I wanted to move but my body felt weak. "K-Kid... What is..."

        "Shut up... Just SHUT UP!" He yelled, "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT THAT MAKA DOESN'T LOVE ME YOU BASTARD!" Shock flowed through my body. "Maka... rejected him?" 

"Kid, I didn't..."

"Shut the hell up!" He held the gun up to me. "Kid, I-I didn't know. I thought she said..."

"You thought she said what?!"

"I thought she said, like, 'yes' or something..."

"You know what, Soul...?" He lowered the gun. I began to limp over to him, "Kid, I-"

"She didn't say 'yes' because she," he held the gun up to my head, "loves you."

He pulled the trigger, and everything went white.

        (Maka's P.O.V.)

        I heard a gunshot. "Was that Kid?" I said to myself, and I decided to go check it out. I ran as fast as I could, and I finally arrived to an alleyway. I peered into the shady alley, and saw something. A... body...? I walked closer to inspect, and saw him.

"Soul...?" I walked closer to the body, and it was Soul. "Soul...? Soul, get up. Soul, c'mon. This really isn't funny!" He lied on the floor blood surrounding his head. My eyes began to water, and a tear fell on his pale, lifeless face.

"Soul... SOUL! NO!"
