
vehemence washed over me the longer stanley's soft, tender lips remained to mine.
his taste was nearly intoxicating,
and i knew i'd go through hell and back for this moment here.
he was careful with me,
but allowed enough angst to show through this kiss that i nearly fainted.
his hands braided through my hair and what was once an innocent little kiss,
turned into one of pure ecstasy.
fervor hummed in our veins,
and i felt the bliss swell within me.
this is love.
stanley slowly pulled himself away from me but laid his forehead to mine,
and let his eyes bare down into my soul.
"oh my god,"
we chorused as one with enraptured smiles.
my lips tingled from his lingering taste,
"can i admit something?"
he asked abruptly with a nervous look,
indicating as though he was anticipating something.
"of course. anything."
"look. i know-i know this might not be the best time to say this. considering your dad, and everything we've been through cause we haven't talked about it but i-"
"stan, just say it, love."
"okay, okay. i can't lie anymore, y/n. i love you. like, i'm in love with you and have been for the longest time. i was beginning to think it was a lost cause. but this perfect. you're so perfect."
the smile against my lips hadn't faded in the slightest,
it only widened.
"i love you with every beat of my heart, stanley uris."
he kissed the tip of my nose then pulled me into his
where we hurried to his bedroom.
when his door closed behind him,
he wrapped an arm around my waist and laid our bodies to the bed.
the springs squeaked beneath our weight,
colliding with the sounds of our laughter.
stanley laid himself between my legs rather innocently,
and hovered over me.
i let my fingers play with the curl against his forehead as he spoke,
"i know it's been hell, but i want you. i want us."
"so do i. i'm sorry for all of it. and i won't happen again."
"i'm sorry, too."
he lowered himself to lay another kiss to my lips,
and i felt my limbs run numb from his addicting taste.
i had found a new vice.
"you're perfect for me, y/n. your lips were meant to kiss mine, your hands were sculpted to hold mine, and your soul was created to find mine. your soft heart will forever be safe with me."

stanley uris and i had been through hell and back for one another.
but i knew all the hurt, pain, and frustration was worth it for this moment here.
where we could lay together as one,
and let this love fuel our every move.
two soft hearts had found their way to one another,
and there was no greater feeling.
happiness in its truest form laid before me;
stanley uris.
