Chapter 21*

**Explicit (sexual) Content**

**Its a big part of the chapter just to let you know**

Hey guys!!!

So I was wondering if I should change the rating to rated R... I reread these last few chapters and I was like o.O .... Idk, lemme know in the comments what you think I should do....

Hope you enjoy this chapter and please remember to follow, vote, share, and comment!
- Carly

*17 years old*

I walked around Shane's house with a cup of water in my hand. With both of his parents gone, it was pretty noisy. Shane was 21 today and he decided to throw a party. I was invited but my parents said I'm not allowed to drink. I followed their rule so far but it's not like they would know anyways. They aren't even here.

Rick stumbled past me and tripped into the wall. I tried to steady him and ask if he was okay but he just laughed and walked away. I rolled my eyes and walked into the back yard because everyone was down in the basement or the living room. I sighed into my cup as I sipped my water and Shane stumbled out. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He had a bottle of whiskey in his hand and he kept gulping it down. I shook my head and was slightly scared he would throw up on me.

He sat down next to me and I took the whiskey from his hand. "Shane you should really slow down or you won't even remember this tomorrow." I said and he smiled and leaned on me. "That's the best part of these parties though." He slurred and took the bottle back and I rolled my eyes. He laughed and snuggled into my neck. He bit down on my ear and I slapped him lightly because it hurt.

He pulled back and looked at me. "What's in that cup?" He asked, eyeing the cup. "Water. I promised my parents I wouldn't drink." I said and Shane shook his head. "Goody two-shoes." He said and I rolled my eyes. "You do that a lot." He said and I looked at him. "What?" "Roll your eyes." he answered and I smiled. "That's because I'm always surrounded by you idiots." I said as I poked him and he smiled.

He took my cup from me and poured in out on the ground. I sighed as he poured some of the whiskey in my cup. "Here. Drink this." He said and I sighed. I took a smell and it smelled weird but good in a way. I look a small sip and it burned all the way down my throat. I curled my bottom lip in disgust and Shane laughed. "Take another sip. It gets better." He said and I sighed into the next sip.

It burned just as bad and I shook my head. "No, it really doesn't." Shane giggled and handed me the bottle. "Here. Take a swig from this." He said and I took a big gulp. It burned like hell but my head started to feel tingly.

I took another swig and I guess the burning doesn't stop. I kinda like it though. My arms and legs started to numb and I giggled. Shane smiled and took a swig from my bottle. After he was done I hugged it against my chest. Shane smiled mischievously and grabbed for the bottle. I pulled away but he grabbed again. I stood up but I couldn't feel my legs and I fell on my butt. I laughed and Shane started laughing too.

Shane crawled over and wrestled the bottle from my hand. He stood up slightly and pulled me up with him. He laughed as I reached for the bottle. He held it out and lured me towards inside. I grabbed the bottle and took another big swig and Shane took it back.

He held it out in front of him and started walking. I followed him and before I knew it we were in his room. I had been in here thousands of times but everything looked different. Shane sat down on the bed and I reached over him to get the bottle. I tripped and fell on top of him but I got the bottle. I sat up and I was kneeling over his waist and took a big swig. My head started to spin slightly and I giggled.


Shane leaned up and was now hovering over me. I took another swig and he took the bottle. "That's enough of that." He said and I started to complain but his lips met mine. I felt a spark of electricity when he leaned himself against me. I smiled as Shane's lips left mine and trailed down my chin. His lips warmed my neck and he giggled as his teeth grazed my neck. I moaned and arched against him as he sucked on my neck.

Shane pulled back and took his shirt off and reached into his drawer. He pulled out a square package that I realized was a condom. I sat up slightly and started to unbuckle his belt and pulled his pants down. He pulled his underwear off and I took in a breathe. Jesus Christ, that's big. I looked up at him and he could see the concern in my eyes. "Shane, I -- I've never done this. I want to but I -- Will it hurt?" I asked and he looked down at me. "It'll sting but it'll feel good after." He said and I nodded. He put the condom on and started to remove my shorts. He pulled my panties off and leaned down. I moaned as his tongue roamed my body and he finally leaned back down towards me.

He kissed me deeply and pulled back. He pressed his forehead against mine and I took in a breathe. It stung like hell but I made point not to scream. Shane stopped and looked at me and I nodded for him to continue.

He pushed into me and started moaning. I wrapped my legs around his back and he leaned down and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around him and I moaned as he pushed into me again harder. He started going faster and I dug my nails into his back. It started to feel really good and I could feel my climax coming. I pushed into him as I rode out my high and he grunted in return. After I rode it out, we kept going for Shane and he finally hit his high.

He pulled out and flopped down next to me. I caught my breathe and started laughing. I stood up and got dressed and laid back down. Shane "cleaned up" and put his pants back on. He kept his shirt off and he came back to lay with me. I picked up the bottle and took a swig and put it back down.

(**End Explicit**)

He laid down next to me and pulled my into his arms as I feel asleep.
