Had to Add Another Part (Liz x Kid)

AUTHORS NOTE: Holy crud I didn't even realize this fic has gotten 6K+ reads. That is incredible! It's not even good!

Anyway, since I have no idea whether or not I'm going to make a sequel, I'll just post a new part really quickly.


"Liz!" Kid shouted from the balcony of the DWMA, hoping to get her to look up. Liz sighed, not wanting to deal with him anymore, "Yes?" 

"Come up here right now! It's really important!" Liz rubbed her temples, "Why? What's so important?"

"Just come right now, damnit! It's extremely important!... Also, it's almost nine o'clock and then the time won't be symmetrical and then I might as well forget about this whole damn thing!" Liz's eyebrow twitched as she tried to bear with his stupidity. But then she thought...maybe Kid was doing something nice for her for a change!

"Come on! How am I ever supposed to surprise Maka if all of this stuff isn't ready!?"

... Well, that dream was short lived.

"Yeah, alright. Give me a minute." She slowly stood up from her comfortable position on the floor and walked into the main hall of the building. She trudged up the stairs slowly, hoping that it would just be nine already so they could go home. Two figures appeared at the top of the staircase, one in a wheelchair, and soon two faces she recognized appeared along with them. Soul and Maka.

"Yo," she stated, knowing that Kid was planning something for only Maka. Maka smiled at her, "Oh, hey, Liz!" Soul gave her a glare, "Hey."

"Uh, what's been...going on lately?"

"Nothing much," Maka replied happily, "just about to head home. Were you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to meet with--" she hesitated, almost saying Kid's name, which she knew would earn Soul's disapproval, "...a friend."

"Alright, well, see you soon!"

"Yeah," Soul added, "see you around."

"B-bye!" Liz stuttered, but she knew she got through that one safely. She checked the clock on the wall and it was... 9:01!? Time flew that fast!? She bolted down the hallway until she finally arrived at the clear, glass doors. She opened the door slightly in order to get an even better view of what Kid was planning.

A get well party...for Maka.

He sat alone, curled up with his head in his hands. He couldn't have been crying, but the sight of him alone like that almost made Liz want to cry instead.

"I guess I'm...too late, huh?" Kid looked up at her and shook his head slightly, "Don't worry about it. I was stupid to have thought this would've made up for anything I've done."

"Don't say that."

"Why? Because it's true?"

"Kid, it's okay. You tried to make up for your mistakes and--"

"My mistakes!? Liz, I shot Soul in his skull and ordered someone to hurt Maka for no good reason! And I thought for some stupid reason that I could make up for it with a party!? I'm as stupid as stupid gets!"


"It doesn't matter now." A crack could be heard in his voice, almost as if he was breaking. "She's happier with Soul than she could've ever been with me."

Liz walked over to him and slid down next to him, "It's not the end of the world, you know."

"It feels like the end of mine."

"Maybe," she swallowed, nervously thinking about what she wanted to say, "maybe I could help?"

Kid chuckled a bit, then smiled, "Maybe you could." He rested his head on her shoulder, and slowly nodded off into a light nap. Liz just sat, staring at the sky. Then, she gently turned toward him and pressed her lips softly against the top of his head.

"I'll fix it for you."
