Chapter 5

Hey guys!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter and please remember to follow, vote, share, and comment!
- Carly

*Present day*

It's been a few days since I first saw Rick and it's still just as weird and upsetting seeing him like this. Carl had offered to donate blood to him the other day but his mother and I had to talk him out if it. I said I would but it turns out I have AB+ blood and that doesn't go with A+ blood so I couldn't.

I was sitting in the Grimes living room with Lori and Carl when Carl started complaining that he was hungry. "I'll go make you something." Lori said as she kissed his forehead. I flipped threw the channels until I saw one that caught my eye. "Carl, why don't you go see what you momma's cooking." I said, not taking my eyes off the screen. Carl agreed and walked into the kitchen.

I leaned closer to the television. "Reports of this odd behavior have been sighted all around Europe and the western side of the United States. The cause of the behavior is unknown but the symptoms include high fervor, hallucinations, vomiting, death like state, and cannibalism. The CDC has become aware of this rapidly spreading illness and it has been confirmed that they are researching and working on a cure." I quickly shut the TV off and stood up. "It's getting worse isn't it?" Lori asked from beside me and I jumped, not knowing she was there. I sighed and nodded and she looked down.

I grabbed my keys and looked over at Lori. "When is Shane getting back?" I asked and she shook her head. "Right now." Shane said as he emerged from the front door. I laughed and looked over at him. "I think I'm gonna take a ride around. You wanna come?" I asked but I widened my eyes slightly so he knew I wanted to talk but in private. He sighed and nodded.

We walked outside to his car and he started it up. "What did you wanna talk about?" he asked as we pulled out of the driveway. I smiled slightly, knowing he caught on and shifted. "I want to go buy a gun and some ammo. This stupid shit on the news is really starting to get bad and I want to be able to help you protect them if it comes over here." I said and he looked over.

He watched my for a minute and then nodded. "It's not like you don't know how to use it." Shane said and I smiled. I was 14 when Shane and Rick (mostly Shane) taught me how to use a gun. They were headed off to police academy and they both wanted me to be able to protect myself. He drove and drove for a while until we came to the nearest ammunition store. We walked in and I saw the line of guns in the glass containers. "Anything that stands out to you?" Shane asked and I looked around.

I looked in one of the cabinets and I saw a beautiful Glock 19. I pointed to that one and he smiled. "We got similar taste in guns young lady. Mine is the Glock 17." He said as he pulled it out. I smiled and I started to pull out my money. "Half off for the sheriff deputy." The man behind the counter said and I smiled. "Oh, sir, that's fine. I'll pay full price, it's for me, not him." I said and he smiled back. "I insist." The man said and I held back any complaints and just smiled. I picked out the Glock 19, a box filled with about 2,000 bullets, and a few extra magazines. I also grabbed a thigh holster and a silencer for my gun and a hunting knife. I figured since I'm going on a weapons spree, I might as well get a quality knife too.

We finished up at the gun store and we walked out. Shane carried all the stuff even though he was basically in charge of the little town so it's not like I was going to get arrested. Rick had a gun license for the house so I decided that I would keep a bag filled with all of my stuff on the hook just next to the front door, just incase we needed to get out quick. It was high enough so that Carl couldn't get into it but Carl was a smart kid so I know he wouldn't touch anything. I made Lori aware of what I had in the bag and even though she was uncomfortable, she accepted it.

We needed to be prepared.
