Chapter: 8

 (Soul's P.O.V.)

Something wasn't right. I could feel it. I don't know if Maka is okay, and I have this empty feeling without her. Please, tell me she's okay.

 (Maka's P.O.V.)

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed and screamed my lungs out, and my breathing wasn't steady at all. "If I don't scream, I'll die. If I do scream, I'll die," I couldn't deal with this (hehe Crona reference). 

There was only one way that I could possibly live.

I can fight.

"Now hold still, Albarn. It'll stop hurting in a little bit, so why don't you just relax for the time being." The insane doctor held the drill up to me so I could "get a better look". I spat in his face, and from what I could tell, he didn't like that.

"You little BITCH!" He went to drill a hole in my hand, but I kicked the drill. He pulled out a scalpel, and cut my legs over and over. I cried out for Soul, for Stein, hell, FOR MY OWN FATHER. But nothing happened. My legs continued to bleed, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Soul... Soul..!

I took a deep breath...


I passed out.

Goodbye, Soul... I love you

 (Soul's P.O.V.)


I thought I heard a scream, and it made me shiver a bit.

 "W-Was that M-Maka?!"

No, it couldn't be. Why would Maka be screaming? She doesn't have a reason to... I don't think... It would be a good idea to investigate, though. I crossed my fingers, praying to Lord Death that she's alright.

I stood, but almost fell over. I felt nauseous, and standing seemed to be a problem. But... I can't worry about myself right now. Right now... Right now I have to focus on Maka. 


She was all I could think about while I was asleep, in pain, and even during death. And if she dies... No that's not going to happen! Not on my watch!

I started walking, each step becoming more of a challenge, but I persevered.

 "I'll do whatever it takes to see Maka's smile... At least... One... More... Time..."

I began to jog, which broke into a run, which broke into a sprint. I sprinted down each and every corridor, each one seeming never ending. I finally arrived at the elevators, out of breath. I pushed the lobby button, and waited, tapping my foot to keep me preoccupied. After what seemed like eternity, I reached the lobby, and continued to run. I sprinted past all the nurses, and then I realized how loud the scream became. There was no doubt...

That was Maka....


As you can see ladies and gentlemen, I'm running out of ideas! So, if this fanfic suddenly becomes crappy, it's because I can't think! I just wanted to let you guys know so that way you don't scream at me.

Sorry guys, and by the way, the fanfiction is almost over! So yeah! Enjoy every last bit of it, and I'll see you later!
