
"shut up, greta,"
i scoffed,
rolling my eyes to flash the eyelashes excessed with mascara.
her tired and pale hands shook as she handed me the binders that were previously on the ground.
i hurried to grab them from her hands,
and suddenly felt my heart tugging with guilt.
i wish i could apologize to her.
but how could i?
i was y/n l/n.
a cold hearted bitch who was born without a soul.
and that's how i'm meant to play.
"you're dismissed."
i waved the girls off,
the heels of my shoes echoing throughout the halls as i found my next class.
as i grew closer to the classroom door,
i felt the guilt solidifying within my gut again.
guilt for all the hurt i've caused to my peers.
but i pushed through these seconds thoughts and opened the classroom door,
acting as though i didn't notice everyone shying away from my gaze.
except for stanley uris.
stanley's eyes locked with mine for a quick second,
and a sudden rush of warmth flooded through me.
he gave me a small smile and i suddenly couldn't fight this surge of nerves within me.
so i took my seat right next to him.
stanley uris.
my crush of three years.
how could this go wrong?
