Chapter 20

***Explicit (sexual) Content**

Hey guys!!!

AHH! 20 chapters already! haha!

Hope you enjoy this chapter and please remember to follow, vote, share, and comment!
- Carly

*Present Day*

I walked through the woods. I was going to gather some fruits or vegetables or anything we could eat. I heard a branch break and I stood in place. I pulled my knife out and found some tomatoes and started picking them. Leaves were rustling again and I stopped and looked around. Birds were flying away and my heart started beating fast. I put the bucket down and stood up. I looked around and judged where the sound was coming from. Another branch broke behind me and I turned, only to have a hand cover my mouth. I struggled with the person until I was on the ground looking up.


I saw it was Shane and I sighed. I started hitting him until he got off of me. "You scared the shit out of me, asshole." I said and he smiled. "That's what you get." He said and he leaned down and kissed me. He deepened the kiss and I arched up against him. He pulled us up until I was leaning over his lap. "How much time we have?" He asked between kisses and I pulled back. "Just enough." I said happily and I started unbuckling his belt. He pulled his shirt off and I smiled to see he was already pretty excited.

He pulled back and I leaned down. He pulled my shirt up and ran his tongue all down my stomach. He unbuttoned my shorts and my back arched. He slowed down to look at me and I looked up at him to see why he stopped.

I could see he was questioning wether or not I wanted it so I leaned forward and pulled him down. Our lips met and I moaned into the kiss when I felt him enter me.

(**End Explicit**)


I dropped all the sticks in the pile and brushed my hands off. Amy was pacing around the RV, probably worried sick about her sister. I was worried about Glenn and all if them but not as much as Amy was. I glanced over at Shane and saw he was reaching Carl a twelve hitch knot. I smiled and he got it wrong and had to start over.

"Hello base camp. Can anybody out there here me?" I heard the cb say and it sounded like T. I looked over and saw everyone starting to run over. "Base-camp. This is T-dog. Anybody out there here me?" He said again and I watched as Dale started talking. "Hello? Hello? Receptions bad on this thing. Repeat. Repeat." he said and T asked if it was Shane. "W-,re -n som- d--p s-it. We'-e t--ped in t-e dep-rt-ent -st--e. Th-r- a-- g-ek- -very-here." The cb uttered but it was really staticky. "He said their trapped." Shane said and I frowned.

I looked around at everyone's sad faces. "He said the department store. We could --" I started but Shane interrupted. "We can't risk the rest of the group. You know that." He said and I clenched my jaw. "So we're just gonna leave her there. She volunteered to go, to help the rest of us." Amy said sadly. "She knew the risks, right? So, she's trapped, she's gone. So we just have to deal with that." Shane said and I knew she was gonna blow. "She's my sister, you son-of-a-bitch." She said and she stormed off. Lori went after her and I walked over to Shane. I rubbed his back slightly and he pulled me into a slight hug.

Carl stood as he watched his mom and I let go of Shane and walked over to him. I put my arm around him and pulled him into me. He wrapped his little arms around me and I smiled. I let him go and he trailed off after his mom. I looked back at Shane and he was looking at me. I tilted my head towards my tent and waited for him to catch on. He nodded slightly and I set off towards my tent.

I walked in and waited for him. I heard his boots crunching and my tent opened. I turned to face him and he was already looking down. I could see the guilt in his eyes. "Hey, you did the right thing. I don't like it and I know you don't either but it'll keep this group safe and that's what really matters." I said and he nodded. I smiled up at him and he moved closer. I didn't really feel like kissing but I'll humor him.


His lips connected with mine and he started to push me down on the mattress. I wrapped my leg around him as he pressed against me. I felt how excited he was and I forgot what I was doing. I unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers. He pulled off my shorts and I tried to keep quiet as his tongue ran between my thighs. I bit my lip hard to try to contain my moans as he entered me. He pushed ruggedly into me and pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into me again. He kept this up until I felt like I could scream.

I reached my high and shortly after, he reached his. He emptied himself in me and fell flush against me. We both caught our breathe and got dressed again. I fixed his hair and laughed slightly because it was sticking up in one section.

(**End Explicit**)

Shane walked out of my tent and I stayed back to keep reading. Besides, if I even glanced at Shane my face would turn bright red. I ended up finishing my book so I walked back outside.
