Chapter 36*

Hey guys....

So I'm really sorry I haven't been on. I found out a few days ago that my parents are separating and it's been tough. I haven't really been thinking about wattpad but I thought of it today so I might as well update!

Btw, this is kinda short so your forewarned! Haha.

Alright, hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Please remember to vote, follow, comment, and share!!


*21 years old*

I herd my phone ring and I turned and picked it up. "Hello?" I asked and I heard a giggle. "Hey Nat!" I heard my brother say and I could hear the smile on his face. "Hey Rick!" I said. "Hey, are you free this weekend?" He said and I looked at my calendar. "Umm, yea. Why? What's up?" I asked and I heard a giggle again. "Rick?" I said again and he laughed. "We booked a flight for you to come home for the weekend. I know it's stupid but it'll be good for you to come home for a day or two." He said and I smiled. "Ummm, well, I guess I can fit that into my schedule." I said jokingly and he laughed. "Alright, your flight leaves in three hours. Get your crap and head on down to the airport." Rick said.

I laughed and looked at my watch. I grabbed a duffle bag and threw some clothes in and zipped it up. "Thanks for the heads up Rick." I said and he laughed. "Your welcome. Hurry up if you wanna catch that plane. I'll see you in a few hours!" He said and he hung up. I looked at my phone for a minute and shook my head. I finished up packing and headed out. I ate something really quick at the airport and got on my flight.


*Jump two hours*

I grabbed my bag from the overhead compartment and started off the plane. I saw Rick and Shane at the entrance and I smiled. They saw me and we all ran toward each other. We all collided and I laughed as they both picked my up. We got in the car and drove back to kings county. I smiled as we pulled up to Rick's new house. It wasn't too big but not too small either.

Shane grabbed my bag and I followed Rick inside. I saw Lori standing in the kitchen and I quickly sneaked over and wrapped my hands around her waist. She jumped and I pulled back suddenly. She turned and I saw she had a bump where her stomach should be. I gasped loudly and turned back to Rick. He was smiling and I turned and gave him a hug. I gave Lori another hug and we started talking. Lori was pregnant! She said it's been a few months since she found out and she wanted to find out the sex before they told me.

I looked at her and waited. She smiled and bit her lip. "It's a boy!" She said loudly and I screamed in delight. I held her tight and everyone laughed. "Any names picked out for my nephew?" I asked and Lori shook her head. "Not yet. But we do know one thing for sure." She said and I looked at her with my eyebrows knitted together. "We want you to be the godmother!" She said and I gasped and squealed again. "Of course!" I said and Rick pulled my in for a hug. We all hugged and I couldn't stop smiling.

I was gonna be an aunt!
