Chapter 10*

Hey guys!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter and please remember to follow, vote, share, and comment!

- Carly


*12 years old*

"Mom, I'm going to the carnival with Bianca and Sammi! I'll be back later on tonight." I yelled from the front door. I heard her call from upstairs. "Okay sweetie. Be careful. Be home by 11." She said and I nodded. I turned to walk out to door, only to walk into a body. I looked up and saw I walked into Shane. "Excuse me." I said as I passed him smiling. "Where ya going?" He asked. "I'm meeting some friends at the carnival." I answered and he nodded. "Boys?" He asked and I just laughed. I walked away and towards Bianca's house. Shane always acted like another big brother.

I picked up Bianca and Sammi and we headed towards the carnival. "Oh, dear God, please tell me these beautiful ladies are going to the carnival." I heard from behind me. We all turned to see that the boy talking to us was the jerk of our grade, Logan, and his two sidekicks, Mitchell and Blake. I rolled my eyes and Logan walked over and touched my cheek but I slapped his hand. "Now, that wasn't very nice." He said and I rolled my eyes.

Blake smiled and Logan gave me a dirty look. Logan walked over to Sammi and started flirting with her and she just fluttered her eyelashes and I knew she was interested, falling right into his trap. He does that to all the girls because everyone thinks he's "attractive". You can tell I don't and I'm like the only girl in school who doesn't. Mitchell started talking to Bianca and I stood behind them. Blake was the other outsider so he walked over and stood next to me.

We finally made it to the carnival and we bought a bunch of tickets. We started playing the games and Blake ended up winning the water gun game and he ended up winning a big stuffed bear. Sammi, Mitchell, Bianca, and Logan ended up going on a ride that Blake and I didn't want to go on so we waited for them to get done.

Blake held the animal and he handed it over to me. I looked over at him and he smiled. "For me?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled and thanked him and I glanced at one of the games and I swear I saw my brother and Shane. I narrowed my eyes but they disappeared. I shook my head. I hung out with them way too much.

Blake was smiling at me when I looked back and I smiled. "Who'd you see?" he asked and I laughed. "I just, I thought I saw my brother and his best friend. I'm probably just hanging out with them too much." I said and he laughed. "Wanna ride the Ferris wheel?" He asked and I smiled and nodded. We stood in line and waited and I watched as my friends and his got off the ride and started looking for us. Blake put his hand on my arm and we both smiled and ducked as they passed us. We were finally getting on the ride and the man running it pulled the bar over our laps.

Blake smiled as we started to go up and we stopped a few times on the way up to the top. We finally stopped and we were at the very top. I smiled awkwardly towards Blake and I felt a hand on my knee. I looked down and back up at him and my heart fluttered. He started to lean in and I panicked slightly. I had never had my first kiss. I leaned in and my stomach filled with butterflies when I felt his lips against mine.

We started moving soon after and we separated. I glanced over at him and his cheeks were bright red. I smiled but I knew mine were just as red, maybe worse. We finally got off the ride and Blake looked at his watch as sighed. "I have to go. My curfew is in ten minutes and it gonna take a while to find the guys so I guess I'll see you at school." He said and I smiled and nodded. He leaned over and kissed my cheek and I felt my face get hot. He walked away and it took me a minute to let it all sink in. I just had my first kiss on top of the Ferris wheel with Blake Harris with a big stuffed bear next to me. I smiled and turned to start walking home.

I turned around to see Rick and Shane watching me with their arms crossed. Crap.
