Part 23 - Wedding Day


Today is the big day. Today, me and Hero are getting married. Everything is good now. Liam was discharged from hospital and I stay in bed as much as I could. Our families were there to help us and I didn't felt pressed about anything. My love, Danny was so understanding with me and he stayed with me a lot in the last days. I was so wrong about everything... Everything will be fine. I will stay on bed rest and I will give birth to a healthy baby in a few weeks and the people around me will help me with everything.

But today... Today I'm going to take a break from bed rest because I'm getting married. We respected a tradition: I'm getting ready at my place, with my family, while Hero is getting ready at his place with his family and we're going to meet later, when he comes after me.

I'm glad I hired a wedding planner because she helped me with everything, including with bringing the hairstylist and make-up artist at my house, to get us ready.

I'm actually savoring my coffee with my mom, sister and Mia, while dad is playing with Danny.

Kath: "And, are you excited to get married again?"

Jo: "Yeah. I feel like Hero is the one." I smile and I take a sip of my coffee. "We will be a happy family."

Elizabeth: "He's a good man and I can see he's taking care of you and Danny."

Jo: "And I love him, more than anything." I say and I see a notification on my phone. I take it and I open it to see a message from my future husband: Good morning, love. Or I should say wife? I can't wait to see you. Love, your husband. Ah, he's so cute.

Kath: "What?"

Jo: "He sent me a text." I smile and I lock my phone. I don't want to share these with anyone else.

Elizabeth: "Love..."

Mia: "I think the hairstylist and the make-up artist arrived. I'm going to open the door."

As Mia said, the make-up artist and the hairstylist arrived and they started to do their work on me. While I was getting ready, I got a few texts from the wedding organizer who where at the wedding venue and she sent some pictures with the décor and everything is as I dreamed. After I'm done with my make-up and hair I take Danny from dad, to let him rest for a while.

"You are beautiful mummy."

"Thank you, love." I smile and I hug him. And he's really careful to not mess up my make-up or hair. "You know what you have to do, right?"

"Yes! I will take the rings from daddy and I will walk carefully to not drop them."

"What a god boy."

"How's the baby?" He puts his little arms on my belly and he giggles as he feels the baby's kicks. "He kicked."

"Yes." I laugh.

Around 1pm, everyone was ready, so the girls helped me to put on my dress. Meanwhile, some guests arrived and Hero will arrive soon too. While mom and Kath helps me with the dress, I am a little bit nervous. I bought my dress two weeks ago and I don't know if it still fits. But let's hope for the best.

Kath: "And... it fits." She says as she zips the dress and I breath in relief.

Jo: "I thought it won't fit. I felt like I gained some weight since I'm on bed rest."

Elizabeth: "You look good, darling." She looks at me in the mirror. "You are gorgeous and Hero is lucky with a woman like you."

Jo: "I know." I smile. "I can't wait to see him."

Mia: "May I come in?"

Kath: "Sure!"

Mia: "Oh my! You are gorgeous, Jo!"

Jo: "Thank you."

Mia: "I brought someone with me." Martha and Mercy, dressed nicely, comes in the room.

Mercy: "Oh! You are splendid, Jo! And the baby bump!" She comes to me and she hugs me.

Martha: "Mercy's words are enough." She laughs and she also hugs me. "How are you darling?"

Jo: "I'm good. Happy."

Martha: "I can see the happiness on your face. Are you ready to meet Hero? He's really impatient downstairs."

Jo: "Yeah." I giggle and one by one, we get out of my bedroom, walking down the stair. At the base of them, my future husband is waiting for me in his beautiful suit. He's so handsome. I'm falling in love with him over and over again.

"Oh, wow." He says when I'm next to him. "You look amazing, babe."

"Thank you, you look handsome too." I smile and he takes my hand. "Let's do this."

"Let's do this."


"Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, and most importantly, the loving couple before us today, welcome to this joyous occasion. We have gathered here to witness and celebrate the union of two souls, Josephine and Hero, in holy matrimony. Today is a day of love, commitment, and the merging of two beautiful journeys into one. Marriage is a sacred bond, a covenant built on the foundations of trust, respect, and unwavering support. It is a promise to embark on a shared path, embracing each other's strengths and weaknesses, and growing together as individuals and as a couple. Today, we bear witness to the beginning of a remarkable chapter in Josephine and Hero's lives. Love is a beautiful gift, and it requires nurturing, patience, and an open heart. It is a force that can conquer all obstacles and bring light to the darkest of days. It is a gentle touch, a comforting word, and a warm embrace. It is the laughter that fills a room and the tears shed during times of vulnerability. Love is not always easy, but it is always worth it." Everyone claps their hands and I quickly wipe away my tear. "Hero, do you take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." He takes the wedding ring from Danny and I gently give him my left hand. He places the ring on my finger and we both smile to each other.

"Josephine, do you take this man to be your husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I also take the ring and I put it on Hero's finger.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to present to you, for the very first time, as a married couple, Josephine and Hero. May your love shine bright, and your hearts be forever entwined. You may kiss the bride. Congratulations!"

He says and we move closer to each other, having our first kiss as husband and wife. It finally happened and I won't ever let him go away from me. We're going to have our happy ending and we will be happy until the death do us apart. 
