Chapter: 9

  (Soul's P.O.V.)

"MAKA! I'M COMING! YOU'LL BE OKAY!" I yelled loudly, hopeful that Maka could hear my voice. In response was another yell of agony.

"The basement..." I thought, "She's in the basement!"

I sprinted again, and my brain felt like it was pounding against my skull. My legs felt like they were burning, and my vision felt fuzzy. "This is how this story is going to end... I'm going to save Maka whether she likes it or not... Because... That's what love is...!"

 (Maka's P.O.V.)


He was all I could think about at this moment

His white hair

His ruby-red eyes

His pointy teeth

His sharp yet sweet attitude

His ideas

His laugh

His smile

His charm

His love for me

And my love for him

All I can do now

Is cry...

 (Soul's P.O.V.)


Don't cry

I'll be there

You'll be fine

We'll be together

I love you just as I always have

You may love me as well

You and your pigtails

Your emerald-green eyes

Your beautiful smile

Your kind and optimistic personality

Your genius

Your laugh

Your shy face

All I can do now

Is save you...

(Both P.O.V.'s)

 This is the end... 


IMPORTANT-ISH (A/N) = Author's Note

SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER! The next chapter (Ch. 10) is, sadly, the last. Before this fanfic ends, I would just like to say once more: Thank you

I'm glad that my first fanfiction has turned out to be a somewhat success. There will be no authors note at the end of Ch. 10, but please feel free to leave your review of this fanfiction in the comments. Thank all so much again for reading, and I'll see you on the flip-side. Bye-bye!
